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Yeah definitely prefer it over Adex or letro. Seems less harsh overall.

I also think it would be pretty hard to crash on Aromasin, as the dosages would have to be very high to do so. Much higher than typical usage would be.

You would think so especially if you look at the pubmed studies on it and the dosages given but definitely can feel like shit if I over do it on Asin and it's much easier than it says.

Often see guys who say asin doesn't work for them vs adex which always seems to but typically its people not realizing Asin is lipid soluable and not taking properly with some fats.

only downside to asin is lipid hit vs adex and not to mention its steroidal and can contribute to hairloss in those prone where adex/letro would not.

I personally use asin still when necessary as I like the idea of suicidal over adex but there's pros and cons to both I guess.
You would think so especially if you look at the pubmed studies on it and the dosages given but definitely can feel like shit if I over do it on Asin and it's much easier than it says.

Often see guys who say asin doesn't work for them vs adex which always seems to but typically its people not realizing Asin is lipid soluable and not taking properly with some fats.

only downside to asin is lipid hit vs adex and not to mention its steroidal and can contribute to hairloss in those prone where adex/letro would not.

I personally use asin still when necessary as I like the idea of suicidal over adex but there's pros and cons to both I guess.

I think aromasin raises IGF-1 as well, but don't quote me on that.
I thought you were prepping for a show or something at one point?

Damn son I couldn't imagine that much test.
I'm running a big dick dose of 250mg a week right now haha.

Do you plan to toss abombs in or anything to peak before the meet?

Been prepping for a bench press competition for a good couple weeks now. I’ll start dbol at either 40mg or 60mg at the middle of the month. Those pharma anadrol I kind of just bought to look at, more of a collectors piece. I don’t much like Anadrol.
Think he assumed you're just blasting those levels on the reg. I mean if you're powerlifting it's a possibility :D

Damn bro letro and Asin at the same time, crazy how genetics works. At 200mg test even 6.25mg twice a week could throw me off instead of one.

Ill probably drop the aromasin when I start the letro
I think aromasin raises IGF-1 as well, but don't quote me on that.

From my understanding this is a true statement.

As for adex if I run it I have to take 1mg a day. Murders my joints for some reason. Getting older I run less for cycles. If I run low test with a mast p and npp I dont even use Ais anymore. I find this type of cycle allows for it. Soon as I hit 500mg test and up I get serious gyno flare thus run the aromsin at 25mg a week before starting and into my trt.

Next round, if I run higher test, I would like to try ralox. Been hearing more and more good things about it from you guys here. Whatever works the best, and you never know until you try it personally
From my understanding this is a true statement.

As for adex if I run it I have to take 1mg a day. Murders my joints for some reason. Getting older I run less for cycles. If I run low test with a mast p and npp I dont even use Ais anymore. I find this type of cycle allows for it. Soon as I hit 500mg test and up I get serious gyno flare thus run the aromsin at 25mg a week before starting and into my trt.

Next round, if I run higher test, I would like to try ralox. Been hearing more and more good things about it from you guys here. Whatever works the best, and you never know until you try it personally
What in the shit, 1mg adex a day? I'd second guess running stuff I had to take that much anti-e....
Im part of the unlucky club, I run 25mg of aromasin every day, and I just ordered some letro ontop of that. I run 1200mg test 600mg Deca per week though :) Even when I’m just cruising on 200mg test, I have to use 12.5mg aromasin 1-2x a week. I also run 60mg raloxifene every day, and have been doing that for honestly quite a while. Maybe about 4 months now.
fuckin sucks but im with you on this one bro. my estrogen is relentless.

Never used Nordic's nolva but i remember like 2 yrs ago i was talking to him about a massive flare up i was having and he sent me some of his Letro and it fuckin extinguished that shit pronto. great product lol
What in the shit, 1mg adex a day? I'd second guess running stuff I had to take that much anti-e....

I haven't taken adex in years man. When I was taking up to 1mg it was when I was trying to push the limits. Taking 2500mg a week of gear and doing some crazy lifts. My gyno was so bad and I let it get out of control. Thus why now i cycle low and don't even need ais really. if I run heavier (like 5-600mg test a week) I just take aromasin and have no issues.

As I stated before tho I run low test and mast prop with npp for the most part. Love the cycle and never have any gyno issues

@qbanfreak90 you are correct for the most part. Guys that i've known to do the surgery said it was one of the best things they did. No problems anymore. Just sucks having to go under the knife for any reason. So i get the apprehension from most people who hear it
This is probably the most factual comment about Ralox I've seen in a long long time.

Ralox is slow and steady, shit doesnt happened overnight.
With good Ralox, you will almost for sure eliminate a fresh lump.

My last run, I developed a pea size lump, after 2 months of Ralox, it's gone (Obviously still exists, but it cant be felt or noticed... only way to truly eliminate is surgery)

2 pills is my shit for 2-3 months cant remember what the dosage is... gets expensive, but worth it
What did your dosing look like? 60mg for first week and then 30mg for the rest? Right now I have a rice sized lump. Going to run 40mg of Indian pharma Nolva for 2 weeks. Possibly look at getting pharma Ralox to continue running to get rid of it permanently.
What did your dosing look like? 60mg for first week and then 30mg for the rest? Right now I have a rice sized lump. Going to run 40mg of Indian pharma Nolva for 2 weeks. Possibly look at getting pharma Ralox to continue running to get rid of it permanently.

For reduction
I smash 120 for a few days to saturate the estrogen receptor.
60mg until all sensitivity is gone
30mg Until lump disappears

I've only had to do this twice... and I was trying new shit and my Aromasin requirements fucking changed for some odd reason.

So the timing is kinda arbitrary for me, as i go off of feelz for dosing
Running Nordic Fusion Test E from my own source currently. Have used it a few times in the past. Seems to be working as it's supposed to.

Someone I know runs it also and has no issues with it.
I'm just looking for some feedback on their primo 200. I dont know of to many labs that brew it at 200 but Nordic.
I took it once before for a cycle of 2 vials. The PIP was very bad. I tried injecting in both my shoulders and glutes, and both areas left a lump. Sometimes the pain was so bad from injecting in my shoulders that I couldn't train them as I couldn't lift my arm. And I had to lie on the opposite side of my injection site, as the pain would keep me up/wake me up at night.

A few times it also got infected and the area became swollen/discolored for several days.

I have never tried Primo 200 from another source, so I can't comment on other sources and how they would compare.

You could try different techniques such as massaging the area after, warming up the vial before injecting etc, people have recommended that before. I personally did not usually use these techniques though.
I took it once before for a cycle of 2 vials. The PIP was very bad. I tried injecting in both my shoulders and glutes, and both areas left a lump. Sometimes the pain was so bad from injecting in my shoulders that I couldn't train them as I couldn't lift my arm. And I had to lie on the opposite side of my injection site, as the pain would keep me up/wake me up at night.

A few times it also got infected and the area became swollen/discolored for several days.

I have never tried Primo 200 from another source, so I can't comment on other sources and how they would compare.

You could try different techniques such as massaging the area after, warming up the vial before injecting etc, people have recommended that before. I personally did not usually use these techniques though.
Thank you for the info, I did hear the PIP can be brutal and get tiresome after a while, similar to DHB when the first batches were produce. It looks like you had a really hard go at it, if it leaves lumps and infection it's not worth it. I guess you didnt see anything from just 2 bottles. Thanks again brother for a detailed response.
Thank you for the info, I did hear the PIP can be brutal and get tiresome after a while, similar to DHB when the first batches were produce. It looks like you had a really hard go at it, if it leaves lumps and infection it's not worth it. I guess you didnt see anything from just 2 bottles. Thanks again brother for a detailed response.
Of course man, glad I could provide some feedback of my own experiences to help you make a decision.

Maybe others can chime in as well as they might have had a different experience then me.
I found no issues with primo200, or any high mg product. But I'm a bad judge when it comes to pip. Never get it really from anything. I was banging DHB at 200mg eod for 8 weeks. It wasn't until the last couple weeks where it started to cripple me for instance whereas I've read from some that the first shot hurts like crazy.

For those who get pip from this, or any product really, you can either get a small syringe whatman filter and filter some grape seed oil in to mix with the primo. Heard that has helped others. Never tried it myself however.
We will have a promo coming up soon. Introducing a new Product.

Super dailys -- 5mg cialis x 60 tabs

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Orders over 750 will get a choice of viagra, super dailys, a bottle of power stack and a choice of any single ester test
Just posting some feedback.

I was using 20mg a day of nolvadex from Nordic Fusion to help with some gyno lumps. I had tried 20mg a day of nolvadex on a previous cycle from Pareto and found it helped reduce the gyno lumps partially. I did not notice any reduction of my gyno lumps from Nordic Fusion so far. I did increase the dosage to 40mg a day the last several days, and on 1 or 2 of the days I did have it at 60mg a day, but so far I have not noticed anything.

I did notice after only a few days a reduction in my gyno lumps from 20mg a day of Pareto nolvadex on my last cycle.

I have ordered nolvadex from Pareto again and I am just waiting for it to arrive in the mail. I will try it out again and compare to see if I notice anything and post my results.

Not sure if the nolvadex I received from my source is fake/under dosed for Nordic Fusion.

Just wanted to post some feedback. I will try and post my results once I notice an effect or not with Pareto nolvadex.
Just to update this post, I did try nolvadex from Pareto for my gyno after, but had minimal improvement. So it wasn't an issue with Nordic nolvadex.

Just wanted to update this post so people who are considering using Nordic nolvadex aren't scared off by my post, as my friend has used it before for his gyno and had relief.

Sorry for any doubt on my part Nordic! Seems my issue isn't something nolvadex will solve, so I am still working on resolving it.