Actually I found it. Here it is:Ipam should not have given you gyno at all; it doesn't mess with prolactin like the other ones you are considering. Perhaps your Ipam wasn't Ipam. I ran it for months with no issues at all. Thing is, the peptides will cost more than generic HGH.
Given that my IGF-1 levels were pretty much as high as someone running a fairly normal dose of HGH (pretty well over the top of the range), AND I had preexisting pubertal gyno at the time, it doesn't surprise me at all that running Ipa/MOD GRF for so long (I did a 5/2 on/off schedule usually, but sometimes I would just continue it for longer because of the sleep issues I have had for so long) caused my gyno to get worse.
Now I have essentially no gland, but I do notice when I run those peptides and IGF-1 gets high, my nipples get puffy. Now I haven't run it long enough to see if it would actually matter. I do have ralox on hand and due to some life stuff I will probably be taking Ipa/MOD GRF nightly again for a while to help me sleep...I have measured my nipple with a caliper and do so every week or two to track and potential growth in the tiny little amount of gland that is left over.