Opinions on frequent prolonged fasting (24-48h) - Positives/negatives


New Member
Autophagy seems very interesting, for the first time in my life I didn't eat for 8+ hours. I did cold turkey 60h water fast. I won't talk about how it went, but I'm very proud that I've done it since food is controlling my life. Some people say it's not so good, but I'm hearing much more positivies (autophagy, sugar level, fat loss, increased mental focus, increased longevity) - a lot of it makes sense, in today's world almost all food we eat is poisoned with some type of pesticides, microplastics, additives, heavy metals, processed food, and so on. I think from time to time a little break for our organs and digestive system can be beneficial.

There is one neighbor in his late 60s, looking very lean, he is looking like he is in his early 50s, no exaggerating and one thing that I remembered in our conversation a few years ago was that he barely eats, he eats only to survive. Well, there are many lifestyle things to consider, genetics also, but it might be that his body isn't so torn from digesting all the processed, toxic food, that he hasn't been sick for years.

Have you ever tried prolonged water fast? I'm not talking about intermittent fasting.
Did you experience any benefits besides the weight loss? How often do you do it?

I'm planning to do it once or twice a month - a water fast of 36 hours, it's much easier and I've read that it's all about continuous practice, then you experience the most benefits.

Any tips are appreciated and I would like to hear from people who fasted for years
I have done as long as a 7 day fast with just water and electrolytes, I was doing a true ketogenic diet at the time which was pretty much carnivore. It made the transition to no food much easier than coming straight from multiple hundred carbs a day. It was useful for losing fat very fast but I dont think its worth it. I dont fast anymore unless the only food option is junk, or i'm sick. I tried using 48 hour fasts once a month to help my gut issues but It sucks for lifting and retaining muscle. Its probably good for me to fast, and it is proven that it replaces good gut bacteria, but its just not conducive to the gains.
I have done as long as a 7 day fast with just water and electrolytes, I was doing a true ketogenic diet at the time which was pretty much carnivore. It made the transition to no food much easier than coming straight from multiple hundred carbs a day. It was useful for losing fat very fast but I dont think its worth it. I dont fast anymore unless the only food option is junk, or i'm sick. I tried using 48 hour fasts once a month to help my gut issues but It sucks for lifting and retaining muscle. Its probably good for me to fast, and it is proven that it replaces good gut bacteria, but its just not conducive to the gains.

That might be the only negative effect, what do you think, how much muscle you lose doing 36h water fast once or twice a month? I don't think much because it's not a long fast, but for sure you will lose water weight and glycogen.
I'm lower than 10% body fat, soon last meal and I'll go 36 hours, and one more time like this until the end of the month.

I hope I won't lose much but I'm seeking other benefits, maybe it's better to have shorter fasts more often in my case.
That might be the only negative effect, what do you think, how much muscle you lose doing 36h water fast once or twice a month? I don't think much because it's not a long fast, but for sure you will lose water weight and glycogen.
I'm lower than 10% body fat, soon last meal and I'll go 36 hours, and one more time like this until the end of the month.

I hope I won't lose much but I'm seeking other benefits, maybe it's better to have shorter fasts more often in my case.
I dont think you will lose much if any at all especially with test and maybe some gh to spare carbs and keep full for a bit. I personally feel the time of getting back into a surplus and getting micros/macros where they need to be delays recovery and progression. I dont really feel like I'm back to making progress until at least 4 days after a significant fast, I feel I'm just kind of cleaning up the compounded fatigue. But if the mental or gi relief outcomes of the fast are significant enough for you it might be worth a try for a few moths to compare.
Autophagy seems very interesting, for the first time in my life I didn't eat for 8+ hours. I did cold turkey 60h water fast. I won't talk about how it went, but I'm very proud that I've done it since food is controlling my life. Some people say it's not so good, but I'm hearing much more positivies (autophagy, sugar level, fat loss, increased mental focus, increased longevity) - a lot of it makes sense, in today's world almost all food we eat is poisoned with some type of pesticides, microplastics, additives, heavy metals, processed food, and so on. I think from time to time a little break for our organs and digestive system can be beneficial.

There is one neighbor in his late 60s, looking very lean, he is looking like he is in his early 50s, no exaggerating and one thing that I remembered in our conversation a few years ago was that he barely eats, he eats only to survive. Well, there are many lifestyle things to consider, genetics also, but it might be that his body isn't so torn from digesting all the processed, toxic food, that he hasn't been sick for years.

Have you ever tried prolonged water fast? I'm not talking about intermittent fasting.
Did you experience any benefits besides the weight loss? How often do you do it?

I'm planning to do it once or twice a month - a water fast of 36 hours, it's much easier and I've read that it's all about continuous practice, then you experience the most benefits.

Any tips are appreciated and I would like to hear from people who fasted for years
So you take no medication. With fillers or any injectables during this time? Only water?