NapsGear Customers Gear Porn

Is this thread for real? I am not following but I have been doing this 20 plus years and Naps has been a VERY spotty source for as long as I can remember. I cannot believe they are permitted to advertise here.
Is this thread for real? I am not following but I have been doing this 20 plus years and Naps has been a VERY spotty source for as long as I can remember. I cannot believe they are permitted to advertise here.
Pretty sure the only ones using Naps is newbies that dont know any better. You would have to ask Millard why they are advertising here
Title: Fastest delivery ever!!!

Description: Super fast delivery! got it within 4 days. waiting on the other half but should be here soon. Super happy with the product and brand. Always gives great results. Thanks Naps!

Andro-Gen 450 (AVOGen Lab)
Anomass-Gen 400 (AVoGen Lab)
Melanotan I 10mg (U.S. Made Peptides)
Retho-Cialis (Beligas)
Mass-Gen 500 (AVoGen Lab)
Supo-Aromasin (Beligas)
Pro-Anadrol (Beligas)






This dude is proof you can fuck your customers over and make tons of $ if you advertise a lot. Probably most of his customers have not price shopped in years
Title: Naps comes through and does it again with super duper fast delivery!!!!!

Description: i bought GH from Naps this time around! i'm a repeat customer of Naps'!! The GH i bought from Naps is a little cloudy, but Naps said that's normal when you buy GH from Naps!!! Naps is the best!!! Naps even sent me free bac water!!! i'm a Naps customer until the day i die!!!!! Thanks, Naps.

GH (Naps VIP select stash)

Merry Christmas

My gift to all considering ordering from Naps.

DONT... there are far better choices oit there, and Naps's track record is abysmal.