New to Meso but not the game

Nice work man.
Only problem I have is.l your spelling of Camaro, but do tell me more about it.
Year, model, howd you wreck it?

Not only nice work on your physical transformation, but mental too. Both are hard as fuck and take mucho discipline.
Perhaps he means anything you set your mind to. And the rest of the humans at meso are standing with you for support. I say humans because there are the few that only care about themselves here.
People are different, there are positive ones. there are negative, there is no absolute bad or good people. There are just unhappy people, but there is goodness in each of us.
People are different, there are positive ones. there are negative, there is no absolute bad or good people. There are just unhappy people, but there is goodness in each of us.
Exactly, some people are just misunderstood. Non native English speakers for example can come across as mean, arrogant and negative. Besides, there is a cultural difference of what is mean to say and do and so on. What we might think is a joke we make (as Europeans for example) can come across as an insult that was not intended in the first place. But more or less you're right.
Exactly, some people are just misunderstood. Non native English speakers for example can come across as mean, arrogant and negative. Besides, there is a cultural difference of what is mean to say and do and so on. What we might think is a joke we make (as Europeans for example) can come across as an insult that was not intended in the first place. But more or less you're right.
That is the hitman saying he likes you and wont kill you.

Exactly, some people are just misunderstood. Non native English speakers for example can come across as mean, arrogant and negative. Besides, there is a cultural difference of what is mean to say and do and so on. What we might think is a joke we make (as Europeans for example) can come across as an insult that was not intended in the first place. But more or less you're right.
That's right, when I started to communicate with my friends from Russia. I thought they were gloomy, harsh and without a sense of humor. But when they already knew each other, they were wonderful people. By correspondence we often do not understand each other. :)
I want to thank everyone for the kind words, encouragement and positive vibes. The past year has been one hell of a ride. Most of it I lived in isolation from any real human connection outside of casual work and gym interations. Please know Ive read every comment and truly appreaciate each one.

I dont know exactly what im going to do with this thread, an informal log, bi weekly progress pics, a diary, or possible even expand on what has taken place over the past year and a half leading up into cycle (I think this could be interesting).

For now please allow me to lay out what the cycle has looked like and currently is.

First 2 weeks

Test C @ 200mg/week
Primo @ 500mg/week
Var @ 50mg ed
Proviron @ 50mg ed
HGH 4iu (2iu pm / 2iu am)

Second two weeks and current I decided to go to ed pinning.

Test Cyp @ 50mg/ed (350mg/week)
Primo E @ 100mg/ed (700mg/week
Anavar @ 70mg/ed
Proviron @ 75mg/ed
HGH (4iu pm)
Metformin 400mg (prior to high carb pre work out meals.)

This is going to be a 20 week cycle.

Starting weight on Sep 2nd
188lbs first thing in the morning.

Current weight on October 2nd
196lbs first thing in the morning.

Here's what its looking like.


As I mentioned in the other thread nice work.

You should start a log in the log section.
Btcowboy you surprise me with your positive words in a good way. Thank you.

I apprieate the suggestion and will consider doing a more formal log over there.