Monsterlabstore (international stealth shipping)

I can be a test puppy for this source just waiting until i get my paycheck. I could test the dnp and synthol (friend is interested in that so might let him test it first lol)
I'm not interested in the basic AAS as i have enough for a long time/other sources i trust.
You've been selling Monsterlabs products for almost decade and have never gotten around to testing these particular products infamous for being faked/underdosed/misdosed ever? That should be the basis for your labtesting, not whether they sell well as a prerequisite for sending them for testing (they would sell much better accompanied by test results by the way).

Since I understand you're not the lab itself and thus may not have full insight into the production, do they have testing you can show us/that your confidence is based on? Considering the cost of labtesting everything even on that giant list is still less than 1% of profits for any given batch, I just don't get it. Sorry for coming off as harsh but hopefully you can understand my confusion.
You're not coming off as harsh. These are valid questions and concerns. Our confidence comes from years of selling and using their products. The lab tests we ran on other products is evidence of this. We understand the more tests the better and will continue to add more as time goes on. Customer satisfaction is our #1 goal and have never had any quality control issues. If a customer feels the quality of the product is bad and can provide testing that shows it then we will give a full refund along with the cost of testing. We stand by all our products.
Someone try the synthol and report back. I would like to try some on my calves. They are portioned to my size very easy but I want to have some softball calves thru the summer times. You dont have big calves your missing your best muscle
I can be a test puppy for this source just waiting until i get my paycheck. I could test the dnp and synthol (friend is interested in that so might let him test it first lol)
I'm not interested in the basic AAS as i have enough for a long time/other sources i trust.
Don't fool with liquid dnp. One source who closed shop here switched from caps to liquid, and none of the members were happy with liquid.
Don't fool with liquid dnp. One source who closed shop here switched from caps to liquid, and none of the members were happy with liquid.
EU wankers are practically begging for DNP and this guy came here with liquid instead of caps?

Who was responsible for that business decision lmao
Does Phil know you're using his image to sell your gear? i'll shoot him a message on IG. i'm sure he won't mind not getting paid from you prostituting his image for personal gain.
Someone try the synthol and report back. I would like to try some on my calves. They are portioned to my size very easy but I want to have some softball calves thru the summer times. You dont have big calves your missing your best muscle

If you're game with pinning calves, why not use MCT-based AAS and use calves as your primary injection site?
If you're game with pinning calves, why not use MCT-based AAS and use calves as your primary injection site?
Curious on why MCT oils ? I haven't tried them before. GSO seems to be very easy for me so I stuck with it. What properties does MCT have at injection site that would be more beneficial ?
Curious on why MCT oils ? I haven't tried them before. GSO seems to be very easy for me so I stuck with it. What properties does MCT have at injection site that would be more beneficial ?

Synthol is an MCT-based injection. Other oils may work, but synthol is MCTs. Why not kill two birds w/ one stone and get your AAS in there, too. Fewer injections.
There are pictures of Phil Heath on your products. Have you got the authorization of Heath?

Beat you to it.

Does Phil know you're using his image to sell your gear? i'll shoot him a message on IG. i'm sure he won't mind not getting paid from you prostituting his image for personal gain.

While labels don't really mean shit, i personally don't want Phil staring me in the face upside-down when i'm drawing from a vial.

Wait! Remember those pens with the women on them that "undressed" when you turned the pen upside-down?

If this guy puts that on his labels i'll place the first order!
Beat you to it.

While labels don't really mean shit, i personally don't want Phil staring me in the face upside-down when i'm drawing from a vial.

Wait! Remember those pens with the women on them that "undressed" when you turned the pen upside-down?

If this guy puts that on his labels i'll place the first order!
I loved those pens. Fuck man. Memories.
100IU kit of GH for 200usd? Seems kinda pricey. There's sources here selling 120-150IU for less. And those are also lab tested. Is this US or EU domestic then? For International this is nowhere near competitive.
You're not coming off as harsh. These are valid questions and concerns. Our confidence comes from years of selling and using their products. The lab tests we ran on other products is evidence of this. We understand the more tests the better and will continue to add more as time goes on. Customer satisfaction is our #1 goal and have never had any quality control issues. If a customer feels the quality of the product is bad and can provide testing that shows it then we will give a full refund along with the cost of testing. We stand by all our products.

Bro, don't take that member seriously.

He/She is a source on here and also a kitchen chemist brewing up a small line of amateur UGL products, but he/she thinks he/she has "god like" status on here and keeps posting on other sources threads and challenging them/questioning them coz he/she thinks he/she is someone special on Meso.

The fool can't keep his/her mouth shut and mind his/her own business.
Very scared of competition and other sources....
Bro, don't take that member seriously.

He/She is a source on here and also a kitchen chemist brewing up a small line of amateur UGL products, but he/she thinks he/she has "god like" status on here and keeps posting on other sources threads and challenging them/questioning them coz he/she thinks he/she is someone special on Meso.

The fool can't keep his/her mouth shut and mind his/her own business.
Very scared of competition and other sources....
Have you awoken on your cardboard bed drenched in your own piss after a night of smack once again, little doggo? The only reason you're not banned on Meso is because posting lies and slander is not against the rules, as you sure are banned on all other boards where the trash is taken out on a regular basis.
Bro, don't take that member seriously.

He/She is a source on here and also a kitchen chemist brewing up a small line of amateur UGL products, but he/she thinks he/she has "god like" status on here and keeps posting on other sources threads and challenging them/questioning them coz he/she thinks he/she is someone special on Meso.

The fool can't keep his/her mouth shut and mind his/her own business.
Very scared of competition and other sources....

As opposed to you, Steve the snitch, who threatens to involve law enforcement when he doesn't get exactly what he wants from an underground steroid lab.