My dream physique. Realistic? Sustainable? What will it take?


Sup meso. Just want your thought on this. Atm I’m almost finished my 1st cycle. This is my dream physique. What will it take for me to be like this and is this even a realist icky maintainable physique? I’m a 24 year old male and I guess this guy is around the same age.


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You will never look like him. Ever. He’s him and you’re you.

You also can’t predetermine your potential.

There is no “take this amount of this and you’ll get this”.

You don’t need steroids. You need work ethic and motivation. Instead of sitting around trying to find the easiest way to achieve what you’ve already told yourself isn’t achievable, go fuxking do it.

If you train your ass off for 5 years and do everything as best you can.. you’re gonna look completly different.

Also, just curious. If we tell you you’ll never look like him, then what? Done with the gym?

I’m wondering if 24 is a made up age..
Nah either way I’ll keep training. Been training for a while now and made some great progress. And yea I’m 24
Post what you look like ,how the hell are we suppose to know if you can look like him you might be 7’2 and black for all we know
Depends were you start. Depends what you got from your parents. Depends how committed you are. Depends on alot of things.
Nah either way I’ll keep training. Been training for a while now and made some great progress. And yea I’m 24

Then keep doing what you’re doing and after a while of making progress you’ll be way bigger that what you are now.
Have you considered transitioning?
jk aside tho imo that guy ain’t that big I’m pretty sure op could look like that even with Somali genetics after a couple years like shit it’s not like he posted a pic of Ronnie Coleman or flex wheeler or Dorian Yates it’s like the basic influencer physique most could reach even as a natty if training hard n eating enough, but yeah ofc like everyone else wrote you will look like your version of that but you won’t know til you do it so better bust yo ass n you’re gonna be happy with your results, never set limitations on what you can’t do as you ain’t got no idea what you are capable of (n we don’t either so get to finding out mane)
Dont listen to the naysayers
Easy way is doing the Marky Mark workout 3 times a week will get you there in no time.

You forgot the essential part of that workout which is getting addicted to coke n stabbing a Vietnamese guy in the eye (which in OP’s case since he’s Asian the Vietnamese guy part might be easy, the coke part is easy too as it’s fkin fun but it is very expensive too so I’d say probably easier to find n stab a Vietnamese guy than maintain a coke habit, I guess unless the guy is your plug in which case 2 birds one crack rock )
It depends on your genetics. I looked like that guy when i was 16. I am also a genetic outlier so its going to depend on what you look like now, what you looked like when you started training. For some it would only require a small amount of gear if any. Some it would take a lot more bro so its so hard to say exactly what you should do to look like that. What i can say is focus on dieting and hard training. Then work your ass off for a year and see where you are at. Unfourtantly its going to boil down to genetics. Its easy for me to say that because i have been blessed, but its the hard truth for some other guys who dont have the best genetics. just my opinion.
It depends on your genetics. I looked like that guy when i was 16. I am also a genetic outlier so its going to depend on what you look like now, what you looked like when you started training. For some it would only require a small amount of gear if any. Some it would take a lot more bro so its so hard to say exactly what you should do to look like that. What i can say is focus on dieting and hard training. Then work your ass off for a year and see where you are at. Unfourtantly its going to boil down to genetics. Its easy for me to say that because i have been blessed, but its the hard truth for some other guys who dont have the best genetics. just my opinion.
My genetics are alright but not great. I started out from pure scratch. No muscle like 56kg at 5’8 skinny now iv got a mid foundation I think. Iv gained so much since my first day in the gym.
My genetics are alright but not great. I started out from pure scratch. No muscle like 56kg at 5’8 skinny now iv got a mid foundation I think. Iv gained so much since my first day in the gym.

Dude you might have great genetics. Just because you didn’t look like you were born in a gym at 13 doesn’t mean shit.

You know how you find out if you’ve got some good genetics for this shit?

You consistently put in ton of effort and you absolutely nail your diet, training, recovery and everything else gym related and you do that every single day for a long time.

Just because you didn’t start out already jacked, and just because you didn’t turn IFBB pro after your first cycle doesn’t mean shit. You might grow into someone that YOUR goal physique looks at and goes “damn, wish I could look like that”.

or you might just fucking suck and be a tiny unhappy person for ever. There’s only one way to find out and it’s not asking people on the internet and it’s not half assing it because you’ve already told yourself you can’t.
Dude you might have great genetics. Just because you didn’t look like you were born in a gym at 13 doesn’t mean shit.

You know how you find out if you’ve got some good genetics for this shit?

You consistently put in ton of effort and you absolutely nail your diet, training, recovery and everything else gym related and you do that every single day for a long time.

Just because you didn’t start out already jacked, and just because you didn’t turn IFBB pro after your first cycle doesn’t mean shit. You might grow into someone that YOUR goal physique looks at and goes “damn, wish I could look like that”.

or you might just fucking suck and be a tiny unhappy person for ever. There’s only one way to find out and it’s not asking people on the internet and it’s not half assing it because you’ve already told yourself you can’t.
Damn yea bro just gotta keep at it I guess aye. One day at a time. I love going to the gym everyday. Well 6 days a week. To be honest I think I actually have to eat less, I put on quite abit more fat than expected on this bulk.
Damn yea bro just gotta keep at it I guess aye. One day at a time. I love going to the gym everyday. Well 6 days a week. To be honest I think I actually have to eat less, I put on quite abit more fat than expected on this bulk.

It’s an easy thing to do. 1. It’s fun getting to eat. 2. It’s such an easy mental trick thinking bigger surplus is bigger gains.

I have yet to bulk and not get too fat. Hoping one day that happens though but for now I’m weak mentally lol