There’s no pct protocol with gh. Everything goes back to normal within days. From what I’ve read hgh can cause insulin resistants so I monitor my blood glucose just to keep it in check. I think everyone should.
If you’re wanting to time a aas cycle with gh just start it a few months before your blast. I personally like to ramp up hgh slowly before my blasts. Then by the time I’m starting to blast my hgh dose is at my max.
1st month 2ius
2nd month 3ius
3rd month 4ius then blast my aas cycle while staying on the 4ius. I’ll go back down to 2ius kinda like a cruise after my blast is finished.
You can also just do 2ius straight through the year if that’s your top dose. The longer you stay on hgh the better the results imo.
I think of it like this, hgh grows new cells and the aas grow those cells.
Muscles will look fuller and that’s what I’ve liked most about hgh. Plus the body fat will fall off if the diet plan is decent.
It’s been a year now and I can see a big difference in how full I look. I liked my results so much that I decided to buy enough optis to continue on for the next 8-12 months lol. (Was running other hgh before).
I do not use insulin and have went up to 5ius a day.
Starting on my 2nd kit of optis now. I’m up to 3ius a day.
Not really sure if it’s the hgh but my appetite has grown considerably over the last year. But so has my sweet tooth for chocolate chip cookies
Taking the good with the bad I suppose