My HGH Experience


New Member
So on my last cycle I started with 2 units at night, then 1.5 units split between morning and night, then finally 2 units morning and night. After about 2 weeks I started seeing some noticable fat loss in my midsection and my hands would go to sleep randomly or if they were above my head when I was laying on the couch or in bed. After about a week of that, I dropped back to 3 units to clear it up and the sleepy hands still persist. I'm considering dropping back to only 2 units, and just in the mornings, to keep up the fat loss and maybe stop the random hand tingles.
So on my last cycle I started with 2 units at night, then 1.5 units split between morning and night, then finally 2 units morning and night. After about 2 weeks I started seeing some noticable fat loss in my midsection and my hands would go to sleep randomly or if they were above my head when I was laying on the couch or in bed. After about a week of that, I dropped back to 3 units to clear it up and the sleepy hands still persist. I'm considering dropping back to only 2 units, and just in the mornings, to keep up the fat loss and maybe stop the random hand tingles.
Lower your dose and ramp up slower. How long did you wait between 2 and 4iu?