My final TRT PROTOCOL (No more adjustments)

Think he's pointing out the Deca + Mast as part of a TRT protocol no matter how low. Imo 1,9 nors have no space in TRT and the more I read on how bad they are for your brain I'd hard pass.

Properly dosed Test with some HCG and maybe low dose HGH is the ticket. I've heard guys especially on long term TRT without HCG sometimes get in a mental fog, not sure what HCG helps your body create besides test/estrogen but I have read it helps with downstream stuff that you're missing on just test alone.

I just added in 125-250iu to add on to my Test E as I've been feeling blah mentally.
I am on 100mg e5d and feel fine. I think if you are in a fog, check out other factors such as your B vitamins and Pregnengolone/Dhea. I just recently discovered I have the MTHFR genetic mutation for methylation. I added some Methylcobalamin/Folate supplement and I feel so much better.

I hear some guys using HCG, but I honestly don't see how it would make someone feel better to be honest. I discussed this with my doctor and he told me HCG is okay if I want to have bigger loads and more for the cosmetic look to the testicles, although I don't have that issue in that department lol.

Anyway to the OP, not sure why you want to add a 19nor to your "TRT" if you have anxiety, though this isn't really a true trt.

I also feel so much better mentally just fixing my D3 levels, getting in the right B vitamins for my body, and adding some Zinc into my regime.

Looking back, this is the best I felt. So clear, calm, and great pumps in the gym.

I would just keep it simple. My TT stays around 925ng/dl and that is on day 5 prior to pinning my next dose.
Imo 1,9 nors have no space in TRT and the more I read on how bad they are for your brain I'd hard pass.

Properly dosed Test with some HCG and maybe low dose HGH is the ticket. I've heard guys especially on long term TRT without HCG sometimes get in a mental fog, not sure what HCG helps your body create besides test/estrogen but I have read it helps with downstream stuff that you're missing on just test alone.

I just added in 125-250iu to add on to my Test E as I've been feeling blah mentally.
Testosterone has been shown to have no effect on cognitive performance.

I used to think it did, but the largest study of thousands of patients has shown that. It makes sense when you look at the receptors for T in the brain they are located in the emotional, motor, and visual sections of the brain.

Cognitive function is probably much more to do with over all fitness, getting lots of cardio and of course estrogen has been proven to help protect cognition.

Neuroscientists know that cardio is the best protection long term for the brain.

Brain fog is complicated, it could be the fact that older adults aren't pushing themselves mentally like they did when they were in school. Constantly challenging your mind should help. Sitting down to solve physics or math problems and doing lots of reading should help with the drop off in performance. Passive activities like watching TV only make this problem worse as you age.

I used to suffer from brain fog myself, T didn't do much and that was disappointing. I can't claim a cure, but I can say just like working out if you force your mind to read stuff that is logical and challenging it will help you get back some of what you feel you've lost.

And of course a clean diet, dump the sugar and high inflammatory foods like pizza.
Think he's pointing out the Deca + Mast as part of a TRT protocol no matter how low. Imo 1,9 nors have no space in TRT and the more I read on how bad they are for your brain I'd hard pass.

Properly dosed Test with some HCG and maybe low dose HGH is the ticket. I've heard guys especially on long term TRT without HCG sometimes get in a mental fog, not sure what HCG helps your body create besides test/estrogen but I have read it helps with downstream stuff that you're missing on just test alone.

I just added in 125-250iu to add on to my Test E as I've been feeling blah mentally.
Deca gets prescribed pretty regularly at TRT clinics pretty often now, but always at low doses. I kind of want to try a low dose but am worried about mental side effects