We have been talking about how endogenous GH can be suppressed by supplementation with exo GH, but what about the receptivity of musculoskeletal tissues? Do the tissues perhaps desensitize in the presence of supra physiological levels? I read recently in some post (lost it already sorry) that Dorian Yates used every other day dosing, based on his experimentation. Is that true and if so, could there be something to the idea of letting the tissues desensitize between doses?
If you dig back through somewhere on here I suggested EOD dosing because it actually has clinical data showing that suppression is minimal and recovery is faster when used that way. If you think about it it’s the only logical way to use GH. You pin Monday morning, so by Tuesday morning/afternoon you’re now outside the suppression window. It means you get your usual nighttime pulse naturally. Instead of giving up all natural pulses on ED you’re getting EOD pulses at night.
Read post #6808
Well, the study showed that synthetic GRF was basically ineffective at producing gh when exogenous gh was introduced. And that only occurred in 2 of the 6 test subjects for 24 hours. I think y’all are applying a conclusion where it doesn’t necessarily fit.

GH will always secrete when blood sugar is low. It won’t have to secrete if you take exogenous GH. But exogenous gh will shoot up your blood sugar! I thought synthetic GH had a very short half life.
If you dig back through somewhere on here I suggested EOD dosing because it actually has clinical data showing that suppression is minimal and recovery is faster when used that way. If you think about it it’s the only logical way to use GH. You pin Monday morning, so by Tuesday morning/afternoon you’re now outside the suppression window. It means you get your usual nighttime pulse naturally. Instead of giving up all natural pulses on ED you’re getting EOD pulses at night.
How do you think that applies to an older person (55+) that is not producing much natural HGH? I mean, when I look at Stallone who is at an age where so many are in nursing homes or dead and he's still flipping tires.
Well, the study showed that synthetic GRF was basically ineffective at producing gh when exogenous gh was introduced. And that only occurred in 2 of the 6 test subjects for 24 hours. I think y’all are applying a conclusion where it doesn’t necessarily fit.

GH will always secrete when blood sugar is low. It won’t have to secrete if you take exogenous GH. But exogenous gh will shoot up your blood sugar! I thought synthetic GH had a very short half life.
Good point. Like I mentioned when I took an insulin sensitivity test that my natural HGH shot up when my blood sugar was low even though I took 5ius of GH just hours before.
How do you think that applies to an older person (55+) that is not producing much natural HGH? I mean, when I look at Stallone who is at an age where so many are in nursing homes or dead and he's still flipping tires.
At that point daily dosing would be the way to go. Once you’re outside a certain age it probably makes sense to operate under the assumption that your natural production is no longer sufficient and that you’d need it ED to be optimized.
At that point daily dosing would be the way to go. Once you’re outside a certain age it probably makes sense to operate under the assumption that your natural production is no longer sufficient and that you’d need it ED to be optimized.
This makes sense as it applies to TRT. There's no "cycling off" to bring back your natural production if you are pushing 40+ as there's not much natural production left which is the reason older people go on Test replacement in the first place.
5 days from payment to TD. This will be my first run with grey tops I have only ran sero kits.
Nice! Well my payment went through 4 days ago, still no tracking number which I asked for yesterday via email, I've gottin no response, emailed Opti again today and still no response.. hoping it's from the holiday weekend..
Nice! Well my payment went through 4 days ago, still no tracking number which I asked for yesterday via email, I've gottin no response, emailed Opti again today and still no response.. hoping it's from the holiday weekend..
All good just got the tracking just now
I just had another TD today. During unboxing a kit flew out and landed on my hardwood floor. Some of the pucks crumbed up a little. I hope that didn’t damage any proteins or quality.
I just had another TD today. During unboxing a kit flew out and landed on my hardwood floor. Some of the pucks crumbed up a little. I hope that didn’t damage any proteins or quality.
As I re-iterate and tag @janoshik to his dismay after his tests on this, the "don't squirt directly on the puck" or how sensitive the lyophilized pucks are without BAC water in them is highly over blown. There will be no degradation from you accidentally dropping a few. Even shipping of stuff like pucks etc should not degrade them the way people think. I think this was more an excuse for shitty sources of generics in the past.

I can't remember what test Janoshik did but he shook the shit out of them a few times to test this theory lol and I believe that was reconstituted.

The one thing to show quite quick degradation of was leaving out reconstituted vials accidentally from the fridge etc.
Nice! Well my payment went through 4 days ago, still no tracking number which I asked for yesterday via email, I've gottin no response, emailed Opti again today and still no response.. hoping it's from the holiday weekend..

I never got a tracking number, just confirmation of payment then boom kits showed up.