What did you do for cardio? An hour 5 x a week is a lot.

Send me a PM if you don't want to drag Opti's thread too far off topic from hgh. I feel like I have dragged him off topic too far already.
I just pulled igf1 off the 240 kit after 3 weeks on 4 iu am fasted, prior to that 1 week at 2iu. This should have been long enough but I only got 231 and baseline was 160igf1.PNG
I'm not sure if anyone else wants to chime in on this but I've been told that 4iu should have gotten me more than 70 points over baseline regardless of how its split.
Too many factors
Other PEDs compounds being used
Ancillaries being used
DIET probably the biggest one
I'm not sure if anyone else wants to chime in on this but I've been told that 4iu should have gotten me more than 70 points over baseline regardless of how its split.
Are you taking nolva? My baseline igf was around 140. Hopped on the 240iu kits with nolva and it brought me to about 240, killed the nolva and it jumped another 100 points. Pretty sure my protocol was 2iu am 2iu pm I'm now boom dosing 10iu eod and haven't checked igf since I switched my protocol
Too many factors
Other PEDs compounds being used
Ancillaries being used
DIET probably the biggest one
Age 30, weight 210, diet 4500 cals 450 carb 400 protein 100 fat , 500 eq 500 test 500 npp x7 weeks, aromasin 12.5 mg ed. Currently bulking.
I'm not sure if anyone else wants to chime in on this but I've been told that 4iu should have gotten me more than 70 points over baseline regardless of how its split.
Assuming it's quality GH, the rule of thumb is about 100 per IU, until the law of diminishing returns sets in. It wouldn't at 4IU.
Second time you've said this, then Mtt's blood work comes back with a piss poor number, and you say blood work varies and isn't reliable
well my blood work was very similar 2.5iu s roughly 4/5 weeks and igf1 went from 170 to 219
I just assumed it was cause I tested too early or some other factor but now I’m getting a tad suspicious....
Suspicious of what?
I dunno quality control ? I’m possibly a non responder or under responder? Could be me injecting EOD
not convinced of anything yet, I’m still gonna run it and just do another test after being on for a few months
Cause like I’ve said there’s a lot of factors going into IGF1 levels and my blood work this time around was weird for me HDL has never been so low with no aas in quite some time
But anecdotally I feel a lot leaner yet steadily gaining weight
Thought it was in my head but have had several people in the gym say something to me
I dunno quality control ? I’m possibly a non responder or under responder? Could be me injecting EOD
not convinced of anything yet, I’m still gonna run it and just do another test after being on for a few months
Cause like I’ve said there’s a lot of factors going into IGF1 levels and my blood work this time around was weird for me HDL has never been so low with no aas in quite some time
But anecdotally I feel a lot leaner yet steadily gaining weight
Thought it was in my head but have had several people in the gym say something to me
I wasn't insinuating anything, I was just asking because I'm on the 120s also LOL
I wasn't insinuating anything, I was just asking because I'm on the 120s also LOL
Lol no I just don’t want to flat out say “shits bunk” lol cause I know that igf 1 has a lot of things that can effect but I mean if more people post bloods that are all similar .... I dunno lol
Like I said the igf1 threw me off cause I feel like something is def happening
Second time you've said this, then Mtt's blood work comes back with a piss poor number, and you say blood work varies and isn't reliable
I never said blood varies and isn't reliable. You're confusing me with someone else. Blood work is the only thing that matters. Everyone responds differently to different compounds, but blood work doesn't lie.
Lol no I just don’t want to flat out say “shits bunk” lol cause I know that igf 1 has a lot of things that can effect but I mean if more people post bloods that are all similar .... I dunno lol
Like I said the igf1 threw me off cause I feel like something is def happening
Go to post #5821 and look at my situation, I cant seem to figure out my issue and not many comments in way of scenarios.