My TRT/fat loss log

Quick update: Sticking to maintenance pretty well, bouncing between 2700-3400 cals a day depending on appetite and how busy work is. I’ve gotten back up to 255, I suspect mainly water weight and glycogen stores as I was extremely low carb prior to switching to maintenance (hitting 50g/day on average), and now my carbs sit at around 300. It is tough to get calories in from quality sources but it’s nice to be able to treat myself to an ice cream bar or a few Oreos every now and then.

Currently awaiting bloods, I’ll post them on here when I get the results but hopefully I’ll continue to see improvements in my health markers and numbers.

Workouts were vastly improved, unfortunately I changed positions at work and it’s been so busy that it’s tough to have any energy in the afternoon. On top of that I injured my shoulder Friday so I think this week might be a deload week until that heals.

Thinking of maintaining until the middle of August, should be about 7 weeks of maintenance and then head back into a deficit to hit my 225lb goal. I’ll be sure to post some updated pictures when I’m able to get a good pump in!
Quick update: Sticking to maintenance pretty well, bouncing between 2700-3400 cals a day depending on appetite and how busy work is. I’ve gotten back up to 255, I suspect mainly water weight and glycogen stores as I was extremely low carb prior to switching to maintenance (hitting 50g/day on average), and now my carbs sit at around 300. It is tough to get calories in from quality sources but it’s nice to be able to treat myself to an ice cream bar or a few Oreos every now and then.

Currently awaiting bloods, I’ll post them on here when I get the results but hopefully I’ll continue to see improvements in my health markers and numbers.

Workouts were vastly improved, unfortunately I changed positions at work and it’s been so busy that it’s tough to have any energy in the afternoon. On top of that I injured my shoulder Friday so I think this week might be a deload week until that heals.

Thinking of maintaining until the middle of August, should be about 7 weeks of maintenance and then head back into a deficit to hit my 225lb goal. I’ll be sure to post some updated pictures when I’m able to get a good pump in!
Just be careful you don’t slip into old bad habits. Your low weight was 247 and you’re up to 255? You’re not a small guy so definitely could be water fluctuating. But I would be mindful not to slip into the 260s.

You’ve already crossed the natty threshold so if your shoulder injury is bad enough you could look into healing peptides while you deload or rest.
Just be careful you don’t slip into old bad habits. Your low weight was 247 and you’re up to 255? You’re not a small guy so definitely could be water fluctuating. But I would be mindful not to slip into the 260s.

You’ve already crossed the natty threshold so if your shoulder injury is bad enough you could look into healing peptides while you deload or rest.
Yeah it’s definitely been tough to avoid slipping into old habits at this higher calorie level, 255 is my cut off if I go any higher I plan to back off the calories, I’m hoping a solid 5-6lbs is water weight but I’ll definitely be mindful not to put on fat during the maintenance phase.

As far as peptides, I have been looking into BPC-157 and TB-500 to help assist the healing process, thankfully this particular injury is healing pretty quick, the pain is nonexistent as of today, still planning on taking it easy on pressing movements this week so I don’t hurt it again but hopefully with some more rest and ice I should be alright in a day or two. But I should probably pick up some BPC-157 to have on hand in case I do get injured again.
Blood test results came in finally! Trough is definitely lower than what I was hoping for. Planning on upping to 200mg a week injecting MWF to see if that helps. I’d like to be around at least 600 on the trough ideally 700, don’t want to be running over 1,000 until I’m lean and want to blast. If that fails I do have test c from Stan as well as test from other vendors I can swap, thankfully E2 is okay and cholesterol numbers aren’t awful, not great either. Probably going to up my fish and fiber intake to try and help those numbers.


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In other news, maintenance is still going well. Holding at around 252-254, lifts are all up and my shoulder is recovering nicely. Was able to hit chest and shoulders yesterday with a moderate intensity and no pain, hopefully by next week I’ll be back full force. Macros have been rough lately but there’s a lot of stress in my life so I’m just trying to focus on protein and calories until everything gets sorted. Excited to get started on the next cut in a few weeks and make my way to 225!