NapsGear Customers Gear Porn

And why does the hghfactory website redirect to beligasdirect website? Was beligas trying to pretend they were a manufacturer of hgh when they are just reselling some Alibaba shit?
Naps has a make money but not in an underhanded fashion or at the expense.of the health and/safety of the community. Nothing is implied in that statement but Naps these.concerns from.people have festered and should you wish to do business here your chance to redeem yourself is now in your hands.
Fuck naps, bro. They don't have any right to make money here in my opinion. People are so fucking quick to forget that these cocksuckers threatened to dox members (BBBG) and have people come to his home to hurt him.

Nobody should even consider using these assholes at this point. Even with their 50% discount, their prices are still outrageous and more expensive than other domestic options who haven't threatened members here.

Why anyone would use these motherfuckers is beyond my comprehension.
And why does the hghfactory website redirect to beligasdirect website? Was beligas trying to pretend they were a manufacturer of hgh when they are just reselling some Alibaba shit?
Not too mention this sketchy site // redirects you too Naps.When you click on their product. Naps is sooo hurtin these days :D
Fuck naps, bro. They don't have any right to make money here in my opinion. People are so fucking quick to forget that these cocksuckers threatened to dox members (BBBG) and have people come to his home to hurt him.

Nobody should even consider using these assholes at this point. Even with their 50% discount, their prices are still outrageous and more expensive than other domestic options who haven't threatened members here.

Why anyone would use these motherfuckers is beyond my comprehension.
Nah, water under the bridge.

@Methyl Mike is going to vett these sources now and show us how it's done. Of course the only way to vett them is to place an order so he's going to be awfully busy placing orders everywhere.
He answered. He said he had a bad day at the office.
This kinda reminds me of that episode of The Office where Dwight is trying to get his manager position back after firing a gun in the office.

The CEO, Jo Bennet, is tired of Dwight begging for an interview for the Regional manager position so she interviews him on the spot in the middle of the office, and the only question she asks if he ever fired a gun in the office.

It doesn't fucking matter what the circumstances are/were at the time, he threatened to dox people and for all we know, @naps may or may not have already doxxed people in the past.

I don't feel that there should be any reason or way for someone to come back after a threat like that. How he hasn't already been banned is beyond me.
This kinda reminds me of that episode of The Office where Dwight is trying to get his manager position back after firing a gun in the office.

The CEO, Jo Bennet, is tired of Dwight begging for an interview for the Regional manager position so she interviews him on the spot in the middle of the office, and the only question she asks if he ever fired a gun in the office.

It doesn't fucking matter what the circumstances are/were at the time, he threatened to dox people and for all we know, @naps may or may not have already doxxed people in the past.

I don't feel that there should be any reason or way for someone to come back after a threat like that. How he hasn't already been banned is beyond me.

Bro, I'm just sick of people going in circles when I know most likely none or very few of them were ever his customers. And yes, there is a difference. With sources there are always good and bad rumors gossip etc but one person's experience does not mean your experience will be the same.
- @Methyl Mike
I remember when IA used faked lab reports… well they doctored them….. now NAPS is using other peoples reports as theirs. Same boat of you ask me
Bro, I'm just sick of people going in circles when I know most likely none or very few of them were ever his customers. And yes, there is a difference. With sources there are always good and bad rumors gossip etc but one person's experience does not mean your experience will be the same.
- @Methyl Mike
This is like the saying "with friends like that, who needs enemies?"

Except it's "with vendors like @naps, who needs law enforcement?"
This is like the saying "with friends like that, who needs enemies?"

Except it's "with vendors like @naps, who needs law enforcement?"

I don’t have a clue what he’s fucking saying other than sounds like “awwww c’mon guys… let’s be nicer to these sources… they deserve 2nd, 3rd, 100 chances to get it right.”

I get so pissed when guys new to MESO dont embrace the traditions. They try to change it to fit their own needs. And to defend sources? Especially Naps? Geezus. Fuck right off to some other forum, MESO isn’t the place for you if you don’t like the way we have ALWAYS done things.
I remember when IA used faked lab reports… well they doctored them….. now NAPS is using other peoples reports as theirs. Same boat of you ask me
Not to mention much of the reviews themselves as posted here are mainly from shills or even fake.
Admittedly, that I fell into that initially (you probably remember it, or maybe you don't, idk), but it didn't take long for me to see how and why it is necessary
People WANT to find the good in other people. Its an instinctual thing. But there are very few "good" people involved in this. If we just hold sources accountable with a high standard then it should weed out the shitty criminal element that do this only for money (becasue they can't hold a job or because they have a hungry additiction to feed). Those represent the liars and thieves that will sell you half-assed gear because they give less than any small amount of fucks for you.

There ARE guys in this that have a genuine interest, whether in the chemistry or the body-building side. Those are the guys that "love their job and never have to work a day". Guys that run their UGL as if it was any normal business. They simply desire to be the absolute best, just for the reputation. There have been a bunch of UGLs like that.

If we hold sources to a higher standard with testing expectations, lab photos, blind testing credits and customer service expectations then we eliminate the criminal enterprises and open the doors for the UGLs that live this lifestyle.

So noobs that are "just happy getting shit in the mail" are undermining a greater goal. Take away the career criminals and addicts and you end up with a whole new image of the industry and hopefully inching ourselves toward the eventual legalization just like marijuana.
I made a thread over on asf about the use of someone else’s lab reports as his…. It’s in the pit but I have been banned a few times for shit I said in the pit. Let’s see if we get a response there

Also looking at their other lab reports on asf all the emails that are blured out are from a email address not linked to naps that I can see.

Look we all know naps is a bottom of the barrel source who feeds of new guys and uneducated people (first time buyers) - when there are multiple USA sources who needs to deal with a headache like naps
Bro, I'm just sick of people going in circles when I know most likely none or very few of them were ever his customers. And yes, there is a difference. With sources there are always good and bad rumors gossip etc but one person's experience does not mean your experience will be the same.
- @Methyl Mike
Bro, I'm just sick of people going in circles when I know most likely none or very few of them were ever his customers. And yes, there is a difference. With sources there are always good and bad rumors gossip etc but one person's experience does not mean your experience will be the same.
- @Methyl Mike
My intentions were to hopefully get naps back on track.somehow as a good.source. in my humble opinion the community only.benefits.the more good.sources there around.

If you somehow interpreted what I said as me defending naps I don't know what to.tell you. I could give a fuck about him. You seem pissed somehow because I don't see the point in hurling my own feces at him with you and everyone else. That accomplishes nothing. If it did he would allowed to post here. Not.only is he, Millard is behind him 100%
I made a thread over on asf about the use of someone else’s lab reports as his…. It’s in the pit but I have been banned a few times for shit I said in the pit. Let’s see if we get a response there

Also looking at their other lab reports on asf all the emails that are blured out are from a email address not linked to naps that I can see.

Look we all know naps is a bottom of the barrel source who feeds of new guys and uneducated people (first time buyers) - when there are multiple USA sources who needs to deal with a headache like naps
Good call and hopefully you will get some meaningful responses over there. Bet the emails that are blurred out are from those from Naps himself if he sent in gear for testing. Wouldn't put it past him.
Good call and hopefully you will get some meaningful responses over there. Bet the emails that are blurred out are from those from Naps himself if he sent in gear for testing. Wouldn't put it past him.

The emails that are blurred out are from beligas not naps

So is beligas naps
My intentions were to hopefully get naps back on track.somehow as a good.source. in my humble opinion the community only.benefits.the more good.sources there around.

If you somehow interpreted what I said as me defending naps I don't know what to.tell you. I could give a fuck about him. You seem pissed somehow because I don't see the point in hurling my own feces at him with you and everyone else. That accomplishes nothing. If it did he would allowed to post here. Not.only is he, Millard is behind him 100%

You don’t have to hurl your own feces. Just don’t fucking say a word.

Naps has had more chances than any source. Shut up and read. They have repeated this before. They HIT every forum HARD get orders and then the bad reviews come in. When it hits a critical mass, they disappear and lay low for a couple years and repeat. It’s not a “conspiracy against them”. That’s retarded.

Millard doesn’t decide if a source stays or not. He doesn’t handle source complaints. This isn’t a source board. Anyone can post here though. Millard is most definitely NOT 100% behind Naps.

@Millard there’s a member here that thinks you are 100% behind Naps if you care to comment on that.
Nah, water under the bridge.

@Methyl Mike is going to vett these sources now and show us how it's done. Of course the only way to vett them is to place an order so he's going to be awfully busy placing orders everywhere.
I.knew you would do.this which is why i.deleted my post. Yet somehow naps saw it in.the 30.seconds it took me to delete it and quoted it.