Old and fat Getswole member getting back into things a decade later


Well-known Member
Found out about this board by doing some googling and chatting with some old Getswole members recently. Used to go by p0opstlnksal0t and bighunanballs if any old Getswole alumni frequent here. Around 2006-2013 I got heavy into bodybuilding and dropped from about 330lbs 45+ % bf down to about 220% and 8-9% bf over the course of about 5-8 years after many cut and bulk cycles. I competed in Texas NPC show out of Houston as an amateur just to say I did it back in 2011 I believe, Where I met Dexter Jackson. Well I got married in 2013 and life happened.... I continued to lift off and on over the years but mostly just sat at my desk job and ballooned back to where I was at a month ago 315lbs and prob 40% bf. Well I'm sick of being this lazy shell of a person and wish to get back into lifting and losing most of this bodyfat.

Glad to be back on a board with like minded folks, thanks for letting me in.