jasonshadow said:
thanks for all the great recommendations but a few more questions. you say take 25mg. of DHEA in the morning with breakfast. doesn't DHEA have a very short half like and need to be taken twice per day?
There are some who take it twice or more a day, and there are some that take it once a day. The Life Extension Foundation and Dr. Philip Miller author of The Life Extension Revolution (a must have book) say that the best results theyve had has been with once a day. I personally have tried twice a day and also found that once a day works best for me.
jasonshadow said:
Is there one paticular online source for your supplements you recommend?
1. Sleep at 10pm and get 8-10 hours sleep.
2. Do some type of relaxation excercise.
3. Adopt a hypoglycemic diet.
4. Ester-C 1000mg 3 times daily with breakfast, lunch, dinner.
5. Beta Carotene 25,000iu 1 x daily
6. Magnesium Glycinate 200mg 3 x daily local health food store KAL brand
7. Chromium picolinate 200mcg 2 x daily Costco
8. Zinc picolinate 30mg 1 x daily (at noon and not with chromium or
iron) local health food store
9. Vitamin E d-alpha-tocophyrol 200mg 3 x daily
10. Panax Ginseng 300mg 7% ginsenocides on empty stomach on rising Savon Drugs
11. Drenamin 3 tabs 3 x daily on empty stomach
www.standardprocess.com call and ask for local supplier
12. Drenotrophin PMG 1 tab 3 x daily on empty stomach
www.standardprocess.com call and ask for local supplier
13. Adrenal Dessicated 1 tab 3 x daily on empty stomach
www.standardprocess.com call and ask for local supplier
14. Pantothenic Acid(Vit B5) 500mg 3 x daily
15. Fish Oil softgel 1000mg 3 x daily Costco
16. Calcium citrate 1000mg at bedtime
17. Drink salted water
Natrol "My Favorite multiple - take one (without iron)". Local health food store
Hydrocortisone Cortef local pharmacy
Isocort - local health food store
DHEA - Pharmaceutical Grade local health food store
jasonshadow said:
If I'm taking a multi-vit/mineral do I still need all of the above supplements?
This doesnt provide you with the amounts you require for treating Adrenal Fatigue. It also depends on how deficient you are in the above vitamins and minerals. I currently only take 5mg Hydrocortisone in the morning and 1000mg Ester-C x 3 per day, 25mg DHEA and Multi-Vit, salt water. Thats it.
Take a good multi-vit/mineral as mentioned above. Next, take the vitamin C for 3 days and then add in the Hydrocortisone or Isocort, then add in DHEA. This may be all you need. The other minerals are very important, especially if you are deficient in them, so it would be a good idea to take them for a short time like 1 month, but the above would be what is absolutely necessary.