Methyl mike!!!! It’s time for a break brother. I dealt with the same thing and it’s painful what your talking about. It would wake me up in the night and I would have to run cold water over my hands to alleviate the pain then go back to sleep to be woke up again 1-2 hours later. The sleep deprivation is counterproductive to the goal and miserable when you gotta work the next day. I run excavators backhoes and scrapers doing dirt work and it was painful operating these machines all day. The only time I felt good was after killing in the gym but that only last until the night. It took 4 weeks for me my hands to go back to normal and two weeks of keto followed by a low carb diet for another two, with long acting basal insulin at night to get my fasted blood sugar below 100. Check your morning blood sugar if you havnt to make sure your good there. If I remember correctly you were taking 10iu of gh a day? I did 20iu a day for six weeks. Like I said previously on this thread I’ll never do it that way again too much dide effects. Go for a reset and take Logan’s advice and titrate up see how that works. I know we all want gains now, but I always have to remind myself because the maniac i an in anything I do, but the turtle wins the race in body building.
Do you use your hands a lot .? I had some carpal tunnel issues . Is it certain fingers .? Honestly if it's that bad homie I would get some medical advice . If it is carpal tunnel they make braces you can put on and take ibprofun for inflammation . But honestly maybe surgery . I'm not sure your condition brother . I hope you find your way
It comes and goes. Its gh related. It comes with insane pumps and vascularity in my forearms as well. Im praying it goes away.
Methyl mike!!!! It’s time for a break brother. I dealt with the same thing and it’s painful what your talking about. It would wake me up in the night and I would have to run cold water over my hands to alleviate the pain then go back to sleep to be woke up again 1-2 hours later. The sleep deprivation is counterproductive to the goal and miserable when you gotta work the next day. I run excavators backhoes and scrapers doing dirt work and it was painful operating these machines all day. The only time I felt good was after killing in the gym but that only last until the night. It took 4 weeks for me my hands to go back to normal and two weeks of keto followed by a low carb diet for another two, with long acting basal insulin at night to get my fasted blood sugar below 100. Check your morning blood sugar if you havnt to make sure your good there. If I remember correctly you were taking 10iu of gh a day? I did 20iu a day for six weeks. Like I said previously on this thread I’ll never do it that way again too much dide effects. Go for a reset and take Logan’s advice and titrate up see how that works. I know we all want gains now, but I always have to remind myself because the maniac i an in anything I do, but the turtle wins the race in body building.
Will do.
Methyl mike!!!! It’s time for a break brother. I dealt with the same thing and it’s painful what your talking about. It would wake me up in the night and I would have to run cold water over my hands to alleviate the pain then go back to sleep to be woke up again 1-2 hours later. The sleep deprivation is counterproductive to the goal and miserable when you gotta work the next day. I run excavators backhoes and scrapers doing dirt work and it was painful operating these machines all day. The only time I felt good was after killing in the gym but that only last until the night. It took 4 weeks for me my hands to go back to normal and two weeks of keto followed by a low carb diet for another two, with long acting basal insulin at night to get my fasted blood sugar below 100. Check your morning blood sugar if you havnt to make sure your good there. If I remember correctly you were taking 10iu of gh a day? I did 20iu a day for six weeks. Like I said previously on this thread I’ll never do it that way again too much dide effects. Go for a reset and take Logan’s advice and titrate up see how that works. I know we all want gains now, but I always have to remind myself because the maniac i an in anything I do, but the turtle wins the race in body building.

Titrating up has always seemed to help most people, it's usually ppl who just Jump onto 4iu+ from the jump that have the worst CT and swelling imo. Plus when the sides outweigh the benefits its time to take a step back, seems like you are pedal to the metal on a few things Mike.
Methyl mike!!!! It’s time for a break brother. I dealt with the same thing and it’s painful what your talking about. It would wake me up in the night and I would have to run cold water over my hands to alleviate the pain then go back to sleep to be woke up again 1-2 hours later. The sleep deprivation is counterproductive to the goal and miserable when you gotta work the next day. I run excavators backhoes and scrapers doing dirt work and it was painful operating these machines all day. The only time I felt good was after killing in the gym but that only last until the night. It took 4 weeks for me my hands to go back to normal and two weeks of keto followed by a low carb diet for another two, with long acting basal insulin at night to get my fasted blood sugar below 100. Check your morning blood sugar if you havnt to make sure your good there. If I remember correctly you were taking 10iu of gh a day? I did 20iu a day for six weeks. Like I said previously on this thread I’ll never do it that way again too much dide effects. Go for a reset and take Logan’s advice and titrate up see how that works. I know we all want gains now, but I always have to remind myself because the maniac i an in anything I do, but the turtle wins the race in body building.
My fasted sugars are in the low 70s. Thank God. I know it isnt that.

I was recently pinning 5ius a day split 2.5 x 2. Right now I am on a growth spurt pinning 12ius post workout EOD. So for the moment i am doing a three day split.
Titrating up has always seemed to help most people, it's usually ppl who just Jump onto 4iu+ from the jump that have the worst CT and swelling imo. Plus when the sides outweigh the benefits its time to take a step back, seems like you are pedal to the metal on a few things Mike.
Guilty as charged. I trained only one day in the last week after hitting legs so hard I fried my cns BAD. even now im not 100% but getting better. Also i got my covid booster on the 10th and have felt like crap since. Getting better but crap nonetheless.

Its harder for me not to go all out than it is to train with less intensity. Once my foot is on the gas its hard to take it off.
Guilty as charged. I trained only one day in the last week after hitting legs so hard I fried my cns BAD. even now im not 100% but getting better. Also i got my covid booster on the 10th and have felt like crap since. Getting better but crap nonetheless.

Its harder for me not to go all out than it is to train with less intensity. Once my foot is on the gas its hard to take it off.

I don't thiunk I could ever bang 10iu a day of GH but I'd love to test the whole insane fat loss/can't get fat theory lol. But yeah Mike just dial those babies back to a couple iu or give yourself a couple week break you're not gonna lose anything and your body will thank you.

So right now you're doing 12iu 3x per week if I read that right?
Guilty as charged. I trained only one day in the last week after hitting legs so hard I fried my cns BAD. even now im not 100% but getting better. Also i got my covid booster on the 10th and have felt like crap since. Getting better but crap nonetheless.

Its harder for me not to go all out than it is to train with less intensity. Once my foot is on the gas its hard to take it off.
I’m the same way with anything, pedal to the metal. Which is a good trait when doing good things, but really bad when doing bad. We are the guys that wind up in hospitals or jail cells when doing bad, but the same guys that jump out in front of a car to save a life or even down and stoked to get to fight on the front line of the battle field at war. So we are both a curse and gift to the world.
Google "growth hormone feedback loop" to figure out why your comment demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of how your body regulates growth hormone levels.
I have and the results are inconclusive. The theory that you.believe to be true is just as provable the other direction. Also the human body at best makes .5 to 1.0 ius a day. If im pinning 4 or more per day why the fuck would I care if my body stops making it?
Ok fuckers 3 months in the good ol kingdom of Saudi Arabia and no growth for me. So now I’m back did my pre bloodwork today and will be doing something Little different this time. Running 6iu a day .... pinning 4 iu morning 2 iu afternoon. Sticking to my self made Ramadan diet to lose a little body fat.

Currently sitting at 221lb and still short as shit 5’4”.

Goal is 205 around 8% but we shall see how that goes.

Been on just about 200mg a week of test the past 3 months plan on bumping it up to a massive 300mg a week pinning every 3 days.

Also will run 10mg of sdrol a day and 100mcg of T4.

I can def tell without the growth I seem more flat.
Spent my time in caves and in the desert and just all around now it’s time to lift some


Edit- I will be running the greys I got from opti about 4 months ago.... they been sitting in my safe since then
Careful with the t4. I was running a little t3/t4 and it made my appetite so.ravenous i was sick to my stomach with hunger 24/7

Other than that kick ass!
in that video Meadows says that the only legit IGF1 is and will be Increlex and not chinese crap
But that's what they said, and still say, about GH.

Meadows may be right that it's not worth it but it is a fact about the importance of IGF1 in muscle growth. For someone like me, whose baseline levels is at 53 and it goes up to 165 on a vial a day, 10ius + depending on the source. For example, TP's Black Tops were supposedly tested at 15ius, I use a vial a day PLUS an additional 1/2 vial three times per week. And I actually scored lower, 135 ng/ml than on did using less on his previous batch of Black Tops.

So, as I said before and why I don't get why these questions come up all the time when it is easily solved -- at least for that specific individual, in this case, me. I will try out the Insubolic for about a month and then get tested and see if it raised my IGF level. I just started on it and one thing that surprises me is how much it burns going in. What is it suspended in, acid?
I doubt the gh we inject impacts our.own production. Half life is far too short.
OK, so now are back to GH not suppressing natural production? I guess you missed the discussion a few pages back.

But the question is: if low blood sugar stimulates HGH production no matter what you are taking, as mentioned by one of the posters, then would IGF1, which also lowers blood sugar, stimulate more natural HGH production?
But that's what they said, and still say, about GH.

Meadows may be right that it's not worth it but it is a fact about the importance of IGF1 in muscle growth. For someone like me, whose baseline levels is at 53 and it goes up to 165 on a vial a day, 10ius + depending on the source. For example, TP's Black Tops were supposedly tested at 15ius, I use a vial a day PLUS an additional 1/2 vial three times per week. And I actually scored lower, 135 ng/ml than on did using less on his previous batch of Black Tops.

So, as I said before and why I don't get why these questions come up all the time when it is easily solved -- at least for that specific individual, in this case, me. I will try out the Insubolic for about a month and then get tested and see if it raised my IGF level. I just started on it and one thing that surprises me is how much it burns going in. What is it suspended in, acid?

you should send some to get tested, highly doubt its legit IGF1
it seems you’re speaking about getting bloods done, i mean send some of that stuff to jano or lab4tox
Do you know how much it costs to do an HPCL? For an IGF test it's $75 and easy and convenient to do. And, remember, I was very specific in my language, I said getting a test that will apply to me. I don't care what the HPCL says or is claimed to say. It's meaningless when compared to how I react to it. Everybody was throwing in my face that TP's GH was 15-18 ius per vial. OK, but if I'm getting only a 135 IGF score then I know something is wrong. In this case, it was me and my conversion to IGF after I did an HGH serum test. GH was good, liver conversion bad.

So instead of going through the cost and hassle of sending samples to Jano, a sample that already comes reconstituted so more subject to heat and
degradation, and tells me nothing as to the effect it has on me, I'll just use my actual blood sample and see what's there because that's all that matters to me.
Do you know how much it costs to do an HPCL? For an IGF test it's $75 and easy and convenient to do. And, remember, I was very specific in my language, I said getting a test that will apply to me. I don't care what the HPCL says or is claimed to say. It's meaningless when compared to how I react to it. Everybody was throwing in my face that TP's GH was 15-18 ius per vial. OK, but if I'm getting only a 135 IGF score then I know something is wrong. In this case, it was me and my conversion to IGF after I did an HGH serum test. GH was good, liver conversion bad.

So instead of going through the cost and hassle of sending samples to Jano, a sample that already comes reconstituted so more subject to heat and
degradation, and tells me nothing as to the effect it has on me, I'll just use my actual blood sample and see what's there because that's all that matters to me.
Good luck