Monsterlabstore (international stealth shipping)

Studies say otherwise. According to several studies, sublingual administration of testosterone does have a 70% bioavailability with a peak at 15 minutes after administration and a return to baseline after 150 minutes. If due to continous administration of sublingual testosterone your baseline testosterone levels are close to not existing, you will very likely walk around with no testosterone 95% of the day when testosterone is taken sublingual twice per day.

Just my theory.

not only your theory but science :-D
ive used testotop (same as androgel) at the start of my trt (doc supervised) and it has the same disadvantage just not as strong. Even with 2 daily applications you get strong up and downs.
Thanks for the input and good read. I can agree that sublinguals, lotions, gels, and sprays are not as precise as injecting but they're a nice option for people doing trt. I personally have used the spray in the past and had good results although after months of it I started to see diminishing returns, mainly because I have sensitive skin and I believe my skin started getting a tolerance to it. However, I also know people that have used it for years and are happy with the results. Peoples bodies react different to these types of products so its best to go slow and find a method you're comfortable with.

I also feel its good to have many options for trt. People doing a low dose trt or even a standard dose of trt can try different methods and find something that works for them.

There also seems to be cultural or regional popularity of these products. Europeans, especially the Scandinavian countries, along with Australians use these products far more than North Americans so there may be some type of regional bias on it.
I got some a few weeks back.
Taking 400mg a day for a week now.

It seems to be legit DNP as it's made me sweaty and breathless and has stained a lot of things yellow.

How much do you weigh that you take 400mg a day? How long are you one it? How much weight have you actually lost?

Since you don't have any lab reports, do you have any progress pics?
We just received 4 new lab results back from Janoshik. The products we tested are listed below. We're being as transparent as possible and we'll be testing more products in the near future. Providing clear and trusted lab results is important to us so the consumer can make decisions that are best for them.

- Liquid DNP
- Testosterone Spray
- Trestolone Acetate
- Primobolan
Monsterlab Steroids Dnp 150 50mgml Lab Test-1000x1000h.png
Monsterlab Steroids Primobolan 200-1000x1000h.png
Monsterlab Steroids Testosterone spray 100-1000x1000h.png
Monsterlab Steroids Trestolone acetate 50-1000x1000h.png
How much do you weigh that you take 400mg a day? How long are you one it? How much weight have you actually lost?

Since you don't have any lab reports, do you have any progress pics?

I started with 100mg for first three days, then increased 100 every 3 days, peaking at 400 which I've been doing for 6 days.

Weight is down from 90 to 86.5 kilos without any change in diet. I don't take progress pics as I have too much BDD.

No lab test so I can't say about the dosage but it definitely has the effects you expect from DNP.
I like the effort Liska. I figured we would get some criticisms and I'm here to listen and respond but you went straight to dank memes. You kinda caught me off guard. Well played.
Remember when we asked you to labtest the potentially harmful/difficult to dose products like DNP, Clen, T3, Caber, IGF-1, Letro etc. over three months ago on the very first page of this thread and one of your responses was:
Monsterlabstore said:
We've been selling Monsterlab products for almost a decade and have full confidence in the quality of their lab.
I get the juxtaposition of business interests and harm reduction but here on Meso you can actually increase your profits by 'investing' into harm reduction, as each labtested product will quickly sell the extra 2-3 units required to make back that investment, and in your case you can show these results to the manufacturer and they can adjust recipes for future batches and save a lot of money/raws by not accidentally overdosing various products so much. Getting your entire lineup labtested is genuinely a win for everyone involved.
I started with 100mg for first three days, then increased 100 every 3 days, peaking at 400 which I've been doing for 6 days.

Weight is down from 90 to 86.5 kilos without any change in diet. I don't take progress pics as I have too much BDD.

No lab test so I can't say about the dosage but it definitely has the effects you expect from DNP.
We had it tested and the results are above in this thread. It's 172 mg/ml
Remember when we asked you to labtest the potentially harmful/difficult to dose products like DNP, Clen, T3, Caber, IGF-1, Letro etc. over three months ago on the very first page of this thread and one of your responses was:

I get the juxtaposition of business interests and harm reduction but here on Meso you can actually increase your profits by 'investing' into harm reduction, as each labtested product will quickly sell the extra 2-3 units required to make back that investment, and in your case you can show these results to the manufacturer and they can adjust recipes for future batches and save a lot of money/raws by not accidentally overdosing various products so much. Getting your entire lineup labtested is genuinely a win for everyone involved.
Yeah, thanks for the input and good points. I understand your concerns and they are legit criticisms. We are in contact with the manufacturer about current batches and will be sending Janoshik more products for testing. I won't rehash some of back and forth we've had before but I can say we're proactive in providing better services and products.
I was using the 100mg capsules rather than the liquid but I'm happy with the results so far.
Thanks for the order and review. We'll be sending the caps in for testing in the near future. I imagine it's overdosed too but considering you're doing 400mg a day with no complications then maybe not.
We had it tested and the results are above in this thread. It's 172 mg/ml

Would you mind helping me with the math here? If the product is 172 instead of 100, doesn't that mean that someone who thought that he was taking 300 was actually taking 516? Almost the double dose.
Would you mind helping me with the math here? If the product is 172 instead of 100, doesn't that mean that someone who thought that he was taking 300 was actually taking 516? Almost the double dose.
Yeah the math is right, it's overdosed by a lot. We'll be changing how we label it to reflect the dosage. We've been in contact with the brewer to dial the dose down on the next batch. We understand the health concerns around DNP and strive to have full transparency on these types of products.
Thanks for the order and review. We'll be sending the caps in for testing in the near future. I imagine it's overdosed too but considering you're doing 400mg a day with no complications then maybe not.

I don't think it's underdosed, more that I have a fast drug metabolism. Will be cool to see how the caps compare to the liquid though.

Anyone taking DNP should really understand it's extremely lethal and people's drug metabolism is extremely variable. The 400mg that is a mild dose for me might kill someone else. Titrating up should be a mandatory part of any DNP protocol every time you open a new package.

By the way, can you disclose the solvent used in the liquid or is that trade secret?
Just want to drop a note here that I received my DNP order to the US after about 5 weeks. I ordered caps and they all came melted together/busted open. From the few capsules I could salvage they did pass the burn test. I think I might have gotten unlucky with the shipping during a heatwave. Sent you a message Monsterlabstore, would love to try the liquid instead!