Now that you are tricked out on gear, how’s your sexual health and well being?


How is your sexual health while on cycle? Sex drive strong? Crashed your hormones and have zero sex drive?

Having been in the iron game since the 90’s I’ve seen and done it all, from jumping into higher doses too quickly and fucking up my hormones and sex drive, to really smooth and pleasant cycles with consistently high sex drive, to coming off to harshly and crashing my hormones and crushing my sex drive for 2 weeks.

Sometimes the experiment doesn’t go as well as we had hoped.

Regarding tadalifil, sildenafil and PT-141, what are your experiences with them?

Personally, the combination of the three has been INCREDIBLE for me. My sex drive is astronomical thanks to the gear, and the combination of those three helps my dick keep up with my sex drive. Thank God my wife naturally has a tremendous sex drive, as well.

How’s it working for you? Anyone know of any women using PT-141 yet?
Sex drive sucks. Pt141 doesn’t do anything except headaches. Take 5mg cialis daily and have sex 4-7 times a week, not out of desire, I think I’m just an addict who doesn’t know any better.
Sex drive sucks. Pt141 doesn’t do anything except headaches. Take 5mg cialis daily and have sex 4-7 times a week, not out of desire, I think I’m just an addict who doesn’t know any better.
What’s your PT-141 dosage?
No idea Tried it a few times then threw it away. Tried a couple different doses, what ever people recommend. It’s been a minute.
Copy that.

I started with .5 mg and expected nothing. There was a bit of a positive reaction, and no negative side effects.

Over the next couple uses I titrated up to the recommended 2mg dose and although I did have some flushing of the head and chest, there was no nausea whatsoever.

The positive effect was tremendous, however.

Absolutely rock hard for hours. Go to bed and fuck. Wake up in the middle of the night and fuck. Wake up first thing in the morning and fuck again.

Absolutely amazing.

To be clear, I do use it with Viagra, and it greatly enhances the effects of Viagra for me.
Sex drive sucks. Pt141 doesn’t do anything except headaches. Take 5mg cialis daily and have sex 4-7 times a week, not out of desire, I think I’m just an addict who doesn’t know any better.
Had the same reaction to PT-141 myself. I just stick with Cialis and I keep up with my vastly younger gf just fine.
How’s it working for you? Anyone know of any women using PT-141 yet?

I didn't like it because I think it did exactly what it's supposed to do. Everything became romantic and I wanted to fuck all the time. Not jerk off. I have a normal life and will not be taking PT-141 again in the foreseeable future.
Sex drive is too much sometimes, so I try to avoid dhts. Testosterone only makes me too horny. Cialis is good for extra points and compliments in bed, but random boners out of place sucks. Not complaining, natural was good enough, but enhanced it could be a bit less intense.
Sex drive is too much sometimes, so I try to avoid dhts. Testosterone only makes me too horny. Cialis is good for extra points and compliments in bed, but random boners out of place sucks. Not complaining, natural was good enough, but enhanced it could be a bit less intense.

Haha not to be crude, but after the first time I took it with my girlfriend (later wife), after about a 30 minutes I suggested we stop. We both already climaxed and I was tired as shit. The boner doesn't always go down right away.
Masteron gives me an insatiable sex drive. It has become a nuisance on multiple occasions and actually caused strain on my relationship(s) in the past.

Currently on TRT and I’d say I have the sex drive of the average healthy man. High, but I’m not jerking off 5 times a day anymore. I actually turned down a hookup just now because I’m about to fall asleep.

For me, being too horny is one of those things that I don’t see as problematic until it’s over with. Then I look back and think, “damn, I wasted too much energy for weeks or months trying to get laid”

Cialis is good and helpful. I don’t like viagra because the boners are unpredictable.
I have a couple questions.
1. Does viagra become less effective with use?
2. Anyone else think all those dick pills in the convenient store is an opp to make men impotent. I see young people buying them all the time and I don't get why. At their age I could run through girl after girl all day and still be ready.

So, there is no doubt I am a sex addicted. Don't know if it is natural or happening to men everywhere as a consequence of the damn phones. I have been ducking pretty much everyday since I was 16 with little reprieve. Been fucking my new wife everyday since the first day we met. On 600test/400mast. I don't feel like the mast is pushing my sex drive much harder maybe more drive to nut but not anymore passionate. Tried different brands of cialis with different results. Name brand viagra starting to seem like it is losing its efficacy. So what is pt-141? Tired of headaches and I set the bar so high now I gotta hit that everything lol...
1. Does viagra become less effective with use?
2. Anyone else think all those dick pills in the convenient store is an opp to make men impotent. I see young people buying them all the time and I don't get why. At their age I could run through girl after girl all day and still be ready.
Porn desensitizes the shit out of you. Know 16 year old boys who cant keep it up for their 15 year old gf's because they are jerking off to the most hardcore porn imaginable 10 times a day for the last 5 years of their life.

It isn't rocket science.

Porn desensitizes the shit out of you. Know 16 year old boys who cant keep it up for their 15 year old gf's because they are jerking off to the most hardcore porn imaginable 10 times a day for the last 5 years of their life.

It isn't rocket science.
Yeah that makes some sense I guess.
Most of the time, my sex drive depends whether I’m cutting or eating properly. My motivation interest/energy to have sex is low when all you think about is food; I yearn for that cheat meal than pussy to be honest lol.
Sex drive is usually very high, and like you I have a very generous and high sex drive wife who loves to take care of that for me. If I don’t get it everyday I tend to be cranky. At least that’s what she says lol.

Maybe I do have a problem lol a lot of my focus is sex
I occasionally take cialis, I’ve taken viagra before but haven’t in over a year. Both work pretty well but honestly I perform I’d say about the same with or without just from the hormones. I have some pt141 that I got over a year ago but have never used it the reported bp side effect has kept me away from using it.
Also I don’t watch porn or masterbate which probably helps a lot. Not since 11/21 anyway. That’s when I left my ex wife lol and didn’t have to anymore lol
I have a couple questions.
1. Does viagra become less effective with use?
2. Anyone else think all those dick pills in the convenient store is an opp to make men impotent. I see young people buying them all the time and I don't get why. At their age I could run through girl after girl all day and still be ready.

So, there is no doubt I am a sex addicted. Don't know if it is natural or happening to men everywhere as a consequence of the damn phones. I have been ducking pretty much everyday since I was 16 with little reprieve. Been fucking my new wife everyday since the first day we met. On 600test/400mast. I don't feel like the mast is pushing my sex drive much harder maybe more drive to nut but not anymore passionate. Tried different brands of cialis with different results. Name brand viagra starting to seem like it is losing its efficacy. So what is pt-141? Tired of headaches and I set the bar so high now I gotta hit that everything lol...
Viagra does become less effective for me when used daily. My wife was out of town for a few days and when she got home last night I could not believe how hard I was for 3 rounds of fucking.

3 days with no sex was brutal.
Sex drive is usually very high, and like you I have a very generous and high sex drive wife who loves to take care of that for me. If I don’t get it everyday I tend to be cranky. At least that’s what she says lol.

Maybe I do have a problem lol a lot of my focus is sex
I occasionally take cialis, I’ve taken viagra before but haven’t in over a year. Both work pretty well but honestly I perform I’d say about the same with or without just from the hormones. I have some pt141 that I got over a year ago but have never used it the reported bp side effect has kept me away from using it.
Also I don’t watch porn or masterbate which probably helps a lot. Not since 11/21 anyway. That’s when I left my ex wife lol and didn’t have to anymore lol
God bless the women with huge sex drives! I am the same way in that I get awful testy if I’m not getting banged daily.