NapsGear Customers Gear Porn

Let @naps play his little game. He thinks he’s smarter and having his thread at the top of the Underground will lure in the noobs.

I’d suggest the members vacate this thread so it’s obvious what naps is doing. We have another thread that we can bump above his.

It's just a business for me. I have no idea why you would sacrifice your life time doing this.
Title: Pharma grade HGH Saizen

Description: I love the guaranteed quality, purity, and potency of the pharma grade growth hormones. Smells like band aids and a sterile hospital when you draw it out the vial. I am not rich by any means either. Just dont take chances with the HGH and like to know I got the best. Have already went through some humotrope by lilly at 2 i.u.s a day so far and every possible benefit from growth has been phenomenal! Working my way up to 4 i.u.s eventually and will run growth for about 6 to 8 months.

SAIZEN (Merck)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Title: Pivotal Labs Arrived in less than 4 days

Description: Ordered domestic because dept of Customs delay is ridiculous thanks to federal union workers and the international bs covid excuse. My gear arrived within 4 days of sending the Bitcoin subtracting weekends. I sent payment on a Friday evening and received my gear on a Wednesday morning. Thanks Naps

Sustanon 250 (Pivotal Labs)
Masteron Propionate (Pivotal Labs)


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Title: Another Successful Order

Description: Great experience.. fast and discreet shipping. This is one of many orders from Naps and I`ve never had a problem that wasn`t fixed. I`ve had only one lost/seized package and they quickly resolved the problem. The primo is primo! The Cenforce, well let`s just say the force is strong with this one.

Cenforce 100 (Centurion Laboratories, India)
Rimobolan (ex. Primobolan Depot) (Bayer Schering Pharma)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Title: 100% delivery of HGH 100% of the time

Description: Well over 50 orders in the course of a decade or so...& Naps is still undisputed with a perfect delivery record.another 10 kits HGH!

HGH 191aa - Blue Tops (10 kits / 1000iu)


View attachment 149319View attachment 149320

Um... ."perfect" delivery record?? LMAO! I guess we have different interpretations of that word. I have been doing this shit 30 years Naps....even though u are not even the original Naps, and I remember you well.. Anyone who would send money or personal info to this source has lost their mind. NEWBIES BEWARE. This dude has been scamming since the beginning. You should probably pick another board to sell your "gear" as there are too many informed members here for you to ultimately be successful.
Title: Biomex arrived! Napsgear delivers....bottom line

Description: Guys. I was super anxious about this order. The products are exactly what they purport to be. I couldn`t be happier. All other sites wish they could be this reliable! Stay strong!

Winstrol 25mg (Biomex Labs)
Test C300 (Biomex Labs)
Equipoise 300 (Biomex Labs)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

You are wasting just as much time. You won’t get business from MESO.
I think he is right. You and everyone else wasting time here. Doesnt anyone lift anymore? You guys spend way to much time on the forums, and get nothing accomplished. Naps is getting business, Ill bet money on it.
I think he is right. You and everyone else wasting time here. Doesnt anyone lift anymore? You guys spend way to much time on the forums, and get nothing accomplished. Naps is getting business, Ill bet money on it.
I take it that you are a Naps fanboy. Seems you been getting free gear from Naps eh?