Monkey King Anabolic

Yeah she would have been pissed if she knew I was posting it.

I think he should have just stuck to selling raws and international finished if he was deciding to live full time in China. When you have to outsource work to others there is always room for error. Which we have seen from his domestic time and time again. I'm considering opening a domestic line of finished products once I return back to the states in a couple of months to live full time again.

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So you've kinda contradicted yourself. You're saying his domestic fucked up because he is living in China. Won't you China fuck up since you'll be here selling oil? Same thought process. Not trying to beat you up, just pointing out the contradiction .
I see you carry primo prop. Never seen this before. Can this be brewed into an injectable @MonkeyKingAnabolic
Yes you can

So you've kinda contradicted yourself. You're saying his domestic fucked up because he is living in China. Won't you China fuck up since you'll be here selling oil? Same thought process. Not trying to beat you up, just pointing out the contradiction .
Only difference is the fact that my family here is the one running my warehouse. It won’t be a random person(s) 8000 Miles away I’ve never met before. I fully trust my family here to run the warehouse efficiently. And it’s legal here to sell the raws. So if I need to hire a new employee I can hire another family member who will take pride in what they are doing instead of a random person I met on the internet.
@MonkeyKingAnabolic, why are you not replying to members who want to see your physique in your intro thread?
Because he can't sell us his physique just his raws so he doesn't give a fuck. I bet he's gonna have one of his boys with a decent physique post up some shit. But I bet there's no way he's doing anything that special on his fucking bostin lloyd super cycle. Because I've never heard of any Asian American ifbb he's an amatuer. Running a fucking gram of trest and like a gram of everything and all the orals and HGH. I think he was just flexing on us he's got that kinda gear to shoot himself with. maybe that BS was a marketing ploy. I mean fuck he knows the deal how this forum works. He knew exactly how to do his new source intro. Yet he still acted like he didn't know sources don't post new member posts like that. Cause he's not a member. He's a source. Okay rant over.

*Cliff notes

*Monkey king looks like shit.

*Monkey king is full of shit.
@MonkeyKingAnabolic, why are you not replying to members who want to see your physique in your intro thread?

I’ll show you my Ballsack if you buy some Raws? Lmfao, who gives a fuck about anyone’s physique? Where do y’all come up with some of this fucking Gay ass shit? Newbie Source proves his worth by sending pics of his naked ass to Meso Gay boys. He has to be a Solid Source, how the fuck could his integrity be questioned? LMFAO. Fucking Homos.
I’ll show you my Ballsack if you buy some Raws? Lmfao, who gives a fuck about anyone’s physique? Where do y’all come up with some of this fucking Gay ass shit? Newbie Source proves his worth by sending pics of his naked ass to Meso Gay boys. He has to be a Solid Source, how the fuck could his integrity be questioned? LMFAO. Fucking Homos.

Are you him? Fuck you. He said he's running 10 grams of gear so I wanna see that shit. And again one more time @Gaynz39 FUCK YOU!!!!!!!
I’ll show you my Ballsack if you buy some Raws? Lmfao, who gives a fuck about anyone’s physique? Where do y’all come up with some of this fucking Gay ass shit? Newbie Source proves his worth by sending pics of his naked ass to Meso Gay boys. He has to be a Solid Source, how the fuck could his integrity be questioned? LMFAO. Fucking Homos.
Calm down batty bwoy. Get back in that thread where you were talking about swallowing loads of cum. The grown ups are talking.
Calm down batty bwoy. Get back in that thread where you were talking about swallowing loads of cum. The grown ups are talking.
Calm down batty bwoy. Get back in that thread where you were talking about swallowing loads of cum. The grown ups are talking.

Plus it's like 10 fucking Grams of his own gear!!! Imagine how bad it would be for his marketing if he looks like shit while taking 10 fucking Grams of his own gear!!!! Lol
Lmfao, GAY AS FUCK!!! Fuck this Shithole of a Source. Buy some of those 24K gold vials also. LMFAO. GAYYYYYY
Shut the fuck up! I wanna see his physique he's running 10 Grams of shit !!! It's his own shit!!!! He better look good @Gaynz39 you trying to cause a distraction because you're probably him. One more time FUCK YOU!!!!

I’m on 10grams of my own Bathtub Brew, wanna see my Ragging Vieny Boner? You wormy fucks are Hilarious
You sound gay AF. I wonder why everybody here calls you gay? You still PMing sources for free gear since you got your ass scammed at BOP? LMAO. You're a joke dude. Gtfo Meso.

Lmfao. Those comments are a direct reflection of how you 2 Fags are posting up on here. Done got my free gear bro. Just landed yesterday. Thanks for asking thou. Are you done with the scamming shit yet, I have yet to be scammed. Keep begging for Dick Pics here, I’ll start sending you some!!!
Lmfao. Those comments are a direct reflection of how you 2 Fags are posting up on here. Done got my free gear bro. Just landed yesterday. Thanks for asking thou. Are you done with the scamming shit yet, I have yet to be scammed. Keep begging for Dick Pics here, I’ll start sending you some!!!
I'm sure everyone reading this will be glad to know you are soliciting sources for free gear.
I'm sure everyone reading this will be glad to know you are soliciting sources for free gear.

Lmfao. It’s already been stated there was a mutual agreement KID. You will never get anywhere with me. There is no free Gear, your a fucking Teenager that don’t know fuck all.