Old school d-bol cycle


New Member
Is there any truth to all these old school cycles from the 70's that include dbol at 50mg per day, anywhere from 6 to 16 weeks at a time?
It's just hard to believe these guys are still functioning with how toxic everyone says it is.
Everyone is different, just because they are "functioning" doesn't mean you will be... Even if though... Oral only cycles are no good... Maybe some temporary gains, but you will most likely lose most if not all gains from and oral cycle, and on top of the liver toxicity its just not worth it in my opinion
I should of clerified In The title not not a dbol only but opinions focusing on the extreme length of use of dbol in their stack.
No not dbol only cycles.
Just curious to hear people opinions on it. We always read 4 to 6 weeks max but these dudes got away with it.

If you are referring to people using dbol for 4 weeks in a cycle they are just using the dbol to kick start the cycle until whatever steroid you are running kicks in...

Ex: test e 500 mg a week... Test e takes about 3-4 weeks to kick in so people will run the dbol for 4 weeks then stop once the test kicks in
My mistake though i thought you were referring to a dbol only cycle or something... You could use it to kick start a cycle which is what i normally see people doing on this site
If you are referring to people using dbol for 4 weeks in a cycle they are just using the dbol to kick start the cycle until whatever steroid you are running kicks in...

Ex: test e 500 mg a week... Test e takes about 3-4 weeks to kick in so people will run the dbol for 4 weeks then stop once the test kicks in
Ok, so is it basically only used as a kick started these days?
Has anyone here ever ran it for longer? Experimented with it? I suppose bloods would be the most helpful for this.
Ive seen articles saying people can run it as a stand alone, but like dedlift said.. The liver toxicity.... If there is an organ in your body you dont want to fuck up its the liver
Correct... Are you planning on trying it or something? Do you have aas exp? If you don't mind me asking
I've ran test e at 500mg for a first cycle and I don't ever want to pct so I cruise at 200. I was thinking for my next blast to throw in some dbol and maybe something else but I'm just asking to hear opinions and experiences in comparison to the usual reading material online.
There is also a search function for the fourms.. You could search dbol there will be alot of things that pop up from other guys experiences... Might be a good place to look as well
I enjoy utilizing it as a pwo or as a short kickstart to long ester cycles. 4wks max. You answered your own question earlier. Blood work is the only legitimate way to tell how your livers doing. IME the sides quickly begin to outweigh the benefits of orals in runs longer than 4wks.
Honestly my cuz has told me stories of him & his buddies running dbol for long periods of time. 10-16 weeks. Now I've helped him structure a better & safer route lol. But back in the late 80s & early 90's my cuz & buddies didn't know any better. They would get bottles of 500 each & eat them like pez (he's still a crazy bastard haha)