MuscleCandy - US Domestic

What oil do you use sir?
It looks like mostly MCT but there are a few oils where I see you can pick gso. I'm currently using the test e 250mg and it's pip free. Going to get labs later this coming week and see how it's performing
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I know I'm new to gear and this forum but... I did order Test E from these guys and tested it with a roid test and it's legit. Also semi-quantitative came back over 200mg per ML which they advertise it as 250. Just putting my personal experience out there. I've been ordering from different UGL's and testing their stuff so I have more than one good source.
I know I'm new to gear and this forum but... I did order Test E from these guys and tested it with a roid test and it's legit. Also semi-quantitative came back over 200mg per ML which they advertise it as 250. Just putting my personal experience out there. I've been ordering from different UGL's and testing their stuff so I have more than one good source.
I've been running the test e the last few weeks at 600mg/week pinning every other day and I feel great. No pip. So I'm pretty happy with their product. Will get labs in a few weeks.
T/A was 2 days.
Test cyp n stuff.

Was cloudy like my Novolin N. Under bright lights and 10x Magnifying loupe, revealed crystals. There's gear in there.
10 mins in hot water and a shake, clear as spring water. I'm thinking a tad over 250. No complaints whatsoever. Now if you newbs quit your grumbling, and play well together we may have another good source around.
Strike while the Iron is hot. I'm getting another order going asap.
Jesus these guys are competing with Axle for fastest US dom T/A. Stan and QSC tied for second atm. Well done.

I know T/A isn't the only thing that matters.
Dang. I am waiting to read about someone finally going Amazon Prime and doing that same day delivery. I can envision that electric van fleet with the cool logo and artwork passing through the neighborhoods.

Dang. I am waiting to read about someone finally going Amazon Prime and doing that same day delivery. I can envision that electric van fleet with the cool logo and artwork passing through the neighborhoods.

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Not to jeopardize any OPSEC but there was a guy on here that did next day for me once. Had to have been same state or maybe that jacked guy at the gym who wears glasses.
Jesus these guys are competing with Axle for fastest US dom T/A. Stan and QSC tied for second atm. Well done.

I know T/A isn't the only thing that matters.
I’d say @GoodLyfe is 1st or 2nd in TA too and a stellar source. You don’t ever see issues either. @Stanfordpharma1 obv top notch too, just swamped !! @Axle Labs looks to have made a good recovery from initial jump. Have yet to use Candy or QSC.