Yeah I saw where
@mands mentioned today in the BNGgrowth thread that the thyroid bounces back after a few weeks of using hgh. I’ve also read where he has mentioned it before. I forget where. The other day I spent a few days reading everything I could in the HGH section. I made it to page 35 before my brain exploded.
I’m very interested to know more as well. Messing with my thyroid is a bit concerning. I have questions such as... does taking T4 shut down the thyroid and make the thyroid dependent on drugs, like aas shut us down and make the body dependent on aas ? Or does taking T4 simply just aid the thyroid by adding a bit? I don’t really want to shut down my thyroid but wouldn’t mind aiding it a bit.
I may be totally out of the ball park asking this and I may just be complicating this but as I’ve gotten older I am health conscious. That’s why I’m always pulling bloods. Weird, considering I was once a hardcore drug addict. Just hit 8 years sobriety!
@Mighty-mouse your next test will answer so many questions. Thanks bud!