The blood sugar issues do not happen till later down the road not after one pinSo i do have a quick question... Pertaining to iu's....
So since i sometimes have blood sugar issues
Would it be doable to actually pin half an iu to assess tolerance and sidez especially blood sugar, That has been my plan, to start out super low, let my body get use to it and slowly adjust upwards until i get to 2 iu's....
Everyone reacts differently so i figure the lower i start, the better chance i have to combat issues and sides
But I’d be hard pressed anything under 3/4iu doing much insulin resistance
I’ve been doing my fasting glucose in the am since I started and it’s exactly the same I’m at 6iu eod (3iu a day) it’s the same as my pre gh glucose levels
But starting low and ramping up can help with getting other sides
I did the same except started out with 1iu a day then each week bumped it up
Still no sides to speak of except being tired some days more than normal
But my sleep is shit so I can’t say for sure