NPP 150mg/ml, 200mg/ml; Tren Ace 150mg/ml


New Member
Ey fellas, hope all is good,

would you kindly share your recipes for

NPP 150mg/ml
NPP 200 mg/ml


Tren ACE 150mg/ml.

The recipes should have been personally tested and approved for stability and pip by yourself. If there is no fully stable 200mg NPP recipe that even remains stable after months of storage, then i just use the lower concentration recipe. I prefer stability and peace of mind over a higher concentration.

I wonder: Does a higher concentration always mean a higher pip? Honestly, if the pip is going to be high, then i'll just stick to the good old 100mg/ml concentration.

Question regarding EO:
I'm about to purchase 1L of EO. I have never used EO before. What is the shelf life of EO? I figured since it is synthetic it should not go rancid as quick as edible oil. A little research showed that EO has a shelf life of 5 years. Maybe people who already own EO can reveal its shelf life.

I could use 100% EO. I'm not stingy.

I wonder, if i use 100% EO, then does the saturation of the solution go higher if i add BB or does EO have the highest saturation rate?

Question regarding BA vs. natural ethanol as the bacteriostatic agent:
Is it possible to use natural alcohol (edible Ethanol) instead of BA? I know the industry uses BA but it is due to cost reasons, i guess. I can get BA pretty cheap but i have right now already plenty of natural ethanol that i use to disinfect the vials, instruments and so on. Maybe you know reasons why BA is preferable as the bacteriostatic agent.

Best regards,

Ey fellas, hope all is good,

would you kindly share your recipes for

NPP 150mg/ml
NPP 200 mg/ml


Tren ACE 150mg/ml.

The recipes should have been personally tested and approved for stability and pip by yourself. If there is no fully stable 200mg NPP recipe that even remains stable after months of storage, then i just use the lower concentration recipe. I prefer stability and peace of mind over a higher concentration.

I wonder: Does a higher concentration always mean a higher pip? Honestly, if the pip is going to be high, then i'll just stick to the good old 100mg/ml concentration.

Question regarding EO:
I'm about to purchase 1L of EO. I have never used EO before. What is the shelf life of EO? I figured since it is synthetic it should not go rancid as quick as edible oil. A little research showed that EO has a shelf life of 5 years. Maybe people who already own EO can reveal its shelf life.

I could use 100% EO. I'm not stingy.

I wonder, if i use 100% EO, then does the saturation of the solution go higher if i add BB or does EO have the highest saturation rate?

Question regarding BA vs. natural ethanol as the bacteriostatic agent:
Is it possible to use natural alcohol (edible Ethanol) instead of BA? I know the industry uses BA but it is due to cost reasons, i guess. I can get BA pretty cheap but i have right now already plenty of natural ethanol that i use to disinfect the vials, instruments and so on. Maybe you know reasons why BA is preferable as the bacteriostatic agent.

Best regards,

Most people will tell you to stay away from EO
Thanks for your input @narta ,

doing research on the forum reinforced my impression of you that i got from our first interaction in my Raloxifene thread. You are quite knowledgeable.

My questions regarding brewing ingredients are the ones posed in the opening post. What's your take?

Should i stick to BA or is natural alcohol more or less the same? Also do you agree like the others that i should stay away from EO?

The other question is regarding the best long Test esther. For TRT purposes i had decided to get Test Cyp raws and make a brew. I chose it over Test E. Then i came across your posts where you talked about Test D and it being superior to all the other esthers. I think you said that is smoother than all the other esthers (or compared to Test U).

If Test D is as easy to brew as Test Cyp, then i guess i hop over to Test D. With Test D once a week injection is sufficient, right? With Cyp i still would have to pin twice.

Research on the web leads you repeatedly to the claim that the drawback with Test D is that you can't get stable serum levels - which doesn't make sense if you'd pin weekly but that what the web says and the web is full of claims.

Thanks for your time
My questions regarding brewing ingredients are the ones posed in the opening post. What's your take?
If you are looking for stable/no crash-no pip, then I would stick to tried and true 150mg/ml NPP (1-2BA/25BB) and 100mg/ml Tren A (1-2BA/20BB)
Should i stick to BA or is natural alcohol more or less the same? Also do you agree like the others that i should stay away from EO?
BA is the industry standard as a bacteriostatic agent, so I would stick with it.
With Test D once a week injection is sufficient, right?
For TRT I go E10D, brewed in castor oil for extending it's release from depot and my levels are perfectly stable after they reach their saturation point
Research on the web leads you repeatedly to the claim that the drawback with Test D is that you can't get stable serum levels - which doesn't make sense if you'd pin weekly but that what the web says and the web is full of claims.
Most research is based on Sustanon that has short esters that lead to fluctuations. Test D alone is very stable

Thanks a lot for the answers.

I guess you don't recommend me using EO?

EO used to be praised all over the forums a few years back and was considered the be all end all of carrier oils. There were many posts making an argument why it isn't unhealthy, at all, albeit synthetic, except in the rare occasional cases of allergic reactions of individual users to EO.

I was about to purchase 1L.



Thanks a lot for the answers.

I guess you don't recommend me using EO?

EO used to be praised all over the forums a few years back and was considered the be all end all of carrier oils. There were many posts making an argument why it isn't unhealthy, at all, albeit synthetic, except in the rare occasional cases of allergic reactions of individual users to EO.

I was about to purchase 1L.


EO is an artificial oil and I don't like those personally since we have MCT that is close to water. My preference is castor although it's viscosity is not liked by some