On Tren blast… need caber help


I know the deal with asking for sources and maybe this is no exception, regardless I just started tren ace and am winding down on my caber stash from last blast. I don’t want to fuck my prolactin up although my tren dose is moderate.. 75mg EOD I still prefer to have caber just in case. I am having a hell of a time finding a ancillarie source for it. Can anyone point me in the right direction? It would be greatly appreciated. I’m located in the US.
That’s kind of what I was thinking. Honestly I’m noticing my libido has gone down this past week since starting tren. My shit still works but it’s not jumping out of my skin like before. I lowered my dose of test e from 500mg weekly to 250 weekly.
I’m starting to think it’s better for me to have my test higher than the tren. Everyone’s different. I lowered the test based off people saying run the tren close to or higher. I just don’t think that works for me.
Could the loss of libido be because of decreasing my test dose?
I think I’m going to go back to 500mg of test with the tren at 75mg eod.
Let me know your input
I know the deal with asking for sources and maybe this is no exception, regardless I just started tren ace and am winding down on my caber stash from last blast. I don’t want to fuck my prolactin up although my tren dose is moderate.. 75mg EOD I still prefer to have caber just in case. I am having a hell of a time finding a ancillarie source for it. Can anyone point me in the right direction? It would be greatly appreciated. I’m located in the US.
How do you know your prolactin is elevated?
You changed all of your dosages. Of course you "feel" different. That's why you don't take ancillaries based on feelz. Get some blood work.
On Tren my libido takes a hit and it is not from high prolactin, i´m thinking it is more for some effect on the CNS, it is a very Complex/Powerful comppound.
Doctors will prescribe pramipexole for restless legs syndrome, not caber but similar, some times your family doctor can do you some favors
If your ever in a bind use, Push health( a phone app) is the way to go you can request scrips for anything and you only pay if the doc writes the script. I have a script for Caber for 60 .5mg pills from them. Also, I’ve used them for telmisartan, nebivolol, tadalifil, exitembe, rosuvastatin. The last 5 I’ve listed I took to the VA(you can use your PCP) and had them take over the script. So now I have basically life long ancillaries paid for by insurance. Hope this helps.
If your ever in a bind use, Push health( a phone app) is the way to go you can request scrips for anything and you only pay if the doc writes the script. I have a script for Caber for 60 .5mg pills from them. Also, I’ve used them for telmisartan, nebivolol, tadalifil, exitembe, rosuvastatin. The last 5 I’ve listed I took to the VA(you can use your PCP) and had them take over the script. So now I have basically life long ancillaries paid for by insurance. Hope this helps.
I like the idea of insurance benefits with pharmacy grade script, your own personal lab lol

