How do you think that applies to an older person (55+) that is not producing much natural HGH? I mean, when I look at Stallone who is at an age where so many are in nursing homes or dead and he's still flipping tires.
Flipping 250 pounder tires at 72, cool!

He'll be 75 on July 6. I wonder how he is still doing.
Received my kits yesterday. Communication, shipping, packaging etc. were all stellar. May sample before my Hygetropin’s finish just to compare, but probably until after my upcoming vacation to avoid any more possible water retention.
Received my kits yesterday. Communication, shipping, packaging etc. were all stellar. May sample before my Hygetropin’s finish just to compare, but probably until after my upcoming vacation to avoid any more possible water retention.
how is the water retention on hyges? any hgh to compare it to?
how is the water retention on hyges? any hgh to compare it to?
Not bad at all. Started at 3 iu then bumped to 4 this week — no bothersome issues so far.

I began with 2iu of Humatrope. Due to costs, I couldn’t run that at higher doses, but I don’t think the sides were any better than the Hyges honestly. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m adapting to the HGH, but I may actually think these Hyges are of higher quality than the Humatrope I acquired.

I’d suggest going for the most affordable product, because it seems the sides are not nearly significant enough between brands to justify spending double/quadruple for POSSIBLY less water retention, CTS etc.
right now i dont plan to run hgh but maybe in the future a very low dose if my heart issues resolve.
And trust me, quality makes a difference in side effects.
Check the Citropin/Ciraw thread if you wanne see the detailed story..
right now i dont plan to run hgh but maybe in the future a very low dose if my heart issues resolve.
And trust me, quality makes a difference in side effects.
Check the Citropin/Ciraw thread if you wanne see the detailed story..
I’m sure it does, but in my experience, costs are much more noticeable than differences in sides between quality generics and pharma.

I’ve yet to test Opti’s, though, so I may eat my words when I do, but I doubt this as everyone seems to rate his product as nothing less than amazing.
is there a trick to getting all the gh out of the vial? seems like every time, I add 1ml bac water and only get 0.9ml out.
is there a trick to getting all the gh out of the vial? seems like every time, I add 1ml bac water and only get 0.9ml out.
Try pulling the needle out of the rubber top as far as possible until just a millimeter of the tip of the syringe is left in, then bend it sideways to have it nearly flat against the inside of the rubber top within the vial.

I’ve extracted 100% of my hgh this way — never been off a decimal with my IU’s so far doing this.
Am I the only one whose gotten numb middle finger off these? I took a month off thinking it would relieve it but I’m thinking this is permanent, jumped back on for the last 6 weeks at only 4iu eod this time with 50mcg of t4 Ed
I’m doing something wrong here lol
I’m thinking it may be from eating late at night then taking my shot around 4 am but I usually only eat casein and maybe a bit of peanut butter
Am I the only one whose gotten numb middle finger off these? I took a month off thinking it would relieve it but I’m thinking this is permanent, jumped back on for the last 6 weeks at only 4iu eod this time with 50mcg of t4 Ed
I’m doing something wrong here lol
I’m thinking it may be from eating late at night then taking my shot around 4 am but I usually only eat casein and maybe a bit of peanut butter
It's quite common. Mine lasted months my first time using hgh. It lasted months after I stopped as well. I now start with a low dose and up it 1iu every couple weeks. Occasionally my fingers will get numb, but it doesn't last long usually
It's quite common. Mine lasted months my first time using hgh. It lasted months after I stopped as well. I now start with a low dose and up it 1iu every couple weeks. Occasionally my fingers will get numb, but it doesn't last long usually
Well I think it’s been like 2/3 months the middle finger has been numb now even with the break but honestly I love being on gh so it’s a double edged sword plus it apparently has lowered my dangerously high Lipoprotein (a) from the high 200s to like 50-60 which is insane so for that reason alone I would stay on it. Good to know tho I’m not the only one with the medial nerve issue. Cause I’m debating taking another break but wondering if I just stay on it will eventually subside. I started this time really low at first and only went up by half an iu until I reached 2 iu daily (or 4iu eod) and it’s around the 6 week mark and the other hand is feeling it lol
is there a trick to getting all the gh out of the vial? seems like every time, I add 1ml bac water and only get 0.9ml out.

I usually add like .5iu to the bottle so that I won’t lose as much if any stays inside. Since Opti usually overdoses his kit and you end up taking it all in the week it really wouldn’t matter adding the extra .5ius of water.
So been on his HGH (2iu morning and 2iu night) for like 4 to 5 months now with just 300mg of test and noticing good body fat loss. I love it!!!!
Just started the rest of my cycle going in week 5 now with tren, masteron and a little bit more test. Gonna be a great ride!!
Well I think it’s been like 2/3 months the middle finger has been numb now even with the break but honestly I love being on gh so it’s a double edged sword plus it apparently has lowered my dangerously high Lipoprotein (a) from the high 200s to like 50-60 which is insane so for that reason alone I would stay on it. Good to know tho I’m not the only one with the medial nerve issue. Cause I’m debating taking another break but wondering if I just stay on it will eventually subside. I started this time really low at first and only went up by half an iu until I reached 2 iu daily (or 4iu eod) and it’s around the 6 week mark and the other hand is feeling it lol
That's crazy. Never got any sides from GH even at high dosages. My buddy will get really bad sides at 2-3iu that last for like 7-8 mo this before he can bump it up. I guess everyone is somewhere in the middle. You'll just have to experiment and see if it goes away and stay on.
That's crazy. Never got any sides from GH even at high dosages. My buddy will get really bad sides at 2-3iu that last for like 7-8 mo this before he can bump it up. I guess everyone is somewhere in the middle. You'll just have to experiment and see if it goes away and stay on.

Never get the bad sides with good stuff but the one thing I always read is "sleep amazing". I swear whenever I hop on GH I'm up at 4-5am no matter what and can never get a solid 8 hours in, it's probably the one side effect that drives me crazy about it. No bloat/water/carpal tunnel.
Never get the bad sides with good stuff but the one thing I always read is "sleep amazing". I swear whenever I hop on GH I'm up at 4-5am no matter what and can never get a solid 8 hours in, it's probably the one side effect that drives me crazy about it. No bloat/water/carpal tunnel.
For me it was more that I got the general sensation of feeling recovered as if I had slept 8 hours despite GH cutting my sleep short similarly.
For me it was more that I got the general sensation of feeling recovered as if I had slept 8 hours despite GH cutting my sleep short similarly.

Agreed... I sleep hard on hgh unless I’m experiencing tingling/burning fingers.