My new saliva test results...

Here is my last test my Glucose was bottom of the range is this why I feel so bad first thing in the moring.
My Thyroid tests are as follows.
TSH is 2.939 up from 1.915 range uIU/mL
Free T4 0.91 not done last test range 0.71 to 2.23 ng/dl
Free T3 2.32 down from 2.50 range 1.5 to 3.5 pm/ml

Fasting Glucose 65 range 65 to 140 mg/dl maybe this is why I feel like crap in the morning.
Fasting Insulin 13.9 range 11.4 to 29.1 uIU/mL this looks low also.
I started noticing my symptoms when I got off Paxil. After re-reading the Adrenal thread I think I found out why I have the issues I do with Thyroid and Cortisol. I believe low serotonin is the answer. I have been debating about starting 5-HTP (seratonin precurser w/o the SSRI side effects) for sometime now and I think I just been motivated to start.

any comments?
"Thyroid function and serotonin activity are highly linked. Both need to be addressed to optimize function.

T3 (the active thyroid hormone created from T4 in the liver by the 2D6 enzyme) desensitizes presynaptic serotonin autoreceptors - thus leading to an increase in serotonin production. Giving T3 induces serotonin production. Similarly, in hypothyroidism, serotonin production is reduced. T3 augments the effects of serotonin-increasing medications (such as the SSRIs) by the additive effect both have on desensitizing presynaptic serotonin autoreceptors.

Serotonin stimulates hypothalamic TRH production, leading to an increase in TSH production from the pituitary. Adequate serotonin production is necessary to maintain thyroid hormone levels. Increasing serotonin levels with an SSRI may thus help improve thyroid hormone production.

A caveat: Theoretically, an excess serotonin may lead to the opposite reaction. For example, excess serotonin leads to reduction in dopamine production, which then leads to increased norepinephrine production, leading to an increased stress response and cortisol production.

High levels of cortisol (which can also be caused by high stress levels, low testosterone, etc.) can directly lead to suppression of pituitary TSH secretion, and impair conversion of T4 to T3, and can impair serotonin function (by reducing serotonin receptor density, increasing serotonin uptake via increase in serotonin transporter production, and by increasing tryptophane oxygenase production in the liver - thus reducing tryptophan, the precursor to serotonin).

It may be thus important to have an idea of serotonin levels (unless one has a good clinical feel as to a patient's clinical response to assess serotonin levels - as a psychiatrist may have) by measuring urine serotonin levels. This, somewhat, correlates with brain serotonin levels, though I am still assessing this for clinical utility."
1cc said:
Drink 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water on rising in the morning.

That's 2,500mg of extra salt. I'm forced to keep my salt mostly at 1,000mg a day. Some day's when I consume 2,000-2,500mg's I gain 5-7 pounds of water. HGH+TEST+SALT=BLOAT

The average Western diet is too high in sodium. In the US, average sodium-intake in the daily diet is 4,000-5,000 mg. In the UK, dietary sodium-intake averages 3,500 mg daily.

Dangers/Side Effects of Excess Sodium

Excess sodium intake is linked to: hypertension/high blood pressure and heart disease, fluid retention (oedema) and kidney stones. A high-sodium diet increases the need for potassium.
carbonium said:
That's 2,500mg of extra salt. I'm forced to keep my salt mostly at 1,000mg a day. Some day's when I consume 2,000-2,500mg's I gain 5-7 pounds of water. HGH+TEST+SALT=BLOAT

The average Western diet is too high in sodium. In the US, average sodium-intake in the daily diet is 4,000-5,000 mg. In the UK, dietary sodium-intake averages 3,500 mg daily.

Dangers/Side Effects of Excess Sodium

Excess sodium intake is linked to: hypertension/high blood pressure and heart disease, fluid retention (oedema) and kidney stones. A high-sodium diet increases the need for potassium.
I am sure 1cc is talking about Sea Salt I do this now and I feel better I can tell if I forget to put the Sea Salt in my water.
carbonium said:
That's 2,500mg of extra salt. I'm forced to keep my salt mostly at 1,000mg a day. Some day's when I consume 2,000-2,500mg's I gain 5-7 pounds of water. HGH+TEST+SALT=BLOAT

The average Western diet is too high in sodium. In the US, average sodium-intake in the daily diet is 4,000-5,000 mg. In the UK, dietary sodium-intake averages 3,500 mg daily.

Dangers/Side Effects of Excess Sodium

Excess sodium intake is linked to: hypertension/high blood pressure and heart disease, fluid retention (oedema) and kidney stones. A high-sodium diet increases the need for potassium.

Taking Salt applies only to people who have Adrenal Fatigue, not to people who don't have Aderenal Fatigue. People who have Adrenal Fatigue don't retain sufficient salt because of a reduction in Aldosterone. People who have Adrenal Fatigue have low blood pressure. For more info read the book "Adrenal Fatigue" by Dr. James Wilson.
jasonshadow said:
I started noticing my symptoms when I got off Paxil. After re-reading the Adrenal thread I think I found out why I have the issues I do with Thyroid and Cortisol. I believe low serotonin is the answer. I have been debating about starting 5-HTP (seratonin precurser w/o the SSRI side effects) for sometime now and I think I just been motivated to start.

any comments?

Adrenal Fatigue leads to anxiety. Paxil masks the symptoms of anxiety. If you treat the source of the anxiety, then you won't need Paxil.
1cc said:
This is Adrenal Fatigue as confirmed by your symptoms and saliva cortisol test. You need to improve your cortisol levels as well as DHEA level. Do you have a blood DHEA Sulfate lab by any chance?

Take Ester-C 1000mg 3 times daily with breakfast, lunch, dinner. Use ONLY the one in the following link, because it has a ratio of vitamin C to bioflavanoids of 2:1 as mentioned by Dr. James Wilson.

Use Isocort or Hydrocortisone. Each Isocort pellet contains about 2.5mg cortisol. Take 5mg at 11-noon. If you are also not feeling well at 4-5pm, take 2.5mg. The 5mg at 11-noon should be sufficient. Drink 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water on rising in the morning. Take 25mg DHEA after breakfast with something oily to aid absorption (I used a tablespoon of olive oil).

I recommend the following books:
1. Diabetes and Hypoglycemia - Michael T. Murray
2. Adrenal Fatigue The 21st Century Stress Syndrome - Dr. James Wilson

This is a list of things I have done in the past for my Adrenal Fatigue.

1. Sleep at 10pm and get 8-10 hours sleep.
2. Do some type of relaxation excercise.
3. Adopt a hypoglycemic diet.
4. Ester-C 1000mg 3 times daily with breakfast, lunch, dinner.
5. Beta Carotene 25,000iu 1 x daily
6. Magnesium Glycinate 200mg 3 x daily
7. Chromium picolinate 200mcg 2 x daily
8. Zinc picolinate 30mg 1 x daily (at noon and not with chromium or
9. Vitamin E d-alpha-tocophyrol 200mg 3 x daily
10. Panax Ginseng 300mg 7% ginsenocides on empty stomach on rising
11. Drenamin 3 tabs 3 x daily on empty stomach
12. Drenotrophin PMG 1 tab 3 x daily on empty stomach
13. Adrenal Dessicated 1 tab 3 x daily on empty stomach
14. Pantothenic Acid(Vit B5) 500mg 3 x daily
15. Fish Oil softgel 1000mg 3 x daily
16. Calcium citrate 1000mg at bedtime
17. Drink salted water

You can substitute 10,11,12,13,14 for Isocort or hydrocortisone. Each isocort pellet has
about 2.5mg of cortisol.

Hypoglycemic diet:
The most important thing you can do is to eat something small every 2 hours. Make sure you get more protein and lots of vegetables, complex carbs are okay. Do not have anything sweet, even fruit, and check the labels of everything to ensure that there is no sugar. You cannot have white bread, potatoe, white rice, white pasta or anything made with white flour. Before you go to bed, it is very important to have something to eat so that you do not have hypo symptoms during the evening (if you do get hypoglycemic symptoms in the evening).


thanks for all the great recommendations but a few more questions. you say take 25mg. of DHEA in the morning with breakfast. doesn't DHEA have a very short half like and need to be taken twice per day?

Is there one paticular online source for your supplements you recommend?
If I'm taking a multi-vit/mineral do I still need all of the above supplements?
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jasonshadow said:
thanks for all the great recommendations but a few more questions. you say take 25mg. of DHEA in the morning with breakfast. doesn't DHEA have a very short half like and need to be taken twice per day?

There are some who take it twice or more a day, and there are some that take it once a day. The Life Extension Foundation and Dr. Philip Miller author of The Life Extension Revolution (a must have book) say that the best results theyve had has been with once a day. I personally have tried twice a day and also found that once a day works best for me.

jasonshadow said:
Is there one paticular online source for your supplements you recommend?

1. Sleep at 10pm and get 8-10 hours sleep.
2. Do some type of relaxation excercise.
3. Adopt a hypoglycemic diet.
4. Ester-C 1000mg 3 times daily with breakfast, lunch, dinner.
5. Beta Carotene 25,000iu 1 x daily
6. Magnesium Glycinate 200mg 3 x daily local health food store KAL brand
7. Chromium picolinate 200mcg 2 x daily Costco
8. Zinc picolinate 30mg 1 x daily (at noon and not with chromium or
iron) local health food store
9. Vitamin E d-alpha-tocophyrol 200mg 3 x daily
10. Panax Ginseng 300mg 7% ginsenocides on empty stomach on rising Savon Drugs
11. Drenamin 3 tabs 3 x daily on empty stomach call and ask for local supplier
12. Drenotrophin PMG 1 tab 3 x daily on empty stomach call and ask for local supplier
13. Adrenal Dessicated 1 tab 3 x daily on empty stomach call and ask for local supplier
14. Pantothenic Acid(Vit B5) 500mg 3 x daily
15. Fish Oil softgel 1000mg 3 x daily Costco
16. Calcium citrate 1000mg at bedtime
17. Drink salted water

Natrol "My Favorite multiple - take one (without iron)". Local health food store
Hydrocortisone Cortef local pharmacy
Isocort - local health food store
DHEA - Pharmaceutical Grade local health food store

jasonshadow said:
If I'm taking a multi-vit/mineral do I still need all of the above supplements?

This doesnt provide you with the amounts you require for treating Adrenal Fatigue. It also depends on how deficient you are in the above vitamins and minerals. I currently only take 5mg Hydrocortisone in the morning and 1000mg Ester-C x 3 per day, 25mg DHEA and Multi-Vit, salt water. Thats it.

Take a good multi-vit/mineral as mentioned above. Next, take the vitamin C for 3 days and then add in the Hydrocortisone or Isocort, then add in DHEA. This may be all you need. The other minerals are very important, especially if you are deficient in them, so it would be a good idea to take them for a short time like 1 month, but the above would be what is absolutely necessary.
pmgamer18 said:
TSH is 2.939 up from 1.915 range uIU/mL
Free T4 0.91 not done last test range 0.71 to 2.23 ng/dl
Free T3 2.32 down from 2.50 range 1.5 to 3.5 pm/ml

Are you taking any thyroid hormone?

pmgamer18 said:
Fasting Glucose 65 range 65 to 140 mg/dl maybe this is why I feel like crap in the morning.
Fasting Insulin 13.9 range 11.4 to 29.1 uIU/mL this looks low also.

You know those panic attacks you said you used to have during the night while sleeping, could be low blood sugar hypoglycemic attacks. Hypoglycemia is a symptom of Adrenal Fatigue.
1cc said:
Are you taking any thyroid hormone?

You know those panic attacks you said you used to have during the night while sleeping, could be low blood sugar hypoglycemic attacks. Hypoglycemia is a symptom of Adrenal Fatigue.
No I am not on thyroid meds. Do you think I need them. I use to think that it was low sugar but many times I would get up and drink Orange juice and it did not help. At least not like it helped my Mother in law when her sugar went to low she had High sugar and her meds would make her go to low. But it could trigger one. I also had a lot of panic attacks during the day time. It would piss off my wife we would go to the show and have to leave when it was bad. I had Hyoglycemia when I was in my mid 20's working 16 hr. days as a machine designer. Not eating good or getting any rest.
1cc said:
This is Adrenal Fatigue as confirmed by your symptoms and saliva cortisol test. You need to improve your cortisol levels as well as DHEA level. Do you have a blood DHEA Sulfate lab by any chance?

Take Ester-C 1000mg 3 times daily with breakfast, lunch, dinner. Use ONLY the one in the following link, because it has a ratio of vitamin C to bioflavanoids of 2:1 as mentioned by Dr. James Wilson.

Use Isocort or Hydrocortisone. Each Isocort pellet contains about 2.5mg cortisol. Take 5mg at 11-noon. If you are also not feeling well at 4-5pm, take 2.5mg. The 5mg at 11-noon should be sufficient. Drink 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water on rising in the morning. Take 25mg DHEA after breakfast with something oily to aid absorption (I used a tablespoon of olive oil).

I recommend the following books:
1. Diabetes and Hypoglycemia - Michael T. Murray
2. Adrenal Fatigue The 21st Century Stress Syndrome - Dr. James Wilson

This is a list of things I have done in the past for my Adrenal Fatigue.

1. Sleep at 10pm and get 8-10 hours sleep.
2. Do some type of relaxation excercise.
3. Adopt a hypoglycemic diet.
4. Ester-C 1000mg 3 times daily with breakfast, lunch, dinner.
5. Beta Carotene 25,000iu 1 x daily
6. Magnesium Glycinate 200mg 3 x daily
7. Chromium picolinate 200mcg 2 x daily
8. Zinc picolinate 30mg 1 x daily (at noon and not with chromium or
9. Vitamin E d-alpha-tocophyrol 200mg 3 x daily
10. Panax Ginseng 300mg 7% ginsenocides on empty stomach on rising
11. Drenamin 3 tabs 3 x daily on empty stomach
12. Drenotrophin PMG 1 tab 3 x daily on empty stomach
13. Adrenal Dessicated 1 tab 3 x daily on empty stomach
14. Pantothenic Acid(Vit B5) 500mg 3 x daily
15. Fish Oil softgel 1000mg 3 x daily
16. Calcium citrate 1000mg at bedtime
17. Drink salted water

You can substitute 10,11,12,13,14 for Isocort or hydrocortisone. Each isocort pellet has
about 2.5mg of cortisol.

Hypoglycemic diet:
The most important thing you can do is to eat something small every 2 hours. Make sure you get more protein and lots of vegetables, complex carbs are okay. Do not have anything sweet, even fruit, and check the labels of everything to ensure that there is no sugar. You cannot have white bread, potatoe, white rice, white pasta or anything made with white flour. Before you go to bed, it is very important to have something to eat so that you do not have hypo symptoms during the evening (if you do get hypoglycemic symptoms in the evening).

This is an excellant post bro.
I like it alot.
Funny thing, I do many of the things you are mentioning here and Adrenal Fatigue has never been one of my problems. Maybe it is because I have a hypoglycemic diet, get tons of sleep and keep stress to a minimum, take DHEA.
Man, this is a great post.