On Letro and Prami, why am i still getting gyno right when i toss tren in the mix?


New Member
I'm on 1mg Letro ED, .2mg Pramipexole ED and now I just tossed 40mg of Nolva in ED until my Ralox powder touches down. I use to be able to run tren with no problems whatsoever. I tried to toss it in a couple of months ago. Same thing happened. So I waited until I had Prami, even switched from Adex to Letro, I toss 600mg Tren enan in, I even lowered my test from 1g to 300mg. Why do both of my nipples hurt now? I want to run this freaking tren damnit. Can anyone give me some insight into what is happening? It isn't prolactin related. Nothing's leaking. I've been on prami for three weeks, I even implemented it a week before I tossed the tren in to be safe. What is going on here? Will Nolva help? What do I need to do to negate this? Will Ralox be enough? This is my first post guys. Go easy on me.
I'm on 1mg Letro ED, .2mg Pramipexole ED and now I just tossed 40mg of Nolva in ED until my Ralox powder touches down. I use to be able to run tren with no problems whatsoever. I tried to toss it in a couple of months ago. Same thing happened. So I waited until I had Prami, even switched from Adex to Letro, I toss 600mg Tren enan in, I even lowered my test from 1g to 300mg. Why do both of my nipples hurt now? I want to run this freaking tren damnit. Can anyone give me some insight into what is happening? It isn't prolactin related. Nothing's leaking. I've been on prami for three weeks, I even implemented it a week before I tossed the tren in to be safe. What is going on here? Will Nolva help? What do I need to do to negate this? Will Ralox be enough? This is my first post guys. Go easy on me.
I had the same happening to me.
Since Tren gives you false high E2 reading on the eclia test I took a dose of Letro that I knew from previous bloodwork would totally wipe out my e2.
Prolaktin was at 2 due to prami. But still my small gyno lumps that I have did swell up like crazy. When I took out the tren everyhing went back to normal very fast.
Don't worry bro I got you. Let me use my 8 ball

Season 3 Episode 23 GIF by The Simpsons
Check your progesterone levels

Stop taking so many drugs and go get your fucking bloodwork done.

You don't need letro
NEED to use tren, right?
600mg?? and you also complain that you have side effects?

you don't know what you're doing that's why your nipples hurt.

plus you're taking a lot of nonsense that is killing your estrogen and your (possible) gains.

check your progesterone, and take off or lower tren if you can't tolerate it.

when you took tren without problems, what were you taking and at what dosages?
what results did you get?
why did you decide to change?
I use to get a sensitive left nipple every time I added tren, even when blood work confirmed I had single digit E2 levels. The only thing that worked was masteron, I think winny also worked, of course both those compounds destroy my hair line.