Had the worst experience ever dealing with this source. Not sources fault cause I so wanted to try the product but fuck any source who wont deal in something other than bit coin. I spent 250 on Friday to have 150 today and after transfer fees I couldnt even buy the product. Why do you All put up with this shit. This bitcoin shit is a fucking nightmare. I'm out 120 bucks in 2 days and I didn't even get the hgh. I told opti to consider another form of payment but crickets. I gotta now go shopping for a reliable source. Maybe goodlyfe hgh will help.
Don’t hold the coins. Soon as you get wallet, buy and transfer right away.
Pack landed 6 days US, nice packing!
First time hgh for me, 48y.o. hobby athlete, gonna start 1iu/night a few weeks and then up to 2. I'm really looking for recovery/healing moreso than mass. Is this the typical protocol? Thanks
I'd sit on it, it'll probably be up in a couple days.
There is no reason it should go back up, or down, or do anything. It is purely a speculative bet, depending on what others think of it at any particular time. The crowd goes one way. The crowd can just as easily go the other.
Had the worst experience ever dealing with this source. Not sources fault cause I so wanted to try the product but fuck any source who wont deal in something other than bit coin. I spent 250 on Friday to have 150 today and after transfer fees I couldnt even buy the product. Why do you All put up with this shit. This bitcoin shit is a fucking nightmare. I'm out 120 bucks in 2 days and I didn't even get the hgh. I told opti to consider another form of payment but crickets. I gotta now go shopping for a reliable source. Maybe goodlyfe hgh will help.
I hate bitcoin too when i ordered my gh i originally intended to get 6 kits and deposited 800$ cash into a btc atm expecting to have enough. I ended up with 5 kits end of the day. *sigh* but hey, its only money...
There is no reason it should go back up, or down, or do anything. It is purely a speculative bet, depending on what others think of it at any particular time. The crowd goes one way. The crowd can just as easily go the other.
BTC is simple supply and demand economics. It will go back up.
I've also had issues with BTC but only with this source. I buy the amount of BTC I need only when I am ready to send. So if my order is $800, I first do the conversion to determine how much BTC is needed to equal $800 and then do a screenshot. I send both funds and a screenshot to Opti.

On one order, Opti came back to me and said I was $50 short and sent me a screenshot of the conversion he took. The problem was that his screenshot was taken two days later when BTC dropped. That's not my fault. That's the nature of BTC, and that's what he chooses to use. The value of BTC goes up and down by the second. I thought this was very unfair because, say, BTC increased by $50 when he decided to cash it out. Will he refund me that $50? In the past, BTC was doing well and was steadily going up in value, so by the time he would get my BTC transfer, it would always be worth more than when I originally sent it. He never sent that increase back to me, but I'm supposed to compensate him when BTC drops at the time he decides to cash it out?

Now when I order I ask him how much BTC is necessary to make the purchase and send a screenshot of the conversion. I leave the conversion at the specific time up to him so that there is no question.
I've also had issues with BTC but only with this source. I buy the amount of BTC I need only when I am ready to send. So if my order is $800, I first do the conversion to determine how much BTC is needed to equal $800 and then do a screenshot. I send both funds and a screenshot to Opti.

On one order, Opti came back to me and said I was $50 short and sent me a screenshot of the conversion he took. The problem was that his screenshot was taken two days later when BTC dropped. That's not my fault. That's the nature of BTC, and that's what he chooses to use. The value of BTC goes up and down by the second. I thought this was very unfair because, say, BTC increased by $50 when he decided to cash it out. Will he refund me that $50? In the past, BTC was doing well and was steadily going up in value, so by the time he would get my BTC transfer, it would always be worth more than when I originally sent it. He never sent that increase back to me, but I'm supposed to compensate him when BTC drops at the time he decides to cash it out?

Now when I order I ask him how much BTC is necessary to make the purchase and send a screenshot of the conversion. I leave the conversion at the specific time up to him so that there is no question.
I fully agree. I'll start doing that. I hate bitcoin.
I've also had issues with BTC but only with this source. I buy the amount of BTC I need only when I am ready to send. So if my order is $800, I first do the conversion to determine how much BTC is needed to equal $800 and then do a screenshot. I send both funds and a screenshot to Opti.

On one order, Opti came back to me and said I was $50 short and sent me a screenshot of the conversion he took. The problem was that his screenshot was taken two days later when BTC dropped. That's not my fault. That's the nature of BTC, and that's what he chooses to use. The value of BTC goes up and down by the second. I thought this was very unfair because, say, BTC increased by $50 when he decided to cash it out. Will he refund me that $50? In the past, BTC was doing well and was steadily going up in value, so by the time he would get my BTC transfer, it would always be worth more than when I originally sent it. He never sent that increase back to me, but I'm supposed to compensate him when BTC drops at the time he decides to cash it out?

Now when I order I ask him how much BTC is necessary to make the purchase and send a screenshot of the conversion. I leave the conversion at the specific time up to him so that there is no question.
@opti and the rest, please let's start using "Lightning", which is the future way to send btc. The transactions are instant and the fees are much smaller! It runs on top of bitcoin. You will all start hearing about it soon if not already, and the wallets are already starting to include it. It will be up to each party to opt in though, so let's not drag our feet... After all, isn't the black market supposed to be the vanguard of alternative payment technology?
Numby hands at times but not so bad. Ankles lol look at my avatar. No issues there. Blood pressure is a genetic trait of mine. Its not an issue.

If the only thing I got out of bodybuilding were peoples reactions when im out and about it would all be worthwhile lol.

Sleep apnea i think I have. I also have GERD and i swear one day its going to kill me. I guess I know whats next on my to do list since I just got health insurance...

Thank you for the positive comments! Super cool. Best thing ive read before a workout maybe ever. Brb about to hit shoulders/arms.

Took this pic today i got a bunch of stares cleaning out all the cartons of egg whites. Only $3 each!!
Yea Boyee!!!! Real bodybuilding!!! That’s about what my shopping cart looking like right now, get n shredded!! Lol! I had to completely cut out carbs to reset my blood sugar, it’s back down to normal, but I’m going to stay on this program a couple more weeks to give that system a rest. My fasted blood sugar was in the 120s a week after completely cutting the gh out. That was after doing 20iu of hgh for 4 weeks. Got insulin resistant. I think a 20iu blast is only good for 1 week anything after the side effects are not worth trying to manage. Keep the update going on the 10iu blast I appreciate the feed back. Keep kick ass brother, awesome stuff!
I've also had issues with BTC but only with this source. I buy the amount of BTC I need only when I am ready to send. So if my order is $800, I first do the conversion to determine how much BTC is needed to equal $800 and then do a screenshot. I send both funds and a screenshot to Opti.

On one order, Opti came back to me and said I was $50 short and sent me a screenshot of the conversion he took. The problem was that his screenshot was taken two days later when BTC dropped. That's not my fault. That's the nature of BTC, and that's what he chooses to use. The value of BTC goes up and down by the second. I thought this was very unfair because, say, BTC increased by $50 when he decided to cash it out. Will he refund me that $50? In the past, BTC was doing well and was steadily going up in value, so by the time he would get my BTC transfer, it would always be worth more than when I originally sent it. He never sent that increase back to me, but I'm supposed to compensate him when BTC drops at the time he decides to cash it out?

Now when I order I ask him how much BTC is necessary to make the purchase and send a screenshot of the conversion. I leave the conversion at the specific time up to him so that there is no question.
Dude ive been short 20 or so about 3 times now. Amd I always buy a little extra for fees and shit
Dude ive been short 20 or so about 3 times now. Amd I always buy a little extra for fees and shit
That's because BTC is taking a dive right now. You can send $800 in BTC to your source but the time he gets it ten minutes later it could be worth $750. But that's not your fault. That's the nature of BTC which he chooses to use. It's not your responsibility to know the future. Like I said, for a few months BTC was taking off so that $800 you sent him could just have easily be worth $850 ten minutes later. But you know he's not going to refund you that $50. So it's give and take with cryptos. That's why you should ask him directly how much BTC you owe him. Have him do the conversion and you can do yours as well to keep him honest.
I have literally never had an issue with @opti or any source for that matter with bitcoin transfers in the many years ive done this. Weird to see your guys' stories.
Pack landed 6 days US, nice packing!
First time hgh for me, 48y.o. hobby athlete, gonna start 1iu/night a few weeks and then up to 2. I'm really looking for recovery/healing moreso than mass. Is this the typical protocol? Thanks
I’m using it for the same purposes. I use 2.5 IU fasted every morning and it’s been going great. Joints never felt better! 2 years on opti’s.

I recon the vial as if they are 10 IU so I’m getting a bit more than 2.5 IU technically.
I’m using it for the same purposes. I use 2.5 IU fasted every morning and it’s been going great. Joints never felt better! 2 years on opti’s.

I recon the vial as if they are 10 IU so I’m getting a bit more than 2.5 IU technically.
What's the difference of effect between morning and evening?
What's the difference of effect between morning and evening?
Can’t prove if it’s true or maybe it’s just bro science, but I’ve been told you will burn more fat throughout the day with taking it in the morning, and at night is better for recovery. Sounds logical, that’s what I’ve been told but not sure if it true because I’ve also been told your wasting it taking it at night because that’s when you produce the gh naturally in your sleep.
Yes, even if you are old you are still producing some HGH when you sleep. Why would you want to suppress that? Also, as Palumbo explains, cortisol is highest in the morning and GH blunts that. And you don't burn fat as an energy source when cortisol is high. So GH, by blunting cortisol, allows you to access those fat stores when dieting or doing morning cardio.