New to Meso but not the game


New Member
What's up yall, brand new to Meso. I've been around the forum over the years but never active.

About me, I've been working out for about 20 years, was a personal trainer for over a decade and competed in my early 20's

As far as super sups I like to think I've done it all. The good the bad and the utterly stupid, but we learn and grow from these things right.

My life got turned upside down a few years back and I lost all my gains and turned into a fat pathetic wale of a man. Fast forward a little over a year and a half to current and I'm now back at it chasing the gains train.

I'm currently 2 weeks into a Test, primo, var and hgh cycle after being off the sauce for years.

I always enjoyed this place (meso) the most, great info, colorful people and good vibes.

I'm glad to be here, and if you want to know something just ask.

What's up yall, brand new to Meso. I've been around the forum over the years but never active.

About me, I've been working out for about 20 years, was a personal trainer for over a decade and competed in my early 20's

As far as super sups I like to think I've done it all. The good the bad and the utterly stupid, but we learn and grow from these things right.

My life got turned upside down a few years back and I lost all my gains and turned into a fat pathetic wale of a man. Fast forward a little over a year and a half to current and I'm now back at it chasing the gains train.

I'm currently 2 weeks into a Test, primo, var and hgh cycle after being off the sauce for years.

I always enjoyed this place (meso) the most, great info, colorful people and good vibes.

I'm glad to be here, and if you want to know something just ask.

Welcome, that's a good cycle you're on. As long as you stay out of Ding dong dirt bags thread, you're good. Plenty of better sources here, very easy to find.

Stick with the training, it pays off. I can relate to the fat comments, that was too many times and I refuse to let myself get back there.
Thank you, I agree this cycle is an all around feel good cycle. As to the later, I don't rember asking you about any sources or how to find them, and I dont need anyone telling me what threads i need to stay out of dude. I'm no stanger to the game.

Also I'm currently running QSC products lol. Will be getting bloods in a month or so.
What's up yall, brand new to Meso. I've been around the forum over the years but never active.

About me, I've been working out for about 20 years, was a personal trainer for over a decade and competed in my early 20's

As far as super sups I like to think I've done it all. The good the bad and the utterly stupid, but we learn and grow from these things right.

My life got turned upside down a few years back and I lost all my gains and turned into a fat pathetic wale of a man. Fast forward a little over a year and a half to current and I'm now back at it chasing the gains train.

I'm currently 2 weeks into a Test, primo, var and hgh cycle after being off the sauce for years.

I always enjoyed this place (meso) the most, great info, colorful people and good vibes.

I'm glad to be here, and if you want to know something just ask.

Welcome to the forum, I wish you success in your goals.
Tell us what you do in life, work, hobbies, how do you spend your free time?
Welcome to the forum, I wish you success in your goals.
Tell us what you do in life, work, hobbies, how do you spend your free time?

Thank you, I work construction and I have no free time. I work 70hrs a week and hit the gym 6 days a week. If im not doing one of those 2 things then I'm cooking and doing meal prep. My focus rn is all about money and gains.

Hobbies I did when I had more free time were fishing and hiking.

Thank you, I work construction and I have no free time. I work 70hrs a week and hit the gym 6 days a week. If im not doing one of those 2 things then I'm cooking and doing meal prep. My focus rn is all about money and gains.

Hobbies I did when I had more free time were fishing and hiking.

And so all year round without rest, you're just a terminator. I wish you all the same to relax and get out fishing.
And so all year round without rest, you're just a terminator. I wish you all the same to relax and get out fishing.
Yes sir all year around, when the work slows down I'll travel to another state so I can keep chasing the bag. Thank you for the kind words.
What's up Midas, I don't have much free time but will consider posting / logging my story. I do believe it could add value.
I am excellent, I eat delicious potatoes and eat vegetables with my wife in a restaurant. Of course, I think you would be of interest to many.
It would be cool if he started a diary here and shared his story with us.
Ive decided to move forward and log my story, and update progress. My hope is for it to have a positive impact on those who see it. Allow me to catch everyone up to present day.

At the end of 2019 life hit hard. I lost my mother, my girl left, carrer ended, totaled my camero, got a dui, went broke and if that wasnt enough I had a warrent out for my fucking arrest. All this happened one after another in a mater of months.

I became suicidal, life knocked me down and I refused to get back up. I started abusing Adderall, MDMA, alcohol and Klonopin. I ate like shit, stopped working out and dug myself into a bigger hole for over a year.

I lost my mental and physical health as my body went from jacked and swole to jelly and rolls. I knew it was only a matter of time before a killed myself.

I could no longer live in a mediocre life of defeat, so I gave myself an ultimatum. I would out work my problems every day from here on out regardless of how I feel, or I would take my own life. I have been succefull so far and through all the work, pain, fatigue and suffering just recently have I started to find peace and progress.

Bellow is me April of 2021 close to rock fucking bottomScreenshot_20220924-193231_Gallery.jpg
Ive decided to move forward and log my story, and update progress. My hope is for it to have a positive impact on those who see it. Allow me to catch everyone up to present day.

At the end of 2019 life hit hard. I lost my mother, my girl left, carrer ended, totaled my camero, got a dui, went broke and if that wasnt enough I had a warrent out for my fucking arrest. All this happened one after another in a mater of months.

I became suicidal, life knocked me down and I refused to get back up. I started abusing Adderall, MDMA, alcohol and Klonopin. I ate like shit, stopped working out and dug myself into a bigger hole for over a year.

I lost my mental and physical health as my body went from jacked and swole to jelly and rolls. I knew it was only a matter of time before a killed myself.

I could no longer live in a mediocre life of defeat, so I gave myself an ultimatum. I would out work my problems every day from here on out regardless of how I feel, or I would take my own life. I have been succefull so far and through all the work, pain, fatigue and suffering just recently have I started to find peace and progress.

Bellow is me April of 2021 close to rock fucking bottomView attachment 173180
Yes. This is what we need. Not a shit story to make us feel better about our selves. But a story right out of disney where someone overcame it all to become king of his world. I will read every word. Dont stop.
Saw you in the last dc movie. Abb man.
Think i saw in the last dc movie. Abb man. Took me 4 goes on my phone to write this. So dont let me down. And i got nothing against being a vampire. But get a tan my friend. You will look crazy good.
Sep 2nd w/ bloods 390 ng/dl and 1st day of cycle - Test cyp, Primo, Var, and HGH


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Last update September 18th, just over 2 weeks in. Screenshot_20220924-192627_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20220924-192648_Gallery.jpg


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Saw you in the last dc movie. Abb man.

Think i saw in the last dc movie. Abb man. Took me 4 goes on my phone to write this. So dont let me down. And i got nothing against being a vampire. But get a tan my friend. You will look crazy good.
Your a funny person, thanks for the kind words, I've been working non stop.