Npp mental sides


Well-known Member
How long do mental sides from NPP usually take to notice? First time adding npp to my testosterone blast. I'm on day 15 off adding 300mg npp to my 1g testosterone blast. I dont feel any mental side at all yet. I was wanting to add in more npp but I started out slow first to see if i'd get any sides. Never ran deca, tren or npp until now trying the npp for my first time. So far so good.
Mine hit home at week 12 for both NPP and Deca. My understanding is nandrolone is good until it’s not. My mental sides pretty much hit over night. It took around 2 weeks for it to tame. I now know if I run nandrolone I pull it around week 10 so NPP is better and I do not go over 350 as both mental sides hit at week 12 and at 400mg Deca and NPP. You experiment and you learn.
I get it within a couple days. There is also a nocebo affect. Don't dwell on it In fact don't even think about having any side effects there are plenty of people that can run nandrolone without any issue. The more you worry the more you will manifest these sides
I get dreams pretty quick after pin. Thats how i kinda feel it working. 3rd day i guess
Some sick ass dreams man, would pin it only for dreams
It's subtle and isn't something you FEEL from day to day, but once you go off the NPP you realize how miserable you've been feeling.

My girlfriend told me i was a completely different person on NPP, and once i came off i got back to my old happy self. I noticed it myself also. It's nothing crazy like tren sides, you just become lazy and feminine on it. Your brain starts thinking more like a woman.

But NPP is amazing, best steroid ever if you only care about bodybuilding.
I’ve never noticed any mental sides from NPP. Running it now at 350mh/wk.

Never understood the herd mentality of avoiding NPP because 6 dudes got depressed. Try that shit and see for yourself. I’ve got a crisp $5 dollar bill that says you won’t experience negative mental sides.

Not saying it doesn’t happen in some users. Just nowhere near as common as it’s been made out to be in the last few years.
I’ve never noticed any mental sides from NPP. Running it now at 350mh/wk.

Never understood the herd mentality of avoiding NPP because 6 dudes got depressed. Try that shit and see for yourself. I’ve got a crisp $5 dollar bill that says you won’t experience negative mental sides.

Not saying it doesn’t happen in some users. Just nowhere near as common as it’s been made out to be in the last few years.

I bet if you give them unlabeled vials with test,EQ, NPP to run for a cycle only a handfull of people would come across mental issues. Placebo plays a huge role in this, if that many guys saying "i tried nandrolone and i got depressed" then your biased when you try it.