What do you mean?
I mean that’s the protocol one would run if they hadn’t spent any real time reading about how to optimize GH. GH is one of those rare things in this particular world of ours that has actual clinical trial data to go off of. And twice daily dosing every single day is utterly unnecessary and likely counterproductive to future health.

And before anyone jumps in with the .01% argument, yes, if you’re a legit pro and taking comically large doses then do it however you want. But if you’re just a normal bro there‘s very little reason (let alone scientific basis) for dosing that way.
I mean that’s the protocol one would run if they hadn’t spent any real time reading about how to optimize GH. GH is one of those rare things in this particular world of ours that has actual clinical trial data to go off of. And twice daily dosing every single day is utterly unnecessary and likely counterproductive to future health.

And before anyone jumps in with the .01% argument, yes, if you’re a legit pro and taking comically large doses then do it however you want. But if you’re just a normal bro there‘s very little reason (let alone scientific basis) for dosing that way.
I could be wrong, but I could have sworn it was better first thing in the morning because your levels will be low. And before you go to bed, it's good to take it so you have it in your system while you're sleeping. (this is if you don't produce enough since you are older)

Like I said though, I could be wrong. That's why I am here to learn on things idk about
I mean that’s the protocol one would run if they hadn’t spent any real time reading about how to optimize GH. GH is one of those rare things in this particular world of ours that has actual clinical trial data to go off of. And twice daily dosing every single day is utterly unnecessary and likely counterproductive to future health.

And before anyone jumps in with the .01% argument, yes, if you’re a legit pro and taking comically large doses then do it however you want. But if you’re just a normal bro there‘s very little reason (let alone scientific basis) for dosing that way.
Some guys get real lethargic in the afternoon initially. Especially when they insist on taking too much too soon. For some splitting the dose helps with afternoon fatigue.
Some guys get real lethargic in the afternoon initially. Especially when they insist on taking too much too soon. For some splitting the dose helps with afternoon fatigue.
I understand and appreciate why guys take it that way, but their feelings don’t change the science. Eod dosing has nearly the same net effect without the natural system shutting down while on. Again, clinical trial data exist and show us exactly how to use this stuff. I suppose it goes against the orthodoxy to say that out loud but it’s the truth.
I could be wrong, but I could have sworn it was better first thing in the morning because your levels will be low. And before you go to bed, it's good to take it so you have it in your system while you're sleeping. (this is if you don't produce enough since you are older)

Like I said though, I could be wrong. That's why I am here to learn on things idk about

Natural GH pulses at night when you're sleeping. Some guys get good sleep off it so take it at night, it actually makes me sleep worse so I take it pre-fasted cardio for cut morning.
I mean that’s the protocol one would run if they hadn’t spent any real time reading about how to optimize GH. GH is one of those rare things in this particular world of ours that has actual clinical trial data to go off of. And twice daily dosing every single day is utterly unnecessary and likely counterproductive to future health.

And before anyone jumps in with the .01% argument, yes, if you’re a legit pro and taking comically large doses then do it however you want. But if you’re just a normal bro there‘s very little reason (let alone scientific basis) for dosing that way.

I myself have around 10-12 test showing while on the same dose but split my igf-1 is 75- 100 points higher than single dosing in the am.

All blood pulled around the same time 9 am to 11am regardless the dose split.

I’m currently dosing 4 iu shoulder morning ED to compare.

The problem with clinical studies is that they are that... clinical studies.... they are not trying to optimize for BB. That’s where the bro code comes from.

How I run growth is morning only shot for fat loss

Morning late afternoon for higher igf and gaining.

How would you run it?
Not necessarily but that’s a loaded question. If one were already a Prediabetic then even 4iu could be dangerous.

I’ve ran 5iu with nothing other than berberine and was fine. You just have to monitor yourself.

On 4iu I was fine until one day I wasn’t. I want to say around the 6-7 month mark my BG shot up into the 115ish range and stayed there.

Point being, monitor yourself and keep an eye on things.
115 isn't anything to worry about. 315? I'd worry a bit, pop some metformin and take about 8ius Humilin R
How long did you run it that high for and what difference did you notice at this dosage?

A lot of water retention I had my best gains at 5iu.

I know I ran 6iu straight for 3 months before stepping down. That was my 707 igf score I believe. I have to look back on the 7iu
I myself have around 10-12 test showing while on the same dose but split my igf-1 is 75- 100 points higher than single dosing in the am.

All blood pulled around the same time 9 am to 11am regardless the dose split.

I’m currently dosing 4 iu shoulder morning ED to compare.

The problem with clinical studies is that they are that... clinical studies.... they are not trying to optimize for BB. That’s where the bro code comes from.

How I run growth is morning only shot for fat loss

Morning late afternoon for higher igf and gaining.

How would you run it?
How long after injection do you wait before eating? For me, I want to eat as soon as I wake up.
How long after injection do you wait before eating? For me, I want to eat as soon as I wake up.

I try to wait 30 min or so but I never got myself into not picking what time I eat.... hell sometimes I inject and eat my 5 eggs and 10 oz breast .... just all depends
This my most recent result of an IGF test done by ZRT labs. I was using the 240iu kit and taking 1/3 of a vial each day in the middle of the night when I go to the bathroom. So around 3 am. Presumably, I was taking 8 ius/night. My IGF measured 162 ng/ml with a reference range of 100-300 ng/ml


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This my most recent result of an IGF test done by ZRT labs. I was using the 240iu kit and taking 1/3 of a vial each day in the middle of the night when I go to the bathroom. So around 3 am. Presumably, I was taking 8 ius/night. My IGF measured 162 ng/ml with a reference range of 100-300 ng/ml
Are you taking anything else along with it? That's seriously low. Any past tests with similar results?
This my most recent result of an IGF test done by ZRT labs. I was using the 240iu kit and taking 1/3 of a vial each day in the middle of the night when I go to the bathroom. So around 3 am. Presumably, I was taking 8 ius/night. My IGF measured 162 ng/ml with a reference range of 100-300 ng/ml

That’s low as shit. I never tested the 240 kits so can’t compare but how is your diet and other gear use