Mine too. Weird just switched from the 100ius. Holding a bunch more water,. different tops and takes way longer to dissolve, and 2 out of the 10 vials in the first kit didn't have a vacuum seal. Makes me a bit nervous.
Switching from 240’s to 120’s?
I have more retention and cts with 120s.
Now have numbness when sleeping. Did not with 240s. No sides at all
I was planning on starting out at 2 for about a week to see how it affects me and then move up to four and then six eventually after that.
4 kits at 6 iu are going to be used up pretty quickly.

I am guessing at 3-4 iu you are going to see a huge difference, long before you get to 6 iu. Don't get caught up on a certain number.

Get your diet 100% serious, though. A serious, real, no bullshit, no excuses, bodybuilding type diet. Eat as a tool, not for enjoyment.
We go through this same thing time and time again. You are so right on the mark. People will spend thousands on GH but are too cheap to shell out $70 to get tested. In my State I can't get an HGH serum test but I did get a baseline IGF test, meaning what is my natural IGF level without taking any HGH. This is very important. You have to get a baseline when testing your IGF levels to make a fair comparison.. Then I test myself with every new order I get. I get a blood test 3 times a year from my doctor which includes an IGF test, or if I need an additional test I send a blood spot sample to or any other online lab that does these tests. And there are several. Some you can just do a walk-in, which my State also doesn't allow but most do. I make sure that when testing a new batch or new order that I am on the product for at least one month but it's usually more like six weeks. Make sure you are not on any Biotin supplements for at least a week before testing.

If you are not getting tested. Getting an objective measurement and not just how you feel or think you feel then it's all just the same old blah, blah, blah.

Also, when reconstituting, after you allow the vacuum to suck the water out and gently let it slide down the side of the vial and not just blast it into the powder, take the needle out, pull out the plunger, and then stick the needle back in to equalize the air pressure -- jeeze, this is basic 101 stuff.
Why no biotin?
How much you runnin? I had started at 2iu bumped to 3 now im at 4 ans cant say i see much diff between 2 and 4. But wanting to go higher. So many varying opinions on the GH. How much does what exactly etc. I plan to compete this year. Wish i knew exactly how pros do it (guess ill have to pay a coach like jansen to find out.) Nick walker knows, and he aint tellin lol. I want to be a freak like Nick.
Although I have stood next to Nick Walker, I have no idea how much hgh he uses, but I am guessing it is not 2 iu, and probably not 4 iu, either.

But simply jumping up to higher doses of hgh is not going to make you a pro.

If you haven't competed yet, you have years ahead of you for figuring this stuff out. You have to win, then go up to nationals and win, to turn pro. That does not really happen your first year of competition, for anybody.

How do you look already? You should be able to get pretty large and cut with no hgh at all, especially if you are young. Sergio Oliva was Mr Olympia in an age when no growth hormone was available. The same for Arnold when he won in 1970.
I still see stuff at the bottom. It's been about 5 minutes or so since I put in the back water. Normal?

As others have stated, swirl. Lots of YouTube videos on reconstituting. Put the water in, place vial between both hands and rub them back and forth like you are trying to stay warm. You are not going to hurt the gh. Jano did a test a while back where he basically stuck a reconstituted vial in a paint can shaker and it didn’t effect the quality at all I don’t believe. With that said, I still only somewhat lightly swirl the contents and mine have always dissolved with in a minute or so.
As others have stated, swirl. Lots of YouTube videos on reconstituting. Put the water in, place vial between both hands and rub them back and forth like you are trying to stay warm. You are not going to hurt the gh. Jano did a test a while back where he basically stuck a reconstituted vial in a paint can shaker and it didn’t effect the quality at all I don’t believe. With that said, I still only somewhat lightly swirl the contents and mine have always dissolved with in a minute or so.
I actually waited like an hour or two and then I went back and it was all dissolved. I wasn't in a rush at the time. But I'm new to the HGH game and just wanted to make sure that everything was good LOL.
4 kits at 6 iu are going to be used up pretty quickly.

I am guessing at 3-4 iu you are going to see a huge difference, long before you get to 6 iu. Don't get caught up on a certain number.

Get your diet 100% serious, though. A serious, real, no bullshit, no excuses, bodybuilding type diet. Eat as a tool, not for enjoyment.
Yeah my plan for at least two or three months is 4iu and see where it takes me.
4 kits at 6 iu are going to be used up pretty quickly.

I am guessing at 3-4 iu you are going to see a huge difference, long before you get to 6 iu. Don't get caught up on a certain number.

Get your diet 100% serious, though. A serious, real, no bullshit, no excuses, bodybuilding type diet. Eat as a tool, not for enjoyment.
I actually just took 1iu last night because I had 2iu in the damn syringe and when I was about to pull it out, it sucked back in 1iu and I wasn't about to stick the insulin pen back in because it just keeps dulling the needle LOL
I have seen online that some people just put all of the HGH into one syringe and just keep using the same syringe to inject. I figured that would be sterile or good for your skin with a dull ass needle. Haha.
I was planning on starting out at 2 for about a week to see how it affects me and then move up to four and then six eventually after that.
I kept at 2 for a little longer when i jumped to 3 too fast i kept falling asleep constantly. It was really annoying. But once your body adjusts all.of a sudden you almost feel like you arent taking anything thats when its time to up the dose. Everyones body is diff but thats been my (very limited) experience.
Although I have stood next to Nick Walker, I have no idea how much hgh he uses, but I am guessing it is not 2 iu, and probably not 4 iu, either.

But simply jumping up to higher doses of hgh is not going to make you a pro.

If you haven't competed yet, you have years ahead of you for figuring this stuff out. You have to win, then go up to nationals and win, to turn pro. That does not really happen your first year of competition, for anybody.

How do you look already? You should be able to get pretty large and cut with no hgh at all, especially if you are young. Sergio Oliva was Mr Olympia in an age when no growth hormone was available. The same for Arnold when he won in 1970.
I am 40 years old but ive been training since i was 14. Not a lot of AAS under my belt and this is my first kit of GH im running. I am trying to do this the right way while also fighting the clock. I may be 40 but my body has a lot.less miles than most. I feel great, my body is telling me to go for it. Of course my brain is telling me this is a terrible idea but my heart says otherwise. I dont know what i weigh, certainly north of 250 and growing fast as fuck. On 1g test as a base 400mgs tren enanthate roughly 4iu gh 15iu hum r i have 5 boxes of lantus pens but the one time i tried it i feel like i lost all definition and i cant eat clean on it at all. Also have a bottle of superdrol ive been toying with 20mgs pre wo. Gains are coming fast. Uncomfortable. Which i assume is good.
What do you bigger guys do when adding size yet losing flexibility? And WHERE DO YOU BUY CLOTHES? I am down to a pair of 38x34s and my legs are pretty tight in those now. My waist is 32 inches. Fat man pants are not the business but i dont know what else to buy.
I took 1iu last night and 2iu this morning. So far, so good with any side effects. Lol. Taking another 2iu tonight and continue to do that.
Going to doctor to get my tendon and my right elbow looked at to see what we need to do to get it fixed and I'm hoping between that and the gh, might help me heal faster.
I took 1iu last night and 2iu this morning. So far, so good with any side effects. Lol. Taking another 2iu tonight and continue to do that.
Going to doctor to get my tendon and my right elbow looked at to see what we need to do to get it fixed and I'm hoping between that and the gh, might help me heal faster.
Side effects with GH can be weird. First run I didn't have any at all until about 6 weeks in. I'd ramp up dose slow over a period of weeks.
So i do have a quick question... Pertaining to iu's....

So since i sometimes have blood sugar issues

Would it be doable to actually pin half an iu to assess tolerance and sidez especially blood sugar, That has been my plan, to start out super low, let my body get use to it and slowly adjust upwards until i get to 2 iu's....

Everyone reacts differently so i figure the lower i start, the better chance i have to combat issues and sides