Natural Test levels 4wks after PCT


I had blood work done before my first cycle of test-e 600 and after. Pre cycle TT were 311, LH 4.4, FSH 1.7 my post cycle 4wks after PCT were TT 474, LH 3.2, FSH 2.1, I ran Nolva @ 20mg and clomid @50mg 4wks, is my post cycle bloods done to early and giving me a high TT or will it only get higher.
I had blood work done before my first cycle of test-e 600 and after. Pre cycle TT were 311, LH 4.4, FSH 1.7 my post cycle 4wks after PCT were TT 474, LH 3.2, FSH 2.1, I ran Nolva @ 20mg and clomid @50mg 4wks, is my post cycle bloods done to early and giving me a high TT or will it only get higher.
You'll need Free T (Direct) and E2 to get a better picture of what is going on. Also, what time of day were each taken?
When I was researching this I seen usually people were lower and everybody was saying it will continue to raise so I thought at 4wks I was save to get bloods. I know people say they recommend post bloods at 4-6wks after pct, and since I was feeling fatigued I went at 4wks.

Bloods were both taken on my lunch break around 12.
Yeah one guy continued to rise from three something to six something in about three months but his pre natty levels were like 700..