What is untrue? Did I say the serum test was perfect? The serum test can be skewed just as the IGF test can be skewed. I already mentioned how Biotin will affect the IGF test. Doctors don't bother with serum tests. They care about how your body reacts to HGH. Because IGF varies widely among individuals the serum test will give us a better picture. It will more accurately tell us how much actual GH is in that vial. It's not an HPCL test but it's the best the average person has available. Ask Opti what he would prefer if a use says his HGH was underdosed. Would he go by an IGF test or a serum test. If it's an IGF test than that means all GH I use is underdosed. If my State allowed a serum test without a script that is what I would be doing instead.
Interestingly, my serum GH was in the normal range when my IGF was 415.
Meanwhile you all make this much drama I m wondering if Increlex from a pharma fridge is really worth it’s legendary status

go look up John Meadows video on it, not sure if it's behind his paywall but the answer was a resounding no, also something about his endo saying increlex is more dangerous in the growth sorta way than HGH is possibly referencing cancer?

He goes through people he know who tried it etc, and he said no.
It says right after that, "not an exact quote, LOL!" but you still found something to get all offended about. You are overly sensitive.

You then go on to post something about your diet being "balanced" which means you still do not understand what Mighty-mouse or I were saying . . .
Why are you calling me an asshole? (not an exact quote -- lol).
Well, I don't get enough product to make it worthwhile to pay a sourcing fee.
It's just extras. I've been with my doctor forever and he knows what I am doing and is very "modern" in his thinking. I use to be much more hardcore so, for instance, my estro would get very high and he prescribes me a tab a day of adex AND aromasin. I'm just on TRT now and only use a one tab a week of each so the extras build up pretty quick. Same with t3 and t4.
Not sure if this post has been addressed? We don't have any fees associated with sourcing, per se. Some sources feel they have left a piece of their ass or even their manhood in the Underground after going through the vetting process here at Meso.
A source would have to be a bit of a masochist to pay for what we give them here in the Underground. Conversely, I'm willing to bet there's more than a few sadists hanging around posing as regular members just biding their time waiting on New Source Friday to roll around.
There are conversations about Dr's who are "Modern" all over the Net....or "Sympathetic" is another adjective I'd use to describe Dr's who are a bit looser with their pen when it comes to writing scripts for some meds.
I know some hiv+ guys who have been prescribed gh for a decade along with their Test Cyp and they haven't put on a pound of lean mass in all that time. I suppose they could be considered "Non Responders"? I've always figured the Dr has an idea that some of the guys count on the meds and the money they bring to survive?
Not sure if this post has been addressed? We don't have any fees associated with sourcing, per se. Some sources feel they have left a piece of their ass or even their manhood in the Underground after going through the vetting process here at Meso.
A source would have to be a bit of a masochist to pay for what we give them here in the Underground. Conversely, I'm willing to bet there's more than a few sadists hanging around posing as regular members just biding their time waiting on New Source Friday to roll around.
There are conversations about Dr's who are "Modern" all over the Net....or "Sympathetic" is another adjective I'd use to describe Dr's who are a bit looser with their pen when it comes to writing scripts for some meds.
I know some hiv+ guys who have been prescribed gh for a decade along with their Test Cyp and they haven't put on a pound of lean mass in all that time. I suppose they could be considered "Non Responders"? I've always figured the Dr has an idea that some of the guys count on the meds and the money they bring to survive?
I'm not sure what the policy is. Again, I don't use nearly the amount my doctor prescribes me but I keep filling the scripts paying the copay because I do use the meds. But for example, I use one tab a week of aromasin but get prescribed 30 tabs a month. I sell them locally and often mail them out to guys on the boards that remember me from I use to be able to list them. I just sold five bottles 30 tabs each of adex and I still have other products. BTW, I answered you PM not knowing it was a PM. There was a follow-up PM clarifying the misundersttanding.
go look up John Meadows video on it, not sure if it's behind his paywall but the answer was a resounding no, also something about his endo saying increlex is more dangerous in the growth sorta way than HGH is possibly referencing cancer?

He goes through people he know who tried it etc, and he said no.
It's behind his paywall.
So you re fuckin sure you ran pharma grade Seros and it wasn’t a game changer compared to some generic ? Fuck i m seeing all the pieces falling around of my broken dreams... piece by piece... I always thought that running real 100% pharma out of pharma refrigerator, would shred me at 5% in one week...
I do not have enough experience with serostim to claim it is not a game changer compared to some generic. I did not make that claim.

I am running serostim right now, and even in a brief period of time it does seem to be leaning me out more than the generic I was running, to the extent that I am needing to eat more calories just to maintain the same weight. I do not know if that is a good thing on a bulk, but it feels weird to be up near my heaviest weight while still getting leaner.
I do not have enough experience with serostim to claim it is not a game changer compared to some generic. I did not make that claim.

I am running serostim right now, and even in a brief period of time it does seem to be leaning me out more than the generic I was running, to the extent that I am needing to eat more calories just to maintain the same weight. I do not know if that is a good thing on a bulk, but it feels weird to be up near my heaviest weight while still getting leaner.
Have long has it taken for you to normally see yourself start getting leaner.
Minihulk, it depends upon what I am doing. In contest prep I can see changes daily. Right now, it takes a few days, but I am carrying more fat. I can still see abs, but I am not lean.

The reality is that the leaner you are, the quicker you see changes, because even a small change is a larger percentage of your overall body fat. Does that make sense?
Minihulk, it depends upon what I am doing. In contest prep I can see changes daily. Right now, it takes a few days, but I am carrying more fat. I can still see abs, but I am not lean.

The reality is that the leaner you are, the quicker you see changes, because even a small change is a larger percentage of your overall body fat. Does that make sense?
Yes it does 100%. Yeah I have some body fat to get rid of.
First guy: 7% at 200 pounds is 14 pounds of fat. Loose half a pound of fat, and you have lost 3.5% of all of your available body fat.

Second guy: 15% at 260 is 39 pounds of fat. Loose half a pound of fat, and it is only 1.2% if all of your body fat.

The same loss of fat is three times as visually effective for the first guy as compared to the second guy.

If you consider that some of that fat is stored in places not between the muscle and skin, the visual difference is probably more dramatic than the math above indicates.
I'll check this out after this show goes off. I appreciate it bro.
I've always had issues getting rid of the little body fat I do have even with a strict diet for months. I just don't get it. It gets frustrating sometimes.
Do you do cardio?

Most guys, especially as you get older, have a much easier time cutting adding in cardio.

For me, it is as simple as weekly making adjustments to my diet and cardio. A little tweak here and there each week (if needed).

I have tried carb cycling in the past with some success, too.

hgh helps, and I am not denying that, but you don't need it to cut.
Do you do cardio?

Most guys, especially as you get older, have a much easier time cutting adding in cardio.

For me, it is as simple as weekly making adjustments to my diet and cardio. A little tweak here and there each week (if needed).

I have tried carb cycling in the past with some success, too.

hgh helps, and I am not denying that, but you don't need it to cut.
Honestly I don't do cardio at all LOL.
I tried it for like 2 months 5 days a week for a hour each day and then go back later and workout and it didn't really do shit