Was using the older 240 kits and liked them and I'm considering 120 vs 280 for next. Heard some bro science that reconstituted gh actually starts losing potency after a couple of days - never found an actual reference but wondering if anyone knows if there's any truth to this? Seems the overall tests on the 120s are better as well.
Was using the older 240 kits and liked them and I'm considering 120 vs 280 for next. Heard some bro science that reconstituted gh actually starts losing potency after a couple of days - never found an actual reference but wondering if anyone knows if there's any truth to this? Seems the overall tests on the 120s are better as well.
Correct. Not as bad if refrigerated, but starts degrading after being reconstituted
Was using the older 240 kits and liked them and I'm considering 120 vs 280 for next. Heard some bro science that reconstituted gh actually starts losing potency after a couple of days - never found an actual reference but wondering if anyone knows if there's any truth to this? Seems the overall tests on the 120s are better as well.
in the fridge with BAC water you will be fine, with vials being 10-12iu per then you are not going to be worrying about degradation. You do not leave reconstituted GH out of the fridge at all though.
What’s the most recent blind testing on this product?
I got a 38 on the HGH serum test on the 28iu vials. I didn't inject the whole vial prior to testing but a click over 1/3 of the vial to keep consistent with the accepted testing procedure which calls for testing 10ius 3 hours prior to testing. I was absolutely shocked at such a high score. I posted the lab report on this thread.
If you start producing HGH naturally when blood sugar is low, which explains why you do so during sleep as you are in a fasted state after several hours, and why you wouldn't want to take exogenous GH before you sleep as it will suppress your own natural production, does it make sense that you can take IGF1 before you sleep as IGF1 lowers blood sugar and this may aid in your own HGH production?
If you start producing HGH naturally when blood sugar is low, which explains why you do so during sleep as you are in a fasted state after several hours, and why you wouldn't want to take exogenous GH before you sleep as it will suppress your own natural production, does it make sense that you can take IGF1 before you sleep as IGF1 lowers blood sugar and this may aid in your own HGH production?

It seems that the one and only legit IGF1 is increlex and it should be even stored and shipped properly since i read its fragile and comes already reconstituted. As far i know

@janoshik did you ever test Mecasermin?
Has Insubolic, which is sold on this site, ever been tested or tried by anybody? About a year ago it was touted as being the next real "game-changer"?

Honestly even Increlex is overhyped I saw someone mention it above, go watch John Meadows video on it and he knows people that used it. Something about it not being as "healthy" as GH in the way it works on growth/IGF as well. Sounded like a hard pass and not worth the money even from Meadows.

Not sure if it's behind a paywall but he definitely has a decently long video explaining it and the chat he had with the doctor/friend he uses for himself on it.

Not the magic bullet people are looking for much like many other things in bodybuilding.
Honestly even Increlex is overhyped I saw someone mention it above, go watch John Meadows video on it and he knows people that used it. Something about it not being as "healthy" as GH in the way it works on growth/IGF as well. Sounded like a hard pass and not worth the money even from Meadows.

Not sure if it's behind a paywall but he definitely has a decently long video explaining it and the chat he had with the doctor/friend he uses for himself on it.

Not the magic bullet people are looking for much like many other things in bodybuilding.

in that video Meadows says that the only legit IGF1 is and will be Increlex and not chinese crap
Numby hands at times but not so bad. Ankles lol look at my avatar. No issues there. Blood pressure is a genetic trait of mine. Its not an issue.

If the only thing I got out of bodybuilding were peoples reactions when im out and about it would all be worthwhile lol.

Sleep apnea i think I have. I also have GERD and i swear one day its going to kill me. I guess I know whats next on my to do list since I just got health insurance...

Thank you for the positive comments! Super cool. Best thing ive read before a workout maybe ever. Brb about to hit shoulders/arms.

Took this pic today i got a bunch of stares cleaning out all the cartons of egg whites. Only $3 each!!
Bro just to help with the Gerd look up desert Lily all natural drink from your Whole Foods store or they sell it online Desert Lily! Helped me
Bro just to help with the Gerd look up desert Lily all natural drink from your Whole Foods store or they sell it online Desert Lily! Helped me
Im going to take your advice.

Got anything for numb hands? Lately my hands are waking me up at night. They hurt bro, they hurt so bad. Like i cant even watch videos on my phone cuz my left hand goes numb and i get smashed in the face. Within a minute or two this happens. I wake up almost screaming sometimes. Ive recently been hit with insomnia as well. Right now im taking 3-4 benadryl alternating with melatonin and gaba but they only help a little. Wtf

I look fantastic tho. Its so evil!
If you start producing HGH naturally when blood sugar is low, which explains why you do so during sleep as you are in a fasted state after several hours, and why you wouldn't want to take exogenous GH before you sleep as it will suppress your own natural production, does it make sense that you can take IGF1 before you sleep as IGF1 lowers blood sugar and this may aid in your own HGH production?
I doubt the gh we inject impacts our.own production. Half life is far too short.
Im going to take your advice.

Got anything for numb hands? Lately my hands are waking me up at night. They hurt bro, they hurt so bad. Like i cant even watch videos on my phone cuz my left hand goes numb and i get smashed in the face. Within a minute or two this happens. I wake up almost screaming sometimes. Ive recently been hit with insomnia as well. Right now im taking 3-4 benadryl alternating with melatonin and gaba but they only help a little. Wtf

I look fantastic tho. Its so evil!
Is this your first run with HGH? If so what does did you start out at? My first run my hands were killing me. I can barely hold my tools at work. I stopped taking HGH and they remain for 2 months. When I restarted I started out at one IU for a week or two and update one IU every week or two until I got to my dose of 4 iu. Since that first run I really have numb hands anymore
Pack landed 6 days US, nice packing!
First time hgh for me, 48y.o. hobby athlete, gonna start 1iu/night a few weeks and then up to 2. I'm really looking for recovery/healing moreso than mass. Is this the typical protocol? Thanks
Im going to take your advice.

Got anything for numb hands? Lately my hands are waking me up at night. They hurt bro, they hurt so bad. Like i cant even watch videos on my phone cuz my left hand goes numb and i get smashed in the face. Within a minute or two this happens. I wake up almost screaming sometimes. Ive recently been hit with insomnia as well. Right now im taking 3-4 benadryl alternating with melatonin and gaba but they only help a little. Wtf

I look fantastic tho. Its so evil!
Do you use your hands a lot .? I had some carpal tunnel issues . Is it certain fingers .? Honestly if it's that bad homie I would get some medical advice . If it is carpal tunnel they make braces you can put on and take ibprofun for inflammation . But honestly maybe surgery . I'm not sure your condition brother . I hope you find your way