My body transformation for 4 months (Testosterone and Methandienone)


New Member
Immediately began to take steroids first month bought Danabol (balkan) turned out to be fake, the second month took sustanon 250 (organon) a very sore ass after the injections, the third and fourth month DEPO TEST 250 (Unigen Life Sciences) and Danabol DS (March Pharmaceutical)


My photo:








My daily diet:

10 eggs
Chicken breasts 900g
tuna fish 100g
rice 500g
2 apples
2 bananas
Almonds 1 package
Avocado 200g
Fish Oil 2 capsules
DEPO TEST 250 300mg per week and Danabol 30mg a day.

In a month will start a new cycle TEST COMP 250 (Sustanon Unigen Life Sciences) and Boldenone ( Equipoise Alpha-Pharma).

P.S. I need to take tamoxifen or proviron ?
Dude I'm not trying to be a dick, but you really have no business taking steroids man. You could have made those gains naturally with just diet, exercise and some patience. You should have gained a solid base before even thinking about running any kind of aas. You also should have done way more research before hand as well. You don even know what you should run for pct.

Well now that my lecturing is over. Use nolva for pct, research at what dose it should be. And if you want my opinion you should stay away from steroids until you have grown naturally as much as you can, and have a solid grasp of how to use the hormones your injecting in your body.
My daily diet:

10 eggs
Chicken breasts 900g
tuna fish 100g
rice 500g
2 apples
2 bananas
Almonds 1 package
Avocado 200g
Fish Oil 2 capsules
DEPO TEST 250 300mg per week and Danabol 30mg a day.
You could have made those gains naturally with just diet, exercise and some patience. You should have gained a solid base before even thinking about running any kind of aas. You also should have done way more research before hand as well. You don even know what you should run for pct.

You're diet is better than most. It's good to see you getting good calories and quality protein from real food sources plus you're not afraid to eat (healthy) dietary fats.

As bigstretch said, you really should have a better understanding of what you're doing with steroids. I see no rhyme or reason to your cycling patterns or any real consideration for ASIH and PCT.

However, the fact that you are on MESO-Rx is encouraging. It's good that you've taken the initiative to learn more about steroids. Better late than never. Good luck.
everything that you have just achieved should have and could have been done naturally.
Re: ??? ???? ????????????? ? ??????? 4 ??????? (???????????? ? Methandienone)

My experience of training 4 months, immediately began to take steroids DEPO TEST 250 300mg per week and Danabol 30mg a day.

I thought...maybe I don't do a PCT and begin a new cycle ? I already bought Boldebolin (Boldenone - Equipoise) and TEST 250 COMP (Sustanon) and today gave an injection ...dosage: Boldebolin 600 mg per week and TEST COMP 250 500 mg per week.

Re: ??? ???? ????????????? ? ??????? 4 ??????? (???????????? ? Methandienone)

My experience of training 4 months, immediately began to take steroids DEPO TEST 250 300mg per week and Danabol 30mg a day.

I thought...maybe I don't do a PCT and begin a new cycle ? I already bought Boldebolin (Boldenone - Equipoise) and TEST 250 COMP (Sustanon) and today gave an injection ...dosage: Boldebolin 600 mg per week and TEST COMP 250 500 mg per week.


thats a good idea if you want to shut your HPTA down forever man...

really, you should do a standard PCT, let your body adjust to its natural test levels, take 2 or 3 months off, keep your diet in training in check and keep those gains you made.
You just missed the Meso transformation contest deadline- you would have been a natural(lol) for it . Maybe catch the next one.......Welcome ! ~OGH :D
Did you work out legs at all? Just saying since you didn't show progress on them through the pictures. On another note, I think your diet is pretty shitty. But i guess if its your first cycle its a foot in the door. Now you lost significant amount of fat. In four months and don't take this personal but if your aim was to shed fat, you should of shredded a lot more then you did, it takes me and many people i know about 2 months to see a full belly of abs at full definition, depending where you come from, sometimes less.

Anyways I don't know what your dosages were, also we don't know what your goals really are cycling the different compounds.
Re: ??? ???? ????????????? ? ??????? 4 ??????? (???????????? ? Methandienone)

My experience of training 4 months, immediately began to take steroids DEPO TEST 250 300mg per week and Danabol 30mg a day.

I thought...maybe I don't do a PCT and begin a new cycle ? I already bought Boldebolin (Boldenone - Equipoise) and TEST 250 COMP (Sustanon) and today gave an injection ...dosage: Boldebolin 600 mg per week and TEST COMP 250 500 mg per week.


Good rule of thumb man is to take a break between cycles. Take 4 months off and the amount of time of PCT and add those together that is how much time between cycles you should do.

Example - 4 months and PCT = 6 weeks. So in between cycles you should wait 4 months and 6 weeks. Also what are your goals? Like the rest said on here what you did in 4 months could have been done in 2 with of proper training routine and proper eating. Oh and are you sure the gear you got this time is legit? I remember back in the day getting it in a box and the boxes had special anti-knockoff labels on them and they were still phony. I trust a UG way more than someone that says to me i have it in a box. The only thing i take out of the box in my legit Rx of watson.
Re: ??? ???? ????????????? ? ??????? 4 ??????? (???????????? ? Methandienone)

Oh and are you sure the gear you got this time is legit?

I checked


Unigen Life Sciences


Dude your going to destroy yourself knock it off. You ask about pct but continue to inject yourself at the same time.

You've already been on cycle for 16 weeks which is at the upper end of most cycle lengths.

You really fucked yourself by shooting the boldenone that's going to take another month and a half to clear. Your already on the precipice of destroying your HPTA and your no bigger than the high school kids at my gym getting ready for a beach weekend.

Stop injecting immediately read up on pct and AAS half lives

Start HCG nolva clomid after the AAS has cleared your system.

If you extend this cycle out to 32 weeks you are at high risk of being on TRT for the rest of your life.

If that doesn't sound appealing to u knock it off.


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