We go through this same thing time and time again. You are so right on the mark. People will spend thousands on GH but are too cheap to shell out $70 to get tested. In my State I can't get an HGH serum test but I did get a baseline IGF test, meaning what is my natural IGF level without taking any HGH. This is very important. You have to get a baseline when testing your IGF levels to make a fair comparison.. Then I test myself with every new order I get. I get a blood test 3 times a year from my doctor which includes an IGF test, or if I need an additional test I send a blood spot sample to zrtlab.com or any other online lab that does these tests. And there are several. Some you can just do a walk-in, which my State also doesn't allow but most do. I make sure that when testing a new batch or new order that I am on the product for at least one month but it's usually more like six weeks. Make sure you are not on any Biotin supplements for at least a week before testing.
If you are not getting tested. Getting an objective measurement and not just how you feel or think you feel then it's all just the same old blah, blah, blah.
Also, when reconstituting, after you allow the vacuum to suck the water out and gently let it slide down the side of the vial and not just blast it into the powder, take the needle out, pull out the plunger, and then stick the needle back in to equalize the air pressure -- jeeze, this is basic 101 stuff.