Most recent TRT bw results thoughts


10+ Year Member
I have been on doctor prescribed cyp 180mg weekly split sun and thur for about a year now. He did start me low at 120mg and as time went on, both the bw results and how I felt resulted in it being not enough. I’m posting my most recent bw results just to get others opinions on the numbers and if it appears that I do not need to make any adjustments.

As far as diet goes, I try to eat as healthy as possible most of the time and cutting soda & drinks with loads of sugar. My mood is almost always pretty stable and little to no stress. Libido isn’t the greatest and I more often than not wake up feeling groggy and not refreshed like I slept at all. I do have sleep apnea, but my numbers regularly result under the mild scale.


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I'm pretty surprised that your total test is in the low 700's on almost 200mg a week. I'm on 85mg of test gel and my last level was 1192.
Great free test levels though.
Maybe see if your Doc would bump you up to 200mg a week.
Besides that I wouldn't change anything.
I'm pretty surprised that your total test is in the low 700's on almost 200mg a week. I'm on 85mg of test gel and my last level was 1192.
Great free test levels though.
Maybe see if your Doc would bump you up to 200mg a week.
Besides that I wouldn't change anything.

His free T (which is what matters) is sky high, way over. Which makes the higher E not that surprising. Super low SHGB which explains the normal total number and the really high free T.

OP if you’re looking for a change I doubt more is the answer, unless you’re just after gym benefits.
His free T (which is what matters) is sky high, way over. Which makes the higher E not that surprising. Super low SHGB which explains the normal total number and the really high free T.

OP if you’re looking for a change I doubt more is the answer, unless you’re just after gym benefits.
Appreciate your response and I had a feeling more wasn’t the answer so I’m just glad I don’t need to adjust from here
I've heard some of the low SHBG guys feel better with an everyday injection protocol. I probably switch to that if you're doing twice a week right now and not feeling great
Well, that is what is happening.

Your test is not bound up by SHBG. It is "free," and it is being metabolized.

What is your body fat level? You mentioned "cutting soda and drinks with loads of sugar" and sleep apnea.

Consider drastically dropping body fat.

Consider an AI, as well, especially until you get lean.
Well, that is what is happening.

Your test is not bound up by SHBG. It is "free," and it is being metabolized.

What is your body fat level? You mentioned "cutting soda and drinks with loads of sugar" and sleep apnea.

Consider drastically dropping body fat.

Consider an AI, as well, especially until you get lean.
Appreciate it. Last I had it checked bf was 20%. I’m 5’7 and hover in the low 170’s for body weight.
This is not TRT imho. More is not the answer in your case. Adding an AI is nonsense, you should not need an AI on TRT. Your dose is just too high.
This is not TRT imho. More is not the answer in your case. Adding an AI is nonsense, you should not need an AI on TRT. Your dose is just too high.
Thanks I had a feeling more wasn’t the answer. He started me low at 100mg I already knew it would be too low so 4 weeks after bumped it up to 120. Another 4 weeks pass both my numbers and how I felt barely made a difference so 180 was the last jump up on dosage. I’ve tried decreasing from 180mg to 150 but anything lower and I feel worse even weeks after. I feel like this is my sweet spot but wasn’t sure how my numbers looked overall
Splitting the dose can help with SHBG and E2. I did daily injections with my TRT (not saying you should too) and split my 140mg into 7x 20mg shots. My E2 came down to 23-27 and SHBG were in the middle of the reference range.
I don't recommend daily injections if you dont feel safe and comfortable with it but splitting your dose a bit can help. Let's say you do one big injection a week, splitting it into 2-3 injections can make a difference. In the end the dose is likely still a little too high, but going down to let's say 140-150mg a week with more but smaller shots can bring bloodwork and your personal feeling back to normal.

For smaller injections I usually recommend BD Microlance 30G 1/2 needles. They are super small and very gentle and work great for smaller volume injections and leave a lot less scar tissue.

This is all based on my personal research over years with TRT, this may not work for you but it's worth a try.
I'm not saying it doesn't work, not at all.

But, daily pokes for just Trt is just a pain in the ass. Twice weekly even seems so, but I've tried it.

I'm not scared, I'm Poking myself Everytime I eat anyway.

COULD you use Suspension this way? Mixing it with the slin? @HB_22
Appreciate it. Last I had it checked bf was 20%. I’m 5’7 and hover in the low 170’s for body weight.
Higher body fat means higher levels of aromatase. Fat is the only tissue in your body that you can control, that is, have more or less of it, which consequently reduces or increases the amount of aromatase being produced.

High doses of testosterone (180mg) plus high aromatase is going to mean high e2. You basically set everything up to produce high e2.

Maybe it is time to take a different approach.

I would do what it takes to get lean. Just do it. It really is simple. It just takes making the decision and sticking to it.

You will feel better, too, when you are leaner. You will sleep better. Your libido will be better. When the wife sees those lean abs, sex life will be better, too.

It's just diet and cardio, not rocket science.
Higher body fat means higher levels of aromatase. Fat is the only tissue in your body that you can control, that is, have more or less of it, which consequently reduces or increases the amount of aromatase being produced.

High doses of testosterone (180mg) plus high aromatase is going to mean high e2. You basically set everything up to produce high e2.

Maybe it is time to take a different approach.

I would do what it takes to get lean. Just do it. It really is simple. It just takes making the decision and sticking to it.

You will feel better, too, when you are leaner. You will sleep better. Your libido will be better. When the wife sees those lean abs, sex life will be better, too.

It's just diet and cardio, not rocket science.
Appreciate your knowledge thanks! I already feel small at 170’s so guess I have to cut down even more which isn’t hard for me to do
The average middleweight (your category, 170-185) is 6'1". Adesanya is 6'4" and he is on the left.


Although he just lost to Strickland, on the right, who is the average height 6'1" middleweight.
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Appreciate your knowledge thanks! I already feel small at 170’s so guess I have to cut down even more which isn’t hard for me to do
And I'll stop poking after this, I promise, but nobody is looking at a guy who is in the 20s percentage body fat admiring how "big" he is.

Sometimes I think this weird mental block is what is preventing so many guys from getting lean. I see it all the time in the gym. Puffy, fat steroid guys. Don't be one of them.

Even in bodybuilding, conditioning can win shows. Lots of big guys lose because they fear "losing all of my size" over and over again every year. They are large. Maybe they have good proportions, too, but they just don't do what it takes to come in lean, and they lose to better conditioned competitors.

But they keep repeating the same mistake out of fear of losing size.

It's mental.

Everybody who is lifting weights and injecting testosterone looks better leaner. Period. Even if you are one of the smaller guys in the room, you are going to look better leaner.
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