Nordic Fusion Labs Canadian Domestic Only

Just posting some feedback.

I was using 20mg a day of nolvadex from Nordic Fusion to help with some gyno lumps. I had tried 20mg a day of nolvadex on a previous cycle from Pareto and found it helped reduce the gyno lumps partially. I did not notice any reduction of my gyno lumps from Nordic Fusion so far. I did increase the dosage to 40mg a day the last several days, and on 1 or 2 of the days I did have it at 60mg a day, but so far I have not noticed anything.

I did notice after only a few days a reduction in my gyno lumps from 20mg a day of Pareto nolvadex on my last cycle.

I have ordered nolvadex from Pareto again and I am just waiting for it to arrive in the mail. I will try it out again and compare to see if I notice anything and post my results.

Not sure if the nolvadex I received from my source is fake/under dosed for Nordic Fusion.

Just wanted to post some feedback. I will try and post my results once I notice an effect or not with Pareto nolvadex.

Same shit happened with me and nolva/raloxifene. The first time I took nolvadex it got rid of a flare up I had. Went to take it a second time and didn’t have the same effect, so then I went to raloxifene which worked great. Now it’s 2-3 months before I notice raloxifene has any effect. That’s pretty normal.

I think once those lumps develope, you can shrink them but they are still there, and it will only get worse and worse and all you can do is prevent it from growing too fast, but you’ll never get rid of it without having it physically cut out of you.

You should really try raloxifene, it’s a much stronger serm.

In fairness to Nordic, I don’t think he can control human biology.
Same shit happened with me and nolva/raloxifene. The first time I took nolvadex it got rid of a flare up I had. Went to take it a second time and didn’t have the same effect, so then I went to raloxifene which worked great. Now it’s 2-3 months before I notice raloxifene has any effect. That’s pretty normal.

I think once those lumps develope, you can shrink them but they are still there, and it will only get worse and worse and all you can do is prevent it from growing too fast, but you’ll never get rid of it without having it physically cut out of you.

You should really try raloxifene, it’s a much stronger serm.

In fairness to Nordic, I don’t think he can control human biology.
True most Ralox runs need to be quite long if you want to give it an honest shot of shrinking anything sizeable. I see 8-10 weeks atleast. It'd be damn nice is if it was a 4 week wam bam thank you m'am.
Does Nordic still sling their shit on Instagram lol :rolleyes:
That was definitely not something we were happy with and did ur best to end that debacle right away. In no way do we condone any selling of gear on insta, FB, or any other type of social media.

I hope that those who know us wouldn't think we would be engaged in that kind of action
@Mattmartin1515. In my opinion nolva isn't the best for gyno. If you've hit that point it's better to do a letro regime, if still on cycle or running trt anyways. There is a method to it however, and if you want more info on that let me know. If you run letro wrong it will just cause a bigger estrogen bounce back and you'll have more issues than you originally did so make sure you know how to taper it properly. As for ralox use I still have yet to try it. Be nice to hear more feedback on people who use it and how they like it from us.

@Silentlemon1011, I'm on board with you on the pharm grade. Even I admit if I had better access to it I would use it for personal. Only one I can get is caber so that's what I use when needed. For Ai's I find aromasin at 25mg a day works just fine for me when running any other cycle. But everyone is different and its finding out what works best for ourselves. And if what we have doesnt work then find what does whether from us or any other lab.

As for testing we test stuff all the time. Been awhile as things are slower with covid. But when we do get anything tested we will post results like we have been doing of late
True most Ralox runs need to be quite long if you want to give it an honest shot of shrinking anything sizeable. I see 8-10 weeks atleast. It'd be damn nice is if it was a 4 week wam bam thank you m'am.

This is probably the most factual comment about Ralox I've seen in a long long time.

Ralox is slow and steady, shit doesnt happened overnight.
With good Ralox, you will almost for sure eliminate a fresh lump.

My last run, I developed a pea size lump, after 2 months of Ralox, it's gone (Obviously still exists, but it cant be felt or noticed... only way to truly eliminate is surgery)

2 pills is my shit for 2-3 months cant remember what the dosage is... gets expensive, but worth it
@Mattmartin1515. In my opinion nolva isn't the best for gyno. If you've hit that point it's better to do a letro regime, if still on cycle or running trt anyways. There is a method to it however, and if you want more info on that let me know. If you run letro wrong it will just cause a bigger estrogen bounce back and you'll have more issues than you originally did so make sure you know how to taper it properly. As for ralox use I still have yet to try it. Be nice to hear more feedback on people who use it and how they like it from us.

@Silentlemon1011, I'm on board with you on the pharm grade. Even I admit if I had better access to it I would use it for personal. Only one I can get is caber so that's what I use when needed. For Ai's I find aromasin at 25mg a day works just fine for me when running any other cycle. But everyone is different and its finding out what works best for ourselves. And if what we have doesnt work then find what does whether from us or any other lab.

As for testing we test stuff all the time. Been awhile as things are slower with covid. But when we do get anything tested we will post results like we have been doing of late

25mg a day Aromasin
Jesus fuxking christ lol
I'd crash into oblivion
500T for me is 12mg Aromasin 2x a week
25mg a day Aromasin
Jesus fuxking christ lol
I'd crash into oblivion
500T for me is 12mg Aromasin 2x a week

So you take 12mg for 500mg test and members were saying I was crashing my estro by taking 3mg 2x/week for 350test/350mast lol. I wish the younger members didn't just regurgitate information like they know what the fuck they're talking about :rolleyes: ;)
So you take 12mg for 500mg test and members were saying I was crashing my estro by taking 3mg 2x/week for 350test/350mast lol. I wish the younger members didn't just regurgitate information like they know what the fuck they're talking about :rolleyes: ;)

Lmfao, that's hilarious

It's so individual
I try to stay far away from any AI dosing recomendations.
My brother crashes at 6.25mg Aromasin 2x a week at 500Test
I stay great at 12.5mg 2x a week
@EazyE is immune to aromatise lmfao.

So, giving AI advice is the PED equivalent of picking a random number out of the air.
Lmfao, that's hilarious

It's so individual
I try to stay far away from any AI dosing recomendations.
My brother crashes at 6.25mg Aromasin 2x a week at 500Test
I stay great at 12.5mg 2x a week
@EazyE is immune to aromatise lmfao.

So, giving AI advice is the PED equivalent of picking a random number out of the air.
Yup same here sometimes I feel off and even 3.25-6.25mg of Asin once will get me right. If I was eating even 25mg twice a week on TRT I bet I'd feel like absolute shit.

I'd say 12.5 twice a week would cover me on 500mg as well. Some guys are chomping letros multiple times a week lol.
Lmfao, that's hilarious

It's so individual
I try to stay far away from any AI dosing recomendations.
My brother crashes at 6.25mg Aromasin 2x a week at 500Test
I stay great at 12.5mg 2x a week
@EazyE is immune to aromatise lmfao.

So, giving AI advice is the PED equivalent of picking a random number out of the air.

Im part of the unlucky club, I run 25mg of aromasin every day, and I just ordered some letro ontop of that. I run 1200mg test 600mg Deca per week though :-) Even when I’m just cruising on 200mg test, I have to use 12.5mg aromasin 1-2x a week. I also run 60mg raloxifene every day, and have been doing that for honestly quite a while. Maybe about 4 months now.
Yup same here sometimes I feel off and even 3.25-6.25mg of Asin once will get me right. If I was eating even 25mg twice a week on TRT I bet I'd feel like absolute shit.

I'd say 12.5 twice a week would cover me on 500mg as well. Some guys are chomping letros multiple times a week lol.
Yeah I pop like one or half of one every, or every other week.. depending how I feel and look.
Lmfao, that's hilarious

It's so individual
I try to stay far away from any AI dosing recomendations.
My brother crashes at 6.25mg Aromasin 2x a week at 500Test
I stay great at 12.5mg 2x a week
@EazyE is immune to aromatise lmfao.

So, giving AI advice is the PED equivalent of picking a random number out of the air.
Yeah for whatever reason I have never had an issue even when running upwards of 750-800mg test weekly. During some heavier blasts that have included Dbol, I have added Aromasin at 12.5mg at 1-2x per week and that’s it. I prefer Aromasin over Adex as I feel better on Aromasin. Also, I am not sure if you can actually crash your estrogen with Aromasin? I stay away from Letro as I find it more difficult to dial it in properly. It works but almost too good.
Im part of the unlucky club, I run 25mg of aromasin every day, and I just ordered some letro ontop of that. I run 1200mg test 600mg Deca per week though :) Even when I’m just cruising on 200mg test, I have to use 12.5mg aromasin 1-2x a week. I also run 60mg raloxifene every day, and have been doing that for honestly quite a while. Maybe about 4 months now.

With amounts like that you are for sure digging yourself an early grave bro!
Yeah for whatever reason I have never had an issue even when running upwards of 750-800mg test weekly. During some heavier blasts that have included Dbol, I have added Aromasin at 12.5mg at 1-2x per week and that’s it. I prefer Aromasin over Adex as I feel better on Aromasin. Also, I am not sure if you can actually crash your estrogen with Aromasin? I stay away from Letro as I find it more difficult to dial it in properly. It works but almost too good.

You can definitely crash with Aromasin
It is however, much more forgiving when it comes to doses
Meh, bloodwork is fine and this is one of my larger cycles preparing for a powerlifting meet

other cycles will be fairly tame
Think he assumed you're just blasting those levels on the reg. I mean if you're powerlifting it's a possibility :D

Damn bro letro and Asin at the same time, crazy how genetics works. At 200mg test even 6.25mg twice a week could throw me off instead of one.
Meh, bloodwork is fine and this is one of my larger cycles preparing for a powerlifting meet

other cycles will be fairly tame
I thought you were prepping for a show or something at one point?

Damn son I couldn't imagine that much test.
I'm running a big dick dose of 250mg a week right now haha.

Do you plan to toss abombs in or anything to peak before the meet?
Yeah definitely prefer it over Adex or letro. Seems less harsh overall.
I also think it would be pretty hard to crash on Aromasin, as the dosages would have to be very high to do so. Much higher than typical usage would be.