Monsterlabstore (international stealth shipping)

Of course, sources are allowed to scam you as well but not edit a word in your quote, that's a ban.
Damn lol. Has there been other changes on here in the last couple years? People claim Millard is a sellout now. I haven’t been on here since 2019, which was on my old account. I’ve noticed the dynamic has definitely changed, but never really asked about it.
Damn lol. Has there been other changes on here in the last couple years? People claim Millard is a sellout now. I haven’t been on here since 2019, which was on my old account. I’ve noticed the dynamic has definitely changed, but never really asked about it.
Early on this year almost all the vets got banned in one swoop (many of them are on UGBB now) and eversince then Meso has been much easier prey for all kinds of manipulation via shills/alts, so it feels more like a sponsored board without sponsor fees now.
Damn lol. Has there been other changes on here in the last couple years? People claim Millard is a sellout now. I haven’t been on here since 2019, which was on my old account. I’ve noticed the dynamic has definitely changed, but never really asked about it.
Nothing has changed. Everyone is still free to call questionable and shady source behavior out.

The group who are claiming otherwise simply thought they were above the rules and repeatedly and intentionally continued to violate the rules after multiple warnings. They were permanently banned so they have been on a mission to discredit MESO ever since.
Early on this year almost all the vets got banned in one swoop (many of them are on UGBB now) and eversince then Meso has been much easier prey for all kinds of manipulation via shills/alts, so it feels more like a sponsored board without sponsor fees now.
Do you have proof of this? As far as I can tell, there is no shortage of meso members who are quick to call out sources for poor quality products and service, shady and otherwise questionable behaviors. And even you of all people have been quick to pick up the slack to call out your competitors. Do you feel like you've been restricted in any way whatsoever? Prove me wrong.
Do you have proof of this? As far as I can tell, there is no shortage of meso members who are quick to call out sources for poor quality products and service, shady and otherwise questionable behaviors. And even you of all people have been quick to pick up the slack to call out your competitors. Do you feel like you've been restricted in any way whatsoever? Prove me wrong.
I can't even respond to this publically due to said perceived restrictions.
Are sources allowed to post in other lab’s threads? You honestly don’t see it too often.

There used to be a healthy respect between sources so they would all stay off each others threads.

That respect still exists for "most" sources....but obviously not for 1 particular source/member on here lately who is out of control and stuck up his/her own asshole with delusions of grandeur and supremacy issues..:rolleyes:
There used to be a healthy respect between sources so they would all stay off each others threads.

That respect still exists for "most" sources....but obviously not for 1 particular source/member on here lately who is out of control and stuck up his/her own asshole with delusions of grandeur and supremacy issues..:rolleyes:
Oh shut up you no life troll. Your opinion is worthless on here, as is your reputation across multiple forums.

@Liska only source I remember recently whining about sources posting in other threads is qsc when you were calling out their scamming ass. Idk where the perceived rule came from I've never seen one posted.
Idk where the perceived rule came from I've never seen one posted.
There are absolutely NO restrictions on WHO can hold sources accountable.

There are many reasons sources may choose not to criticize other sources -- being prohibited by MESO is not one of them.

Of course, sources themselves (and their sycophants) like it when a forum restricts criticism of that source of any kind by any individual. I don't completely understand why most members would agree - unless the source criticism is a thinly-veiled cover for self-promotion and/or commercial spam.
Early on this year almost all the vets got banned in one swoop (many of them are on UGBB now) and eversince then Meso has been much easier prey for all kinds of manipulation via shills/alts, so it feels more like a sponsored board without sponsor fees now.
since i value your opinion:
do you really think every single one of their posts was providing something positive for the community?
For me, some of them clearly went too far in trying as hard as the could to find something to bash a source. It was not constructive criticism or constructive feedback but clearly was more geared towards simply bashing a source.
There are sources who are clearly idiots/assholes who try to find a simple way to sell crappy gear. Those should be bashed, no veto from me.
But there are also sources who try but are still missing a piece to solve the puzzle to be a good source and who are grateful if the community lends them a helping hand..
my opinion

I get a 524 error trying to check out the website.


Error 524: a timeout occurred

Error 524 indicates that Cloudflare successfully connected to the origin web server, but the origin did not provide an HTTP response before the default 100 second connection timed out. This can happen if the origin server is simply taking too long because it has too much work to do - e.g. a large data query, or because the server is struggling for resources and cannot return any data in time.


Here are the options we'd suggest to work around this issue:

Implement status polling of large HTTP processes to avoid hitting this error.
Contact your hosting provider to exclude the following common causes at your origin web server:
A long-running process on the origin web server.
An overloaded origin web server.

Logging request response time at your origin web server helps identify the cause of resource slowness. Contact your hosting provider or site administrator for assistance in adjusting log formats or search for related logging documentation for your brand of web server such as Apache or Nginx.

Enterprise customers can increase the 524 timeout up to 6000 seconds using the proxy_read_timeout API endpoint.
If you regularly run HTTP requests that take over 100 seconds to complete (for example large data exports), move those processes behind a subdomain not proxied (grey clouded) in the Cloudflare DNS app.
If error 524 occurs for a domain using Cloudflare Railgun, ensure the lan.timeout is set higher than the default of 30 seconds and restart the railgun service.
Do you have proof of this? As far as I can tell, there is no shortage of meso members who are quick to call out sources for poor quality products and service, shady and otherwise questionable behaviors. And even you of all people have been quick to pick up the slack to call out your competitors. Do you feel like you've been restricted in any way whatsoever? Prove me wrong.
How would one prove the deterioration of Meso vetting other than by some unfeasibly complex statistical analysis. I cannot remember a time in Meso's past when a source could openly admit to scamming someone for thousands of dollars and be defended by an army of relatively new accounts that participate exclusively in a single source's thread. Even Amazon is unable to fix its fake account/review problem so you've zero chance keeping Meso honest in this regard and really can't be expected to.

Before the vet ban I never felt like I needed to call attention to anything harmful because the vets always caught it and put the source to the wall until it was resolved. It's not your responsibility to involve yourself in harm reduction but I believe that there definitely is a shortage of eagle-eyed vets now, that there no longer is a trial by fire and that Meso lost something irreplacable that day, regardless of whether you were justified in your decision to banish them all or not.

Just by observing the questions and statements about Meso rules you can tell that almost noone is really quite sure what they are exactly or how the ones strewn about are to be interpreted - having an updated set of rules in a single place to refer back to would be helpful.

The concept that sources are actually allowed to scam on Meso is quite unique and thus unintuitive for example, and I'm still confused which classes of drugs are prohibited on Meso, as I thought benzodiazepines had no place here, yet they seem to remain available easily.

I don't feel restricted by the rules by the way, just to clarify that publically.

since i value your opinion:
do you really think every single one of their posts was providing something positive for the community?
For me, some of them clearly went too far in trying as hard as the could to find something to bash a source. It was not constructive criticism or constructive feedback but clearly was more geared towards simply bashing a source.
There are sources who are clearly idiots/assholes who try to find a simple way to sell crappy gear. Those should be bashed, no veto from me.
But there are also sources who try but are still missing a piece to solve the puzzle to be a good source and who are grateful if the community lends them a helping hand..
my opinion
Not every single one of course, some shots were way off target. In light of the current state however I am nostalgic for those shotguns blazing because some products can be fucked up via carelessness to the point of seriously fucking up someone's life and with stricter vetting we could've prevented what happened to you as well perhaps. Everything this community desires and requires in terms of quality control & harm reduction sources can easily pay for simply by not getting the custom rims on their 7th lambo but it requires this community to push them harder (again) because that is not @Millard's job, it's 'you reap what you sow'.
We are running a special promotion for the Meso community.
10% off all products for the month of August.
Promo code "MONSTER"


How would one prove the deterioration of Meso vetting other than by some unfeasibly complex statistical analysis. I cannot remember a time in Meso's past when a source could openly admit to scamming someone for thousands of dollars and be defended by an army of relatively new accounts that participate exclusively in a single source's thread. Even Amazon is unable to fix its fake account/review problem so you've zero chance keeping Meso honest in this regard and really can't be expected to.

Before the vet ban I never felt like I needed to call attention to anything harmful because the vets always caught it and put the source to the wall until it was resolved. It's not your responsibility to involve yourself in harm reduction but I believe that there definitely is a shortage of eagle-eyed vets now, that there no longer is a trial by fire and that Meso lost something irreplacable that day, regardless of whether you were justified in your decision to banish them all or not.

Just by observing the questions and statements about Meso rules you can tell that almost noone is really quite sure what they are exactly or how the ones strewn about are to be interpreted - having an updated set of rules in a single place to refer back to would be helpful.

The concept that sources are actually allowed to scam on Meso is quite unique and thus unintuitive for example, and I'm still confused which classes of drugs are prohibited on Meso, as I thought benzodiazepines had no place here, yet they seem to remain available easily.

I don't feel restricted by the rules by the way, just to clarify that publically.

EDIT: Please reply to this post in the following thread dedicated to the topic. My apologies for cluttering this thread with off-topic discussion:
Harm reduction in the Steroid Underground subforum - this is NOT a source forum

There are a lot of is worthy issues to address in this post. But I really don't want to keep the discussion in this thread. I will create another dedicated thread and we can delve into these issues in detail - maybe sort of an AMA type thread about MESO's approach to sources and harm reduction.

But I will just briefly address a few of your points.

No need for a complex statistical analysis. Are members free to call out, criticism, and report questionable products and business practices, or other fraudulent type of behavior? Yes or no. And are members actually taking advantage of the freedom to do this? Yes or no.

Everyone knows the answer to both is yes.

What you are nostalgic for is a particular type of approach to "vetting" that used any means necessary to shut down and discourage participation by sources and anyone who dared say anything positive about the disapproved source. In effect, another source forum with approved and non-approved sources.

(2) The point about fake accounts/reviews. Yeah, I monitor this closely and I'm especially grateful to all of the members who report suspected duplicate/fake accounts.

In the majority of the cases, I can use IP data to confirm they are NOT duplicate or fake accounts. I can verify dozens of accounts created in geographical distinct areas of numerous countries in North America, Europe, Australia, etc.

So while I can rule out duplicate/fake accounts, I can't necessarily rule out incentivized accounts e.g. people paid to create accounts and/or customers otherwise compensated for positive reviews. Or maybe really Occam's razor applies here...

(3) The psychoactive addictive drugs of abuse issue. We've discussed this privately. As you know from this discussion, this is a PED forum and anyone who promotes non-PED drugs like this on the forum (as well as on publicly-posted lists on other forums and public-facing third-party websites) will NOT be allowed to participate.

However, since some of these sources are some of the largest providers of AAS on the Internet, members will still be allowed to discuss/criticize/review and otherwise hold these sources accountable in PED-related matters.

(4) As as a clearly defined set of rules for the steroid underground, members can say practically anything they want to about sources short of wishing, hoping, or calling for violence, including threats of sexual violence; encouraging self-harm; and racism and racial/ethnic slurs. Sabotaging or burying threads with excessive spam, off-topic messages, and obscene/pornographic photos and videos is also prohibited.

If members are unable to criticize and hold sources account without repeatedly resorting to the above behaviors, they are not welcome.
Which country do you ship from? Is it located around scandinavia as mentioned? Never heard of this lab before