NapsGear Customers Gear Porn

Bro millard banned me on some trumped up charge with no warning and after the ban refused to speak to me about it

Dont expect a response.
Should have followed the rules. You think you are owed an explanation? Go re-read the post you posted for the ban, and that will explain everything.
Millard dont owe you anything.. Now go feed your
Don't you fucking trolls have nothing better to do? Ill bet not one member here bashing naps has ever ordered a thing from him. All those positive reviews, yet you fools are calling him a scammer? lol..
They look like a cut and paste job from eroids, but so many have similar wording, like "Naps does it again" or "Naps came through again" that it almost seems like there were 2 or 3 sellouts tasked with writing all the positive reviews.

Ugh. Imagine being given that task. Endlessly clacking away at a keyboard writing that drivel. After an hour I’d be fucking it up with honesty “Naps does it again and ripped 23 customers off this week. Their packs got “lost” in the mail.”
Don't you fucking trolls have nothing better to do? Ill bet not one member here bashing naps has ever ordered a thing from him. All those positive reviews, yet you fools are calling him a scammer? lol..

Yea our bad, Naps is just misunderstood. I’m sure their great and all. We’re just retarded.
Ugh. Imagine being given that task. Endlessly clacking away at a keyboard writing that drivel. After an hour I’d be fucking it up with honesty “Naps does it again and ripped 23 customers off this week. Their packs got “lost” in the mail.”

And where are all the customers he ripped off? Nowhere.. Made up phantom lies..
Its obvious no one here was ripped off, you guys just run your mouths without any proof.
And where are all the customers he ripped off? Nowhere.. Made up phantom lies..
Its obvious no one here was ripped off, you guys just run your mouths without any proof.

You’re right. I have never ordered from Naps and I never will. There are a few guys here that have had experience with Naps and it hasn’t been great.

I’m wondering where all of Naps “happy customers” are? They must be phantoms too because so far you’re the first that I’ve ever met.
And where are all the customers he ripped off? Nowhere.. Made up phantom lies..
Its obvious no one here was ripped off, you guys just run your mouths without any proof.
Serious question for you. Naps threatened to doxx a member here and send him a hot pack. Do you think this is ok?
Don't you fucking trolls have nothing better to do? Ill bet not one member here bashing naps has ever ordered a thing from him. All those positive reviews, yet you fools are calling him a scammer? lol..

i could write better fake reviews. You wouldn't even know it was the same guy writing all of them either.

Now that i realize that this is your throw away handle, go fuck yourself, Naps. That ban really got your balls in a twist, didn't it? As you can see, you weren't missed.

i bet it just chaps your ass seeing all those needy mother fuckers in the Triple B thread and not a single one in yours. It does, i know. That was you at one time, wasn't it? The needed source with a bunch of idiots believing you were beyond reproach. Now look at you. You're a washed up has-been.

i feel bad for having to be blunt with you like this, but it's for your own good. i'll tell you what, i'll place a hundred dollar pity order with you. i'll obviously throw the gear away when i receive it in 6 months, but it's no big loss. This is for charity after all.

Stay classy, Napsy.
Title: Ton of Domestic multiple pharmacies

Description: Ordered from three different domestic pharmacies , one overseas. I`m really impressed with the delivery with all the domestics. But one (TSG DEPO) really outdid the others in time and packaging. Real professional,even came in the paper pharmacy bag. Nice touch

Anavar 10 (Pharmaqo Labs)
Depo-DianaJet (TSG Compound Pharmacy)
Depo-Masteron P (TSG Compound Pharmacy)
Depo-Testosterone E (TSG Compound Pharmacy)
Depo-Testosterone P (TSG Compound Pharmacy)
Winstrol 10 (Odin Anabolics)
Testosterone Suspension 100 (Odin Anabolics)
Trenbolone-E 200 (Pharmaqo Labs)
Masteron-E 200 (Pharmaqo Labs)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​


Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

dont forget that this comes with a 50% chance of u not getting anything along with a 50% chance of whatever you get being a hot pack if you do get something
I wonder if these posts are also automated. I haven't spent any time looking at them beyond scrolling past, but from what I saw, they look like they all follow the same format. So, whenever someone leaves a review wherever these are being posted originally, has a script just auto-posting it here.

Not at all. I'm making posts manually in a comfortable uniform format for reading .
Let @naps play his little game. He thinks he’s smarter and having his thread at the top of the Underground will lure in the noobs.

I’d suggest the members vacate this thread so it’s obvious what naps is doing. We have another thread that we can bump above his.
They look like a cut and paste job from eroids, but so many have similar wording, like "Naps does it again" or "Naps came through again" that it almost seems like there were 2 or 3 sellouts tasked with writing all the positive reviews.

There are 8k+ reviews with pics. New pics are coming every day. I'll try to pick up something more diverse for you.
There are 8k+ reviews with pics. New pics are coming every day. I'll try to pick up something more diverse for you.
We don’t give a fuck bro
It’s actually cringe that you post your own « feedback » you don’t have customers that can post here ? Or no one want to vouch here for a scammer