So i do have a quick question... Pertaining to iu's....

So since i sometimes have blood sugar issues

Would it be doable to actually pin half an iu to assess tolerance and sidez especially blood sugar, That has been my plan, to start out super low, let my body get use to it and slowly adjust upwards until i get to 2 iu's....

Everyone reacts differently so i figure the lower i start, the better chance i have to combat issues and sides
The blood sugar issues do not happen till later down the road not after one pin
But I’d be hard pressed anything under 3/4iu doing much insulin resistance
I’ve been doing my fasting glucose in the am since I started and it’s exactly the same I’m at 6iu eod (3iu a day) it’s the same as my pre gh glucose levels
But starting low and ramping up can help with getting other sides
I did the same except started out with 1iu a day then each week bumped it up
Still no sides to speak of except being tired some days more than normal
But my sleep is shit so I can’t say for sure
Switching from 240’s to 120’s?
I have more retention and cts with 120s.
Now have numbness when sleeping. Did not with 240s. No sides at all
Yes, on my last batch I had a bunch without any vacuum seal. This didn't inspire confidence. I did post about it on this board and many pooh pooh the need for a vacuum seal. Yeah, OK. Then why do it at all? A vacuum seal is a good quality control measure. Anyway, Opti took care of it but insists I was the only person that has ever complained. If something is wrong speak out. Don't ever trust the Chinese. They will always try to get away with whatever they can. If quality control starts to slip it should be immediately called out. We are shelling out a ton of money for this product.
Yes, on my last batch I had a bunch without any vacuum seal. This didn't inspire confidence. I did post about it on this board and many pooh pooh the need for a vacuum seal. Yeah, OK. Then why do it at all? A vacuum seal is a good quality control measure. Anyway, Opti took care of it but insists I was the only person that has ever complained. If something is wrong speak out. Don't ever trust the Chinese. They will always try to get away with whatever they can. If quality control starts to slip it should be immediately called out. We are shelling out a ton of money for this product.
I know my first vial had a vacuum seal so far
Yes, on my last batch I had a bunch without any vacuum seal. This didn't inspire confidence. I did post about it on this board and many pooh pooh the need for a vacuum seal. Yeah, OK. Then why do it at all? A vacuum seal is a good quality control measure. Anyway, Opti took care of it but insists I was the only person that has ever complained. If something is wrong speak out. Don't ever trust the Chinese. They will always try to get away with whatever they can. If quality control starts to slip it should be immediately called out. We are shelling out a ton of money for this product.
Yeah, got a similar response about a couple of the 120's not having a seal. Made a post about it, I think at least two others chimed in with the same issue.
Yeah, got a similar response about a couple of the 120's not having a seal. Made a post about it, I think at least two others chimed in with the same issue.
Hmm, if I were Opti I'd definitely mention it to my supplier and caution about quality slipping. There are tons of GH suppliers out there to choose from. Once you get a bad rep it's very hard to build it back up. Much better to catch it before it becomes an issue and something that now defines your product.
Hmm, if I were Opti I'd definitely mention it to my supplier and caution about quality slipping. There are tons of GH suppliers out there to choose from. Once you get a bad rep it's very hard to build it back up. Much better to catch it before it becomes an issue and something that now defines your product.
I'm not going to worry until people start posting bloodwork that supports a quality issue. Until then, it's all conjecture.
I'll do it for 3-4 weeks at 4ius a day and il get test results. Anything else I need to know? Time of day to take blood test, don't eat, etc??

Are you trying to get IGF levels or GH Serum? IGF levels you should probably be on that dose consistently for about 6-8 weeks. GH serum 10 IUs pin IM 3 hrs before testing
I'm not going to worry until people start posting bloodwork that supports a quality issue. Until then, it's all conjecture.
Instead of waiting for others why don't you just verify it for yourself and get a simple IGF or Serum test?
Already did, brother. It's been posted. I'm tired of seeing posts questioning the product from people who haven't had a test.
I'm with you on that. With the amount of money we spend on this product and the amount of corruption that goes on it seems like the smart thing to do. I wouldn't want to skimp on something like this.
What do you bigger guys do when adding size yet losing flexibility? And WHERE DO YOU BUY CLOTHES? I am down to a pair of 38x34s and my legs are pretty tight in those now. My waist is 32 inches. Fat man pants are not the business but i dont know what else to buy.
Yoga/stretching 2-3 times a day for 10 minutes each time. Or else my body aches from my workouts, and from growing.
It interferes with IGF testing. I could take the long time and effort to explain it but it would really be easier and more accurate to just google it.
Just with the testing or with the igf process itself in the body? No need for a big explaination. Is it ok to take biotin with hgh without it effecting hgh or igf1?
Just with the testing or with the igf process itself in the body? No need for a big explaination. Is it ok to take biotin with hgh without it effecting hgh or igf1?
It just interferes with the testing. It's OK to take otherwise. I take biotin because I noticed a difference with my hair. But I stop it about a week before getting tested. It also affects testing the thyroid as well.