Are you taking anything else along with it? That's seriously low. Any past tests with similar results?
What do you mean by "am taking anything else?" Please be more specific. Like probably everybody here I take a host of nutritional supplements, I am on 200mg/wk test cyp and 250/wk Deca.

The results of previous test by this lab is clearly posted.
That’s low as shit. I never tested the 240 kits so can’t compare but how is your diet and other gear use
So I don't have to go into agonizing detail, please EVERBODY assume I am not on some crazy diet where I am eating jellybeans and bacon fat for breakfast. I've always been a health nut and very strict on my diet and eat a well balanced diet of about 40% protein, 30% carb, 30% fat. I know many here use this product and, yes, my results are low, especially for 8ius, so everybody here are going to desperately try to find other reasons for my low result other than my response to the product itself. If I say I had a cold before giving a sample, or only slept five hours, or ate a Big Mac.... everyone will say, "Yeah, that was it." These are hormone people. If I inject 5 grams of test/week for six weeks I'm going to have a high Test level no matter what I do.

I post this so that you penny pinchers shell out $70 for an online test or ask your doctor to include it in your blood test, which you should be getting anyway but I doubt most of you are. But when it comes to testing IGF, not HGH serum, but IGF, YOU HAVE TO GET A BASELINE READING FIRST!

My baseline reading, meaning my levels without any exogenous HGH at all, is 54 ng/ml. So for me, 160 doesn't sound so low. I do want to get it over 200, which is what is natural for most of you guys but I wanted to test this "cheaper" GH at a higher dose. When I use half of a vial of the 120 kits, presumably 6 ius, the levels as you can see from the printout,, was 198 ng/ml. So on my next order, probably next week, I will be sticking to 120 iu kit and maybe bump it to 8ius/day to make a direct comparison or maybe just take a whole 12iu vial 5 days a week for convenience. I don't want to pull 8ius out of one vial, and then the next day pull the remaining 4ius and then pull another 4ius out of a new vial. 12iu five days a week is 60ius which is close enough to 8ius seven days a week.
So I don't have to go into agonizing detail, please EVERBODY assume I am not on some crazy diet where I am eating jellybeans and bacon fat for breakfast. I've always been a health nut and very strict on my diet and eat a well balanced diet of about 40% protein, 30% carb, 30% fat. I know many here use this product and, yes, my results are low, especially for 8ius, so everybody here are going to desperately try to find other reasons for my low result other than my response to the product itself. If I say I had a cold before giving a sample, or only slept five hours, or ate a Big Mac.... everyone will say, "Yeah, that was it." These are hormone people. If I inject 5 grams of test/week for six weeks I'm going to have a high Test level no matter what I do.

I post this so that you penny pinchers shell out $70 for an online test or ask your doctor to include it in your blood test, which you should be getting anyway but I doubt most of you are. But when it comes to testing IGF, not HGH serum, but IGF, YOU HAVE TO GET A BASELINE READING FIRST!

My baseline reading, meaning my levels without any exogenous HGH at all, is 54 ng/ml. So for me, 160 doesn't sound so low. I do want to get it over 200, which is what is natural for most of you guys but I wanted to test this "cheaper" GH at a higher dose. When I use half of a vial of the 120 kits, presumably 6 ius, the levels as you can see from the printout,, was 198 ng/ml. So on my next order, probably next week, I will be sticking to 120 iu kit and maybe bump it to 8ius/day to make a direct comparison or maybe just take a whole 12iu vial 5 days a week for convenience. I don't want to pull 8ius out of one vial, and then the next day pull the remaining 4ius and then pull another 4ius out of a new vial. 12iu five days a week is 60ius which is close enough to 8ius seven days a week.
Everybody responds differently. My IGF was 415 taking 4IU of the 120s five days on two days off. My doc asked me to go down to 3IU five on, two off. I'm going to test again in a couple to few weeks. I'll post the results.
Just take a screenshot of the HGH info and save that to your disk and then attach it to your post. Easy as pie.
Lazy asses
Baseline igf1 170
Bloods pulled 4 weeks in 219
Was on 2iu (opti 120s) a day except the week I took bloods it was upped to 3ius (I do 6iu every other day )
So I don't have to go into agonizing detail, please EVERBODY assume I am not on some crazy diet where I am eating jellybeans and bacon fat for breakfast. I've always been a health nut and very strict on my diet and eat a well balanced diet of about 40% protein, 30% carb, 30% fat. I know many here use this product and, yes, my results are low, especially for 8ius, so everybody here are going to desperately try to find other reasons for my low result other than my response to the product itself. If I say I had a cold before giving a sample, or only slept five hours, or ate a Big Mac.... everyone will say, "Yeah, that was it." These are hormone people. If I inject 5 grams of test/week for six weeks I'm going to have a high Test level no matter what I do.

I post this so that you penny pinchers shell out $70 for an online test or ask your doctor to include it in your blood test, which you should be getting anyway but I doubt most of you are. But when it comes to testing IGF, not HGH serum, but IGF, YOU HAVE TO GET A BASELINE READING FIRST!

My baseline reading, meaning my levels without any exogenous HGH at all, is 54 ng/ml. So for me, 160 doesn't sound so low. I do want to get it over 200, which is what is natural for most of you guys but I wanted to test this "cheaper" GH at a higher dose. When I use half of a vial of the 120 kits, presumably 6 ius, the levels as you can see from the printout,, was 198 ng/ml. So on my next order, probably next week, I will be sticking to 120 iu kit and maybe bump it to 8ius/day to make a direct comparison or maybe just take a whole 12iu vial 5 days a week for convenience. I don't want to pull 8ius out of one vial, and then the next day pull the remaining 4ius and then pull another 4ius out of a new vial. 12iu five days a week is 60ius which is close enough to 8ius seven days a week.

I def agree on getting a baseline first. Mine ranges from 175-253.

I’m not educated enough on growth with older guys so don’t want to try and speculate. Have u got any other test with other vendors at the same dose around the same age that you are now.
I understand and appreciate why guys take it that way, but their feelings don’t change the science. Eod dosing has nearly the same net effect without the natural system shutting down while on. Again, clinical trial data exist and show us exactly how to use this stuff. I suppose it goes against the orthodoxy to say that out loud but it’s the truth.
If you’re in an offseason/trying to grow yes. If you’re in prep or focused on fat loss, ED fasted while monitoring BG is unequivocally better..
Everybody responds differently. My IGF was 415 taking 4IU of the 120s five days on two days off. My doc asked me to go down to 3IU five on, two off. I'm going to test again in a couple to few weeks. I'll post the results.
I'm so jealous of guys like you. That's why doctors care more about IGF test than the HGH serum test. They know their GH is real so all they care about is how your body is reacting to it. For us, HGH serum is a better test because it will be pretty much the same for everybody. It's just telling you how much GH is in the vial. Just like you and I can be on the same test dose and have the same Total Test, but how much our body actually uses, the Free Test varies widely. Sucks that I am on the pitifully low end of HGH/IGF responders. I'm going to talk to my doctor about this.
I'm so jealous of guys like you. That's why doctors care more about IGF test than the HGH serum test. They know their GH is real so all they care about is how your body is reacting to it. For us, HGH serum is a better test because it will be pretty much the same for everybody. It's just telling you how much GH is in the vial. Just like you and I can be on the same test dose and have the same Total Test, but how much our body actually uses, the Free Test varies widely. Sucks that I am on the pitifully low end of HGH/IGF responders. I'm going to talk to my doctor about this.
How old are you/height/weight/BF%?
I def agree on getting a baseline first. Mine ranges from 175-253.

I’m not educated enough on growth with older guys so don’t want to try and speculate. Have u got any other test with other vendors at the same dose around the same age that you are now.
I also get tested by Clinical Labs 4 times a year through my doctor. I only use ZRT labs when I get new order and don't have a blood test coming up such as in this case. My next blood test with Clinical labs will not be until early May which is when I'll be testing this batch of 120iu kits at 8iu/day or 12iu 5x/week.
I'm so jealous of guys like you. That's why doctors care more about IGF test than the HGH serum test. They know their GH is real so all they care about is how your body is reacting to it. For us, HGH serum is a better test because it will be pretty much the same for everybody. It's just telling you how much GH is in the vial. Just like you and I can be on the same test dose and have the same Total Test, but how much our body actually uses, the Free Test varies widely. Sucks that I am on the pitifully low end of HGH/IGF responders. I'm going to talk to my doctor about this.
I think I just might be a good responder. I take between 200-250 of test a week and my total test is always between 1300-1600 and my free is usually 50-60. He only prescribes 200 a week,, but sometimes I take a bit more. My doc says that's high for trt, but as long as my other markers stay in range, he says he's fine with it. I'm in my late 40s.
How old are you/height/weight/BF%?
Again, just like the results of previous tests I was asked about, it is clearly posted on the Test result. Jeeze, some of you guys just have tunnel vision. You look at the IGF results but completely miss all the other information on the Test result sheet, including the medication I am currently on.
I think I just might be a good responder. I take between 200-250 of test a week and my total test is always between 1300-1600 and my free is usually 50-60. He only prescribes 200 a week,, but sometimes I take a bit more. My doc says that's high for trt, but as long as my other markers stay in range, he says he's fine with it. I'm in my late 40s.
Free test is low. In my case, even though my Total test is within reference range my Free test exceeds the reference range by a substantial amount.
BTW, 1,300-1,600 on 250mg/wk Test is not high. Remember, your body only naturally produces about 75mg/wk. True replacement dose use to be 100mg/wk or rather 200mg every two weeks, which is what I had when I first started back in the year 2000.
Free test is low. In my case, even though my Total test is within reference range my Free test exceeds the reference range by a substantial amount.
BTW, 1,300-1,600 on 250mg/wk Test is not high. Remember, your body only naturally produces about 75mg/wk. True replacement dose use to be 100mg/wk or rather 200mg every two weeks, which is what I had when I first started back in the year 2000.
May be low in comparison to yours, but it exceeds the reference range. I feel great and have a six-pack, and at my age, I'll take that as a win. Ha. I have 26 yr old gf, so I gotta keep up. [emoji109]
May be low in comparison to yours, but it exceeds the reference range. I feel great and have a six-pack, and at my age, I'll take that as a win. Ha. I have 26 yr old gf, so I gotta keep up. [emoji109]
Nothing else mattered after you said "26 year gf". Good for you! Definitely a win!