I'm sober now, Meso. Only steroids and food now. And coffee.

I just shrank from 229lbs to 183lbs at 5'9" using meth 3 out of 7 days for 2 months. My max's went from a 354lb bench to probably 245lbs, 399lbs squat to probably around 275lbs and a 375lbs deadlift to probably around 315lbs

Also after 2 years of powerlifting my body is destroyed and I just switched to body building. So gay. Living the rest of my life doing body building when I want to do powerlifting. Plus bodybuilding is way more work. How do you get your fulfillment from body building? It just seems to be from when you look in the mirror or the way others start to look at you. But big muscles that aren't strong is so not cool to me.
I'm sober now, Meso. Only steroids and food now. And coffee.

I just shrank from 229lbs to 183lbs at 5'9" using meth 3 out of 7 days for 2 months. My max's went from a 354lb bench to probably 245lbs, 399lbs squat to probably around 275lbs and a 375lbs deadlift to probably around 315lbs

Also after 2 years of powerlifting my body is destroyed and I just switched to body building. So gay. Living the rest of my life doing body building when I want to do powerlifting. Plus bodybuilding is way more work. How do you get your fulfillment from body building? It just seems to be from when you look in the mirror or the way others start to look at you. But big muscles that aren't strong is so not cool to me.
Hey I hope you really can put that poison away. I have a recovery thread if you need to stop in there and talk some bs
Hey guys wanted to share my results as well as my wife’s results while taking Opti GH the past 10-12 weeks. My IGF came in pretty low at 136 using 3iu for the first 6 weeks then bumped to 4iu the last 6 weeks. My wife has been on 2iu the entire time and she had an IGF level of 220. I have tested in the high 300 and low 400s on 4iu daily with other brands of GH. Because I’m in the middle of prep for a contest I decided to have my wife also do a GH serum test to eliminate any other outside factors. The serum test is also attached and it did come back good at 42. Serum tests aren’t a definitive answer that it’s real GH but it’s a good sign at the least. Just thought I would share this so you guys can make your own conclusions. This isn’t an attack on Opti as he has been super approachable and communicates very well. His TA time is unmatched as well. Adjustments.jpg

View attachment 1588880072_17456_results.pdf
View attachment 1588343874_17374_results(4).pdf
I'm sober now, Meso. Only steroids and food now. And coffee.

I just shrank from 229lbs to 183lbs at 5'9" using meth 3 out of 7 days for 2 months. My max's went from a 354lb bench to probably 245lbs, 399lbs squat to probably around 275lbs and a 375lbs deadlift to probably around 315lbs

Also after 2 years of powerlifting my body is destroyed and I just switched to body building. So gay. Living the rest of my life doing body building when I want to do powerlifting. Plus bodybuilding is way more work. How do you get your fulfillment from body building? It just seems to be from when you look in the mirror or the way others start to look at you. But big muscles that aren't strong is so not cool to me.
How big of shots were you doing with that massive spoon in your pic?
How big of shots were you doing with that massive spoon in your pic?

I've done .7g twice in my life, the second time I did a half a gram shot 25 minutes after the .7g, I was arrested shortly after when I was fumbling for my keys to get back into my apartment while a spider the size of a car was over the top of me hanging off of the building attacking me and I bashed out my own window and jumped through
That was my Test levels! We are talking about HGH here bro. My IGF levels were crap. IGF-1 is the best way to test for good quality HGH. Does that make sense???!

What else were you taking? Drinking alcohol at all? Mine always come back low but that's because I'm always stressing my liver with anabolics and boozing