Opinions on managing e2 on a gram of test.

It's a fad like primo.

Everyone and their dog are on test+primo or test+mast. New TRT+ cookie cutter regiment
I have no problem with masteron or primo. I love masteron. But , I don't have delusions of what it's capable of. I'm currently on 500 test and 500 mast and it's been a great cycle so far. I still have tren and winny to add yet though.
I have no problem with masteron or primo. I love masteron. But , I don't have delusions of what it's capable of. I'm currently on 500 test and 500 mast and it's been a great cycle so far. I still have tren and winny to add yet though.
Masteron and Primo have their place. The fad thing is that everyone treats them as AIs, not as anabolics. An add-on thingy just because

