Oakley's Diet and Training Log

Morning Weight: 201.2lbs

Low Day

258g P
297g C
59g F (26g Added Fats)

Dropped fats down on my low day to get me in more of a deficit. This is the first day my weight didn't increase, but I'm still a water buffalo. I don't understand why I'm holding on to it for so long.
Not a good 200 with all the water I'm holding. Going to run a series of low days to get the water off and then continue with my regular diet.
Do you believe it is gear or diet related? If its the gear, what are you currently taking?
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Do you believe it is gear or diet related? If its the gear, what are you currently taking?
No, definitely diet related. I'm really confused on the timing of the water coming on, but it's definitely diet. Last week I went full retard at Disneyland. Had four or five days of full blown binge eating while on vacation. I ate everything I could get my hands on. I looked great during vacation even though I was eating like that. Once I got home, I still looked fine and had a full cheat day on Sunday. Monday I went back on plan and started training again. That is when all the water started holding. I blew up with water over the next 3-4 days even though I was eating clean and 100% on plan. 13lbs of water over those 3-4 days... So I'm confused as to why I didn't hold water during the binging, but only when I got back to my regular diet and training. Very weird to me.
No, definitely diet related. I'm really confused on the timing of the water coming on, but it's definitely diet. Last week I went full retard at Disneyland. Had four or five days of full blown binge eating while on vacation. I ate everything I could get my hands on. I looked great during vacation even though I was eating like that. Once I got home, I still looked fine and had a full cheat day on Sunday. Monday I went back on plan and started training again. That is when all the water started holding. I blew up with water over the next 3-4 days even though I was eating clean and 100% on plan. 13lbs of water over those 3-4 days... So I'm confused as to why I didn't hold water during the binging, but only when I got back to my regular diet and training. Very weird to me.
Cant tell you exactly what happened either, but a couple of days of protein and veggies should get the job done
^good tip

Lower carbs and salt for a few days to get back on track. Then maybe keep it there longer or taper up.
My macros for the week are going to be the following:

Low Day
195g P
145g C
30g F (13g Added Fats)

Should get the water off and some fat as well. If all goes well over the next week, I might have a one or two day refeed and keep the low days in for the next week. Just going to play it by what I see in the mirror.
When you lower your carbs and calories you are going to cause diuresis already and going to excrete sodium at higher rates.

I wouldn't lower sodium per se, its just going to cause your aldosterone to rebound once its reintroduced. I would actually keep it stable or even increase it. Let the lower calories and carbs handle the extra fluid.

What I would do: Lower carbs and maybe calories too, keep sodium stable or increases, and bump your fluid intake. Messing with sodium is very tricky and unsustainable, I wouldn't mess with it.
When you lower your carbs and calories you are going to cause diuresis already and going to excrete sodium at higher rates.

I wouldn't lower sodium per se, its just going to cause your aldosterone to rebound once its reintroduced. I would actually keep it stable or even increase it. Let the lower calories and carbs handle the extra fluid.

What I would do: Lower carbs and maybe calories too, keep sodium stable or increases, and bump your fluid intake. Messing with sodium is very tricky and unsustainable, I wouldn't mess with it.
You and me are on the same page. I don't understand when people play with sodium. Makes zero sense to me. Just like you said, if I lower sodium to drop water, that is only going to be temporary. Once sodium goes back to a normal level, obviously the body has to readjust by holding water. That is the opposite of what I'm trying to do.

I've lowered carbs and overall calories to drop the water and some fat along the way. I'll probably run this for a week, see where I'm at, and worst case, run a one to two day refeed, and continue the deficit for another 5-6 days.
You and me are on the same page. I don't understand when people play with sodium. Makes zero sense to me. Just like you said, if I lower sodium to drop water, that is only going to be temporary. Once sodium goes back to a normal level, obviously the body has to readjust by holding water. That is the opposite of what I'm trying to do.

I've lowered carbs and overall calories to drop the water and some fat along the way. I'll probably run this for a week, see where I'm at, and worst case, run a one to two day refeed, and continue the deficit for another 5-6 days.
I believe it will do the trick, let us now later on!
Morning Weight: 197.8lbs

Low Day

195g P
145g C
30g F (13g Added Fats)

Pull A
DB Chest Supported Row
Seated Cable Rows
BB Shrugs
EZ Bar Curls
DB Curls
Decline Crunches


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