Are you trying to get IGF levels or GH Serum? IGF levels you should probably be on that dose consistently for about 6-8 weeks. GH serum 10 IUs pin IM 3 hrs before testing

I've shown elevated IGF levels in as little as 2 weeks

At two weeks I have tested higher than 3 weeks and 4 weeks so I believe your natty igf-1 is still taking into account. 3 to 4 week it levels out. When I did that 12 week test from week 4 to 12 I pulled igf numbers very consistently the same
It just interferes with the testing. It's OK to take otherwise. I take biotin because I noticed a difference with my hair. But I stop it about a week before getting tested. It also affects testing the thyroid as well.
O good to know. I have to get tested for thyroid. Ill stop biotin a week before my bloods. Thanks.
Hey my fellow Bros, what kit are y'all using to test blood sugar when on? Never had an issue with blood pressure, blood sugar or anything, but would like to check or at least every few days to make sure everything still good and in working order.
I've been on GH for the last two days and I just took my 2iu for the morning and I now have a headache also. Don't know if this means anything or not. Lol.
At two weeks I have tested higher than 3 weeks and 4 weeks so I believe your natty igf-1 is still taking into account. 3 to 4 week it levels out. When I did that 12 week test from week 4 to 12 I pulled igf numbers very consistently the same
I pulled at 2 and at 6 weeks before and was pretty much the same
Ok just reconstituted my 2nd vial of opti120 hgh. This one didn't have vacuum and I also have some little particals inside after letting it sit in fridge for like 2 hours. Don't know if it is powder, if this normal or what. NOT accusing. Trying to learn here. First time with this stuff.
I'll post 2 pics, but not sure if you will be able to see it or not. But when I swirl the vial slowly, they are floating around.


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Hey my fellow Bros, what kit are y'all using to test blood sugar when on? Never had an issue with blood pressure, blood sugar or anything, but would like to check or at least every few days to make sure everything still good and in working order.
I've been on GH for the last two days and I just took my 2iu for the morning and I now have a headache also. Don't know if this means anything or not. Lol.

you’re taking too much too soon. You’d think with all the fucking questions you ask you’d at least understand the basics
Ok just reconstituted my 2nd vial of opti120 hgh. This one didn't have vacuum and I also have some little particals inside after letting it sit in fridge for like 2 hours. Don't know if it is powder, if this normal or what. NOT accusing. Trying to learn here. First time with this stuff.
I'll post 2 pics, but not sure if you will be able to see it or not. But when I swirl the vial slowly, they are floating around.
How long are you letting them sit?

*edit* I am retarded. Let them sit over night, that has probably been done by now..
2 iu is probably not too much, but, just FYI, I often start at 1 iu for a few days when starting a new run of hgh before increasing it to 2 iu. That's just me, though. I ramp it up kind of slowly. Then 3 . . . and so on.
Well I used that vial last night and this morning and nothing abnormal happened. I still don't know what is in that vial swimming. Haha.
Not necessarily but that’s a loaded question. If one were already a Prediabetic then even 4iu could be dangerous.

I’ve ran 5iu with nothing other than berberine and was fine. You just have to monitor yourself.

On 4iu I was fine until one day I wasn’t. I want to say around the 6-7 month mark my BG shot up into the 115ish range and stayed there.

Point being, monitor yourself and keep an eye on things.
Not necessarily but that’s a loaded question. If one were already a Prediabetic then even 4iu could be dangerous.

I’ve ran 5iu with nothing other than berberine and was fine. You just have to monitor yourself.

On 4iu I was fine until one day I wasn’t. I want to say around the 6-7 month mark my BG shot up into the 115ish range and stayed there.

Point being, monitor yourself and keep an eye on things.
Intense exercise with hgh can play havoc with blood sugar. I know tree cutters that can’t touch it in the summer