Yes, even if you are old you are still producing some HGH when you sleep. Why would you want to suppress that? Also, as Palumbo explains, cortisol is highest in the morning and GH blunts that. And you don't burn fat as an energy source when cortisol is high. So GH, by blunting cortisol, allows you to access those fat stores when dieting or doing morning cardio.
I dose mine at night and see dramatic benefits running it. That said it makes sense to me if day loss is your goal morning dosing prior to fasted cardio would be best. But to say that dosing at night is waisting it is in my opinion not accurate
I dose mine at night and see dramatic benefits running it. That said it makes sense to me if day loss is your goal morning dosing prior to fasted cardio would be best. But to say that dosing at night is waisting it is in my opinion not accurate
Why not both
I dose mine at night and see dramatic benefits running it. That said it makes sense to me if day loss is your goal morning dosing prior to fasted cardio would be best. But to say that dosing at night is waisting it is in my opinion not accurate
I’ve heard some say multiple small doses throughout the day, but then some say fewer large doses is better for mass gain
Been about 8 months on opti hgh im happy about the fat loss protocol has been 6 iu EOD but switched it up to 3 ius noticed better fat loss results ED, anyone noticed any bone density increases? Maybe I should up the dose cause I noticed no bone growth so far. BG is very good.
So, I may be an idiot and suck at trying to figure formulas out. But what is the conversion for the 280iu purples? How much bac water to use to make it easier to read on the 1cc syringe? And what to line to draw up on a 1cc syringe? I’m going to start with 1iu one week, 2iu second week, 3iu third week, 4iu fourth week. Any help much appreciated! Thanks !
So, I may be an idiot and suck at trying to figure formulas out. But what is the conversion for the 280iu purples? How much bac water to use to make it easier to read on the 1cc syringe? And what to line to draw up on a 1cc syringe? I’m going to start with 1iu one week, 2iu second week, 3iu third week, 4iu fourth week. Any help much appreciated! Thanks !
If you use 2.8ml, every 10units(0.1ml) on a slin pin would be 1 IU of HGH. 28IU(per vial) / 2.8ml = 10IU/ml, so 1 IU/0.1ml

If you want it more concentrated, use 1.4ml, so 0.05ml(5 units on a slin pin, but slin pins only have even numbers of units) would be 1IU of HGH.

If you want it less concentrated, use 5.6ml. Every 20 units(0.2ml) on a slin pin would be 1 IU of HGH.
So, I may be an idiot and suck at trying to figure formulas out. But what is the conversion for the 280iu purples? How much bac water to use to make it easier to read on the 1cc syringe? And what to line to draw up on a 1cc syringe? I’m going to start with 1iu one week, 2iu second week, 3iu third week, 4iu fourth week. Any help much appreciated! Thanks !
2.8ml of bac water. Every ten clicks on an insulin syringe is 1IU. So, 10 is 1IU and 20 is 2IU, etc.
I dose mine at night and see dramatic benefits running it. That said it makes sense to me if day loss is your goal morning dosing prior to fasted cardio would be best. But to say that dosing at night is waisting it is in my opinion not accurate
I never said it's wasting it. Any exogenous HGH that puts your level higher than normal is a plus. It's what is optimal. Just like eating protein followingly, a workout is better than waiting 3 hours does not mean the protein is a waste. Doing resistance training first while your muscles are full of glycogen, fresh, and strong rather than doing an hour of cardio first which will deplete your strength and energy is optimal but doesn't mean the resistance training was a waste.
So, I may be an idiot and suck at trying to figure formulas out. But what is the conversion for the 280iu purples? How much bac water to use to make it easier to read on the 1cc syringe? And what to line to draw up on a 1cc syringe? I’m going to start with 1iu one week, 2iu second week, 3iu third week, 4iu fourth week. Any help much appreciated! Thanks !
You have 28 ius in a vial. Divide it up how ever you want. Say, you want 4 ius an inject. You want 4 out of 28. How many "4s" can you get out of 28? That's right. SEVEN. So break up that 28 ius into 7 parts of 4 anyway you want. In this case, 4 parts measure in units of water on the syringe. So if I want my injection to consist of 10 units of water with those 10 units consisting of 4 ius. That will mean I will need 70 units of water which will give me 10 units of water consisting of 4ius for 7 shots per vial.

I can just as easily make it 20 units of water to equal 4 ius so I will have to add 140 units of water to the vial. 20 units of water multiplied by 7 equals 140 units at 4 ius for every 20 units. Every 4 iu injection.

Sorry to break it down like a child but people get stuck on "how much water do I have to put in" type of thinking. You can put in as little or as much as you want. When I tested the 28 iu vial I only put in 90 units of water. Not even the whole 1mm syringe. I wanted to divide up the 28 ius in three 9 ius shots at just 30 units of water.
I never said it's wasting it. Any exogenous HGH that puts your level higher than normal is a plus. It's what is optimal. Just like eating protein followingly, a workout is better than waiting 3 hours does not mean the protein is a waste. Doing resistance training first while your muscles are full of glycogen, fresh, and strong rather than doing an hour of cardio first which will deplete your strength and energy is optimal but doesn't mean the resistance training was a waste.
The person I quoted saying I dose at night was saying he had read it was a waste to dose at night.
You have 28 ius in a vial. Divide it up how ever you want. Say, you want 4 ius an inject. You want 4 out of 28. How many "4s" can you get out of 28? That's right. SEVEN. So break up that 28 ius into 7 parts of 4 anyway you want. In this case, 4 parts measure in units of water on the syringe. So if I want my injection to consist of 10 units of water with those 10 units consisting of 4 ius. That will mean I will need 70 units of water which will give me 10 units of water consisting of 4ius for 7 shots per vial.

I can just as easily make it 20 units of water to equal 4 ius so I will have to add 140 units of water to the vial. 20 units of water multiplied by 7 equals 140 units at 4 ius for every 20 units. Every 4 iu injection.

Sorry to break it down like a child but people get stuck on "how much water do I have to put in" type of thinking. You can put in as little or as much as you want. When I tested the 28 iu vial I only put in 90 units of water. Not even the whole 1mm syringe. I wanted to divide up the 28 ius in three 9 ius shots at just 30 units of water.
Interesting! I overthink everything. Thanks for the breakdown. Makes sense. Appreciate everyone who replied! Very much appreciated.
Been about 8 months on opti hgh im happy about the fat loss protocol has been 6 iu EOD but switched it up to 3 ius noticed better fat loss results ED, anyone noticed any bone density increases? Maybe I should up the dose cause I noticed no bone growth so far. BG is very good.
How would you notice bone growth?
I run the opti 280. I like it because of the way I use it. I’ll do 20 iu a day for no more than three weeks, eveully I’ll retain too much water my breathing starts to get heavy and the CTS make it hard to sleep. Then I’ll kick my dose down to 2iu morning and night, cut my carbs out until I loose the water and that’s usually 3-5 days. Then I cruise at the 4iu a day protocal until I get the itch again. I haven’t had any problems either opti 280, great product.
Try doing a 5 days on 2 days off. Using the hgh that you would have used for the 2 days off spread out evenly over the 5days and you should be able to combat that pretty well.