My Thoughts on GH

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Ipam should not have given you gyno at all; it doesn't mess with prolactin like the other ones you are considering. Perhaps your Ipam wasn't Ipam. I ran it for months with no issues at all. Thing is, the peptides will cost more than generic HGH.
Actually I found it. Here it is:
Given that my IGF-1 levels were pretty much as high as someone running a fairly normal dose of HGH (pretty well over the top of the range), AND I had preexisting pubertal gyno at the time, it doesn't surprise me at all that running Ipa/MOD GRF for so long (I did a 5/2 on/off schedule usually, but sometimes I would just continue it for longer because of the sleep issues I have had for so long) caused my gyno to get worse.

Now I have essentially no gland, but I do notice when I run those peptides and IGF-1 gets high, my nipples get puffy. Now I haven't run it long enough to see if it would actually matter. I do have ralox on hand and due to some life stuff I will probably be taking Ipa/MOD GRF nightly again for a while to help me sleep...I have measured my nipple with a caliper and do so every week or two to track and potential growth in the tiny little amount of gland that is left over.
I'm on my last kit of Goodlyfe HGH, which is quite affordable and those of who have taken it, know it's good to go, but after watching this video
and taking GH on and off for years, both pharm and generic of various kinds, I have to agree with Iain in this video, that it may help 5% more and you shoudln't take it unless you have disposable income, and its better to use your money on food and gear in regards to muscle growth.

Even though Goodlyfe is affordable and is good, I'm not a pro, nor am I competitor, and frankly, I don't think it's even necessary because the kind of physique I would like to accomplish, doesn't need GH anyway. My levels at 5ius came back at 371, and other times I've taken different brans, 299 or 384. Nothing crazy. I'd have to be taken 10ius to get higher levels lol. So clearly, my body must suck at converting exogenous GH. I have done IGF-1 Lr3 before, and completely transformed, but I was also on gear then (var and tren), so how do I know it was the IGF-1, especially when tren increase IGF-1? I got really lean on it, but people say at best its a GDA.

And I wonder, if GH is just something people think they need, but doesn't do what they think. We know Growth Hormone doesn't actually build tissue, rather it is the IGF-1. And we also know, its not even the IGF-1, rather, it's the MGF that comes from IGF-1, which happens in the cell after training; and we know we can't shoot MGF exogenously, because it doesn't work for some reason.

So what do we take GH for? Fat burning, anti-aging, rest, recovery? Perhaps tendon growth, intermuscular water retention? Well I think you get better fat burning from clen/t3 combo, and I'm sure the rest can be achieved by other means as well.

I've been on GH for nearly a year straight now, and all I've noticed is that I sleep way better; fat burning, maybe it's kept me lean a bit since I'm not doing any cardio or really dieting. Recovery? Eh, that depends on my volume and intensity.

Maybe it is the icing on the cake, and maybe at high levels of competition you need it because you're maxed out on gear and genetics, but I certainly am not, and maybe its time to let it go lol.

I'm gonna blast 10iu ED to see if I notice anything crazy, until this kit runs out and then give myself a break

Anyone else come to the same conclusion?

I am not a bodybuilding competitor..but pharma GH has completely transformed my physique over the years. I would never be without it. At 48 I find it has many positive attributes. I recover better, I sleep better, and I can eat any number of calories and stay lean and full with little cardio. It is worth it for this reason alone IMO. That and 200 Pharma test maintain a good look for me year round.
I am not a bodybuilding competitor..but pharma GH has completely transformed my physique over the years. I would never be without it. At 48 I find it has many positive attributes. I recover better, I sleep better, and I can eat any number of calories and stay lean and full with little cardio. It is worth it for this reason alone IMO. That and 200 Pharma test maintain a good look for me year round.
Curious, which brand and how many IUs per day?
Curious, which brand and how many IUs per day?
I have always used Sustanon......these days at 250 a week with Geno's at 4IU 5 days on 2 off...Sust was my first steroid ...the old Redi-jects from Mexico. That is my staple. I have tried many kinds of Gh and for growth it was Humatrope 8 IU a day..those were the days!
I have always used Sustanon......these days at 250 a week with Geno's at 4IU 5 days on 2 off...Sust was my first steroid ...the old Redi-jects from Mexico. That is my staple. I have tried many kinds of Gh and for growth it was Humatrope 8 IU a day..those were the days!
I do go up in test dosage once a year (750) with anavar also just for fun pre-vacation. Approx. 2 months.
I have always used Sustanon......these days at 250 a week with Geno's at 4IU 5 days on 2 off...Sust was my first steroid ...the old Redi-jects from Mexico. That is my staple. I have tried many kinds of Gh and for growth it was Humatrope 8 IU a day..those were the days!
Damn. 8ius a day is like a mortgage per month lol. I hope you're gettin a great deal
I thought there wasn’t much solid evidence that hyperplasia can occur in adults?
I don't know about evidence done through studies..but I do not believe in any way I would look this way now had it not been for GH. Whether or not hyperplasia has occurred I cannot say, but I know the rate of gain when I added high dose GH to what gear I was already using I exploded. Best gains I ever made.
Well GH does help increase lean body mass via intermuscular water retention.
Well GH does help increase lean body mass via intermuscular water retention.

This is what guys call the “3D effect”. It is similar to what i get with large doses of creatine. However just like creatine its temporary only for as long as you continue using it.

Ive personally never found GH to be a mass builder. Ive used it with slin and i did bulk up sarcoplasm really fast though but i credit that with the insulin not the GH. On a cost:effect ratio verse AAS GH is a bad investment if muscle gains is the only goal.

Where ive found GH to be most impressive is its inhibition of lipogenesis when consuming a huge surplus. Many bros report the same thing, they can go on a crazy bulking surplus and somehow not gain fat. Now im an ectomorph so getting fat seems impossible, so i may not be the best candidate for reporting this benefit as i dont get fat on any surplus even without GH. If you are an endomorph and need to be very careful with cal intake when bulking i think GH would be a huge help to utilize on a bulk, not becuse its going to super charge your gainz but rather because it will minimize your fat gains letting you intake a bigger surplus which will help your muscle gains.

What i dont understand is what GH does exactly that prevents excess calories from getting stored as fat. I think guys like to call it enhanced nutrient partitioning, it just seems to change the way the body reacts to excess caloric surplus.

I also think the older you are the better the benefits will be from GH, so bros in their 40s and 50s probably stand to gain more from using GH verse younger guys.

It is definitely no miracle mass gainer though, anyone going into it with that expectation is definitely setting themselves up for disappointment in my experience.
You should know how to use the GH properly, better get in contact with a coach, when your max is 5 IU how can you tell that its making only a few % ? That's in the most cases not true, taking GH is easy, but taking it effectively is a bit complex.

For example

To get to a big level the best dosages are starting at 8 going up to 15 IUs, a good dosage for most people are 12 IU, you dont need to split it, because its dump, the more gh you Inject the higher your Igf1 is elevated and longer up than the hgh half life by itself.

Take Insulin, hgh without insulin is just stupid. No not fast acting, for the absolut results someone should use around 100-150 IU Lantus, pre & post fast acting slin aswell around 10-20 IU.

The dosage of gear should be around 2g minimum i would recommend a high dose test because its cheaper and more effective than Nandrolone in terms of aromatization to DHT, and goes well with boldenone, they work synergistic with GH because boldenone is not only for muscle synthesis gene transcription its for performance. And a very important staple is Tren because it makes the satellite cells more sensitive to IGF1

Hgh + Lantus = more igf1
Tren= reacting better to igf1

These is a blueprint to effectively manage igf1 efficacy, you can believe it or not, 5 IU with a poopy dosage is not even a real TRT for people that make money out of BB.

If you spend your money on hgh, use it correctly.
Stay safe with the insulin
So is that better to use 10iu HGH in bolus dose like after wo or before bed, to get the max IGF1 levels?

Maybe i am completely wrong but 100iu Lantus won't make you very insulin resistant after a while?
This is what guys call the “3D effect”. It is similar to what i get with large doses of creatine. However just like creatine its temporary only for as long as you continue using it.

Ive personally never found GH to be a mass builder. Ive used it with slin and i did bulk up sarcoplasm really fast though but i credit that with the insulin not the GH. On a cost:effect ratio verse AAS GH is a bad investment if muscle gains is the only goal.

Where ive found GH to be most impressive is its inhibition of lipogenesis when consuming a huge surplus. Many bros report the same thing, they can go on a crazy bulking surplus and somehow not gain fat. Now im an ectomorph so getting fat seems impossible, so i may not be the best candidate for reporting this benefit as i dont get fat on any surplus even without GH. If you are an endomorph and need to be very careful with cal intake when bulking i think GH would be a huge help to utilize on a bulk, not becuse its going to super charge your gainz but rather because it will minimize your fat gains letting you intake a bigger surplus which will help your muscle gains.

What i dont understand is what GH does exactly that prevents excess calories from getting stored as fat. I think guys like to call it enhanced nutrient partitioning, it just seems to change the way the body reacts to excess caloric surplus.

I also think the older you are the better the benefits will be from GH, so bros in their 40s and 50s probably stand to gain more from using GH verse younger guys.

It is definitely no miracle mass gainer though, anyone going into it with that expectation is definitely setting themselves up for disappointment in my experience.
GH is a great mobilizing of fatty acids, that's why. It doesn't burn fat itself, from what I understand, but it moves fat to be burned.
I am using 10iu HGH generics ed, goal atm is growing and tbh the only thing that i notice is that it's harder to get fat, joints/tendons recover much faster, sleep a bit better or.... if i sleep less i recover anyway.

I am not a big eater and for me 4k cals ed + 1 cheat meal a week on Sat/Sun at 6' 240lbs are already enough of a struggle.

Basically if you add insulin, it's harder to get fat from the spike of it.

I always ask myself if adding Lantus can improve the growth without making me fatter but usually i see lines blurred from it....

Tbh i don't notice any fat burning effect AT ALL.
I am using 10iu HGH generics ed, goal atm is growing and tbh the only thing that i notice is that it's harder to get fat, joints/tendons recover much faster, sleep a bit better or.... if i sleep less i recover anyway.

I am not a big eater and for me 4k cals ed + 1 cheat meal a week on Sat/Sun at 6' 240lbs are already enough of a struggle.

Basically if you add insulin, it's harder to get fat from the spike of it.

I always ask myself if adding Lantus can improve the growth without making me fatter but usually i see lines blurred from it....

Tbh i don't notice any fat burning effect AT ALL.
Well you won't if yu'r ein a surplus. I've been floating around maintenance for 9 months and have seen slow recomp over this time, letting the drugs and workouts act as the creators of the deficit. I think the GH has helped with that, but the "OMG FAT MELTING OFF LIKE NEVER BEFORE" I think is utter bullshit. I've seen more fat come off from the t3 I've started taking last week.
Well you won't if yu'r ein a surplus. I've been floating around maintenance for 9 months and have seen slow recomp over this time, letting the drugs and workouts act as the creators of the deficit. I think the GH has helped with that, but the "OMG FAT MELTING OFF LIKE NEVER BEFORE" I think is utter bullshit. I've seen more fat come off from the t3 I've started taking last week.
Exactly my experience!!!

One thing that we need to remember also is that HGH will make us insulin resistant everywhere, fat and muscle cells....

So i doubt that fat melt effect from HGH will be even noticeable short term
I am using 10iu HGH generics ed, goal atm is growing and tbh the only thing that i notice is that it's harder to get fat, joints/tendons recover much faster, sleep a bit better or.... if i sleep less i recover anyway.

I am not a big eater and for me 4k cals ed + 1 cheat meal a week on Sat/Sun at 6' 240lbs are already enough of a struggle.

Basically if you add insulin, it's harder to get fat from the spike of it.

I always ask myself if adding Lantus can improve the growth without making me fatter but usually i see lines blurred from it....

Tbh i don't notice any fat burning effect AT ALL.
I recomp lige a crazy when using Lantus.

And i can eat more kcals than i need. Always hungry when running lantus
GH is a great mobilizing of fatty acids, that's why. It doesn't burn fat itself, from what I understand, but it moves fat to be burned.

Some science does say that BUT that falls under lipolysis (fat reduction) if true.

The real magic of GH seems in my experiences to be its effects on inhibiting lipogenesis (fat formation). Unfortunately you need a degree in biochemistry to understand the significance of the mechanisms involved in how HGH does that, but the study below suggests a mechanism of how it achieves this:

Effects of exogenous growth hormone on lipid metabolism in the isolated epididymal fat pad of the growth hormone-deficient little mouse​

F M Ng 1, N A Adamafio, J E Graystone
Affiliations expand


The effects of two preparations of highly purified human GH (hGH) on lipid metabolism were studied in the GH-deficient little mouse (50-60 days old). Marked decreases in incorporation of [14C]glucose into fatty acid and in the activity of acetyl-CoA carboxylase in the epididymal fat pads were observed after i.p. injection of hGH at a dose of 1.0 microgram/g body weight or after continuous infusion of hGH by osmotic minipump. The rate of glucose incorporation into fatty acid decreased from 107.0 +/- 27.6 (S.E.M.) to 38.1 +/- 19.6 mumol/g tissue per h after a single injection of hGH and from 174.1 +/- 28.5 to 56.3 +/- 20.3 mumol/g tissue per h after continuous infusion of hGH for 2 days. Activity of the lipogenic enzyme acetyl-CoA carboxylase was also reduced by more than 50% in the epididymal fat pad from hGH-treated mice in comparison with the corresponding control animals. Incubation of isolated fat pads with hGH (0.1 microgram/ml) revealed similar inhibitory effects of the hormone on fatty acid synthesis and acetyl-CoA carboxylase activity. No lipolytic effect of hGH was found as determined by the rate of glycerol release from epididymal fat pads of little mice following hormone treatment in vivo or in vitro. The results lend strong support to the conclusion that GH inhibits lipogenesis but has no effect on lipolysis in adipose tissues, and indicate that the physiological role of GH in lipid metabolism is concerned mainly with the regulation of anabolic rather than catabolic processes.

So in the above study GH inhibits lipogenesis by reducing the levels of some enzyme that, apparently, is involved in the process of fat formation. Interestingly the above study also notes no benefit from GH on actual lipolysis (they observed no effect on increasing fat burning) rather the primary benefit seemed to be on preventing fat storage to begin with. This studies results parallel my own observations personally using GH.

My question becomes, if GH inhibits this enzyme from synthesizing fat tissue during a caloric surplus what is the fate of all those excess calories that otherwise would have gone towards fat storage? Does it mean they instead end up going towards additional muscle growth provided the stimulus for muscle growth is present? Is this what bros mean when they talk about enhanced nutrient partitioning?