New AAS user starting the journey


New Member
I'm far from being perfect in my consistency over the years. I've trained quite intensely for periods, but always slacked off.

Went through my SARMtard phase and discovered while SARMs are quite effective (hello RAD140), they are quite unsustainable specially when used without test.

My initial months on testosterone I started slow, but got hit by massive bloat (probably was too fat and diet was too shit, was still drinking a lot). This made me go to the predictable "fuck it, I'm doing tren" phase and up my test. Thankfully I did only 150mg/w. Still had to P5P to recover my dick from the netherworld.

Had acne from the few weeks I was raising my test to 1000mg+ territory without adex (facepalm).

Now I'm on a 2nd month of blast with 1500mg susta, 150mg tren mix and 20+10mg dbol (pre/post wo). 1mg adex EOD is keeping estrogen in check, no bloat (controlled also with low carb diet) and very little acne atm.

Blood pressure was 140/70 after workout, so considering the stack, it didn't seem to raise much.

I do PPL/PPL/R and progress has been good. Just needing my 1 week of deload every 7 weeks to not collapse my tendons and joints.

Next year I'll be focusing on maintaining at least 300g of protein a day and will blast and cruise mainly on test and var (leaving tren behind, fuck this shit, dbol you cool tho).