Opti IGF-1

I don’t take metformin. And I can’t give you a good starting dose for you without seeing your bloodwork.

I dialed mine in at 50-75 mcg at 4-5iu and 100mcg at 6 iu. But I change it up sometimes depending on bloodwork
Just for reference what do you usually take for t4? Is 50mcg a good starting dose? And how about metformin?
The reason why so much emphasis is on igf-1 is because that’s where the magic

Now igf-1 is synthesized in your liver where the most of your t4 to t3 conversion is happening. (I haven’t read this but I think that’s the reason your t4 to t3 conversion rate in your liver is multiplied a lot)

T4 is made in the thyroid therefore while running growth and a higher igf number and faster conversion of t4 to t3 your t4 numbers will be low…. You don’t want this. (That’s an issue 80% or more people don’t address while running growth).

t4 usually modulates igf-1 but with the accelerated conversion rate it won’t keep up. This is why …. If you do not run t4 while on growth you are losing some gainz…. Why? Because the end hormone T3!!! T3 controls damn near everything in the human body.

why don’t I do serum test? Because growth hormone in the body can be faked using different peptides that don’t convert growth to igf1 and give a false blood result.

I have scored a 54 on a serum and then 190 running 5iu on pharmacom growth. 5iu I score over 500’s most of the time or close to it no matter the vendor.

nobody that hasn’t seen your bloodwork can tell you how much t4 to consume while running growth. That takes multiple blood works to dial in. But when you get all your meds dialed in…. It’s a game changer.

so when doing bloodwork on igf I am 9 times out of 10 only running test minus the last time I had ran some sdrol and got the covid vaccine. I have never touched tren while running growth. No need to if your diet and training are on point. I haven’t ran deca in prob 8 years or so. Just test growth…. And now recently 25mg trest eod!! God that was a changer.

Bloodwork On growth
Get baseline because if your baseline is 200’s you want to do more than 2-3 iu to replace that because once you start injecting soon your natural production will stop.

Igf-1 of course you want high
T4 - you want to keep that in the normal range. Remember it will be low because the conversion of t4 to t3 is accelerated in the liver
T3- you want higher than normal means conversion rate is going good

also if anyone ever told you to take t3 while on growth slap the shit out of em for me.
Edit- unless you got an underlying issue with your t3 then don’t slap em tell em thank you
think this post need to be pinned
fasted is important.
some prefer in the morning first thing, some studies say fasted right before bed is good.
I guess as long as its somewhat fasted the exact timeing doesnt matter..
You really should take it at night before you go to bed
I don’t take metformin. And I can’t give you a good starting dose for you without seeing your bloodwork.

I dialed mine in at 50-75 mcg at 4-5iu and 100mcg at 6 iu. But I change it up sometimes depending on bloodwork
On your blood work would you be able to tell me where your ft4 sits, not so intrested in the t3 for this , but would like to know where u feel optimal with your ft4.
You really should take it at night before you go to bed
issue with this is most of us are not really fasted pre bed.
we usually eat within 1-2 hours of bedtime (me at least).
dunno how i would do it. Maybe mid night?
Just for reference what do you usually take for t4? Is 50mcg a good starting dose? And how about metformin?
A good starting dose of metformin is 250mg pre bed. Then work your way up to 500 split morning and night and you can work that all the way up to 1gram. Past 1 gram the only further benefit will just be for lipids. Go search alex kikel on Instagram or Google the prep coach forum and you can find information about this at nauseum
issue with this is most of us are not really fasted pre bed.
we usually eat within 1-2 hours of bedtime (me at least).
dunno how i would do it. Maybe mid night?
The amount that you don't absorb is measurable but not anything to a huge degree. I don't fast when I take it and it still works